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Science With IRSA: Bibliography

Publications Using IRTS Data
(48 publications)
AuthorsTitleDateADS Link
Yamamura, Issei; Tanaka, Masahiro; Takahashi, Hidenori; Makiuti, Sin'itirou; Hirao, Takanori; Ootsubo, Takafumi; Matsuura, Mikiko; Okumura, Kenich; Ishihara, Daisuke; Nakagawa, Takao; and 3 coauthors Yet another infrared archive: release of the Infrared Telescope in Space (IRTS) archive data 02/2003 2003eida.conf...35Y
Murakami, H.; Noda, M.; Cohen, M.; Matsuura, M.; Freund, M. M.; Tanaka, M. The Wavelength and Flux Calibrations of the Near-Infrared Spectrometer (NIRS) on board the Infrared Telescope in Space (IRTS) 00/2003 2003clim.conf..431M
Cohen, M. Stellar Calibration in the Infrared: Extending the Legacy of KAO, ISO, and MSX to SIRTF and beyond 00/2003 2003clim.conf..135C
Onaka, T.; Ishihara, D.; Ootsubo, T.; Chan, K.-W.; Yamamura, I.; Murakami, H.; Tanabàe, T. Roellig, T. L.; Cohen, M. Flight Calibration of the Mid-Infrared Spectrometer (MIRS) on board the IRTS 00/2003 2003clim.conf..119O
Hirao, Takanori; Matsumoto, Toshio; Sato, Shinji; Ganga, Ken M.; Lange, Andrew E.; Smith, Beverly J.; Freund, Minoru M. IRTS observations of the submillimeter diffuse emission from the Galactic Plane 00/2003 2003asdu.confE..23H
Nagata, Hirohisa; Shibai, Hiroshi; Takeuchi, Tsutomu T.; Onaka, Takashi A New Empirical Method for Estimating the Far-Infrared Flux of Galaxies 10/2002 2002PASJ...54..695N
Makiuti, S.; Shibai, H.; Nakagawa, T.; Okuda, H.; Okumura, K.; Matsuhara, H.; Hiromoto, N.; Doi, Y. Diffuse far-infrared [C II] line emission from high Galactic latitude 02/2002 2002A&A...382..600M
Matsumoto, T. Observations of the Near Infrared Extragalacric Background Light 01/2001 2001IAUS..204...87M
Berriman, G. B.; Good, J. C.; Lonsdale, C. J. The Infrared Science Archive (IRSA) at IPAC: Moving Towards the NVO 12/2000 2000AAS...19711610B
Matsuura, Mikako; Yamamura, Issei; Murakami, Hiroshi; Onaka, Takashi; Ootsubo, Takafumi; Tohya, Takanao; Okamura, Yoshihiko; Freund, Minoru M.; Tanaka, Masahiro Infrared Properties of SiO Maser Sources in Late-Type Stars 10/2000 2000PASJ...52..895M
Matsumoto, Toshio; Cohen, Martin; Freund, Minoru M.; Kawada, Mitsunobu; Lim, Mark; Matsuura, Shuji; Murakami, Hiroshi; Noda, Manabu; Tanaka, Masahiro Near Infrared Extragalactic Background 00/2000 2000isdu.conf...96M
Onaka, Takashi Interstellar Dust: What do Space Observations Tell Us? 00/2000 2000AdSpR..25.2167O
Ootsubo, T.; Onaka, T.; Yamamura, I.; Tanabé, T.; Roellig, T. L.; Chan, K.-W.; Matsumoto, T. IRTS Observations of the Mid-Infrared Spectrum of the Zodiacal Emission 00/2000 2000AdSpR..25.2163O
Shibai, H.; Okumura, K.; Onaka, T. Nature of the Galactic Interstellar Dust Derived from IR Observations 12/1999 1999sf99.proc...67S
Matsuura, M.; Yamamura, I.; Murakami, H.; Freund, M. M.; Tanaka, M. Water vapor absorption in early M-type stars 08/1999 1999A&A...348..579M
Chan, K.-W.; Roellig, T. L.; Onaka, T.; Yamamura, I.; Tanabe, T. The Nature of the Mid-Infrared Background Radiation in the Galactic Bulge from the IRTS Observations 09/1998 1998ApJ...505L..31C
Ootsubo, T.; Onaka, T.; Yamamura, I.; Tanabé, T.; Roellig, T. L.; Chan, K.-W.; Matsumoto, T. IRTS observation of the mid-infrared spectrum of the zodiacal emission 06/1998 1998EP&S...50..507O
Matsumoto, T.; Murakami, H.; Onaka, T.; Ootsubo, T.; Roellig, T. L.; Chan, K.-W.; Noda, M. IRTS observation of zodiacal light and emission 04/1998 1998exdu.work..284M
Matsuura, M.; Freund, M. M.; Murakami, H.; Yamamura, I.; Chan, K.-W. H20 absorption in M-type stars - results from the Infrared Telescope in Space (IRTS) 00/1998 1998stas.conf..237M
Matsuura, M.; Yamamura, I.; Murakami, H.; Freund, M. M. The Observation of H_2O in M-giants in the Near- and Mid- Infrared Region with the Infrared Telescope in Space (IRTS) 00/1998 1998IAUS..191P.220M
Chan, K.-W.; Roellig, T. L.; Onaka, T.; Yamamura, I.; Tanabe, T. 4. 5 to 11. 7 microns spectrophotometric observations of the Galactic bulge by the MIRS/IRTS 00/1998 1998IAUS..184...47C
Freund, M. M.; Matsuura, M.; Murakami, H.; Cohen, M.; Manabu, N.; Matsuura, S.; Matsumoto, T. A New Network of Faint Calibration Stars from the Near Infrared Spectrometer(NIRS) on the IRTS 00/1997 1997fiso.work..207F
Yano, H. Hypervelocity Impact Damages on Space Telescope Operation 00/1997 1997IAUJD...5E..13Y
Shibai, Hiroshi; Okuda, Haruyuki; Nakagawa, Takao; Makiuti, Sin'itirou; Matsuhara, Hideo; Hiromoto, Norihisa; Okumura, Ken'ichi [CII] Diffuse Emission Observed by IRTS 12/1996 1996PASJ...48L.127S
Okumura, Ken'ichi; Hiromoto, Norihisa; Okuda, Haruyuki; Shibai, Hiroshi; Nakagawa, Takao; Makiuti, Sin'itirou; Matsuhara, Hideo 155 Micron Continuum Emission from the Galactic Plane near L = 50 Degrees Observed by IRTS 12/1996 1996PASJ...48L.123O
Hirao, Takanori; Matsumoto, Toshio; Sato, Shinji; Ganga, Ken; Lange, Andrew E.; Smith, Beverly J.; Freund, Minoru M. Submillimeter Observations of the Galactic Plane by IRTS 10/1996 1996PASJ...48L..77H
Makiuti, Sin'itirou; Shibai, Hiroshi; Okuda, Haruyuki; Nakagawa, Takao; Matsuhara, Hideo; Hiromoto, Norihisa; Okumura, Ken'ichi Far-Infrared [CII] Line Observation of the Galactic Plane by IRTS 10/1996 1996PASJ...48L..71M
Yamamura, Issei; Onaka, Takashi; Tanabe, Toshihiko; Roellig, Thomas L.; Yuen, Lunming Mid-Infrared Spectral Observations of Point Sources by IRTS 10/1996 1996PASJ...48L..65Y
Onaka, Takashi; Yamamura, Issei; Tanabe, Toshihiko; Roellig, Thomas L.; Yuen, Lunming Detection of the Mid-Infrared Unidentified Bands in the Diffuse Galactic Emission by IRTS 10/1996 1996PASJ...48L..59O
Tanaka, Masahiro; Matsumoto, Toshio; Murakami, Hiroshi; Kawada, Mitsunobu; Noda, Manabu; Matsuura, Shuji IRTS Observation of the Unidentified 3.3-Micron Band in the Diffuse Galactic Emission 10/1996 1996PASJ...48L..53T
Matsumoto, Toshio; Kawada, Mitsunobu; Murakami, Hiroshi; Noda, Manabu; Matsuura, Shuji; Tanaka, Masahiro; Narita, Katsuyuki IRTS Observation of the Near-Infrared Spectrum of the Zodiacal Light 10/1996 1996PASJ...48L..47M
Murakami, Hiroshi; Freund, Minoru M.; Ganga, Ken; Guo, Hongfeng; Hirao, Takanori; Hiromoto, Norihisa; Kawada, Mitsunobu; Lange, Andrew E.; Makiuti, Sin'itirou; Matsuhara, Hideo; and 18 coauthors The IRTS (Infrared Telescope in Space) Mission 10/1996 1996PASJ...48L..41M
Murakami, H. The IR and sub-MM program in Japan 00/1996 1996AdSpR..18..153M
Matsumoto, T. Infrared Telescope in Space: IRTS 11/1995 1995SSRv...74...73M
Roellig, Thomas L. The Infrared Telescope in Space (IRTS) Mission 00/1995 1995fgts.symp..665R
Lange, A. E.; Freund, M. M.; Sato, S.; Hirao, T.; Matsumoto, T.; Watabe, T. The Far-Infrared Photometer on the Infrared Telescope in Space 06/1994 1994ApJ...428..384L
Shibai, Hiroshi; Yui, Masao; Matsuhara, Hideo; Hiromoto, Norihisa; Nakagawa, Takao; Okuda, Haruyuki Far-Infrared Line Mapper (FILM) on the Infrared Telescope in Space 06/1994 1994ApJ...428..377S
Roellig, Thomas L.; Onaka, Takashi; McMahon, Thomas J.; Tanabe, T. The Mid-Infrared Spectrometer on the Infrared Telescope in Space (IRTS) mission 06/1994 1994ApJ...428..370R
Noda, Manabu; Matsumoto, Toshio; Matsuura, Shuji; Noguchi, Kunio; Tanaka, Masahiro; Lim, Mark A.; Murakami, Hiroshi Near-infrared spectrometer on the Infrared Telescope in Space 06/1994 1994ApJ...428..363N
Murakami, H.; Bock, J.; Freund, M. M.; Guo, H.; Hirao, T.; Lange, A. E.; Matsuhara, H.; Matsumoto, T.; Matsuura, S.; McMahon, T. J.; and 15 coauthors The Infrared Telescope in Space (IRTS) 06/1994 1994ApJ...428..354M
IRTS Team Infrared Telescope in Space : IRTS : its instrumentation and mission 00/1994 1994irts.rept.....I
Freund, M. M.; Hirao, T.; Matsumoto, T.; Sato, S.; Watabe, T.; Brubaker, G. K.; Duband, L.; Grossman, B.; Larkin, N.; Lumetta, S. A Far Infrared Photometer (FIRP) for the infrared telescope in space (IRTS) 12/1993 1993AdSpR..13..505F
Matsumoto, T. Development of the infrared telescope in space: IRTS 12/1993 1993AdSpR..13..495M
Roellig, Thomas L.; Onaka, Takashi; McMahon, Thomas J.; Tanabe, T. Mid-Infrared Spectrometer on the Infrared Telescope in Space 10/1993 1993SPIE.1946..249R
Okuda, H. Observations of cosmic background radiations by a small cryogenical telescope 'IRTS' 00/1991 1991AdSpR..11..265O
Matsumoto, T. IRTS - Infrared Telescope in Space 00/1990 1990oeob.coll..215M
Okuda, Haruyuki Observations of diffuse infrared radiation by a small cryogenical telescope, IRTS 00/1990 1990IAUS..139..435O
Hayakawa, S. Infrared telescope in space - IRTs 00/1982 1982AdSpR...2..107H