Data Access
2MASS Galaxy Morphology

2MASS Galaxy Morphology:
JHKs Images sorted by Hubble Type

T. Jarrett, IPAC

The following galaxy images represent a subset of the Fall/Winter 1999 2MASS public data release. They correspond to NED cross-identifications with known morphological (optically-deciphered) "Hubble" type (see the classic "Tuning Fork" and de Vaucouleurs explanation of Hubble's classification scheme. The jpeg images are derived from a JHKs "fits data cube" product created by the 2MASS Extended Source Processor, ranging in size between 21 and 101 arcsec in width. The images are annotated with the NED catalog name, the morphological type, the size of the image (in arcsec), the 2MASS name, the Ks mag and the J-Kscolor. More details are given at the end of this document under notes.

See also the classic 1959 paper by De Vaucouleurs on Galaxy Classification and Morphology that set the standard for decades to come. The PASP paper Near-Infrared Galaxy Morphology Atlas presents a full statistical analysis of the atlas.

NGC 3363: 2MASX 1045094+220441

NGC 5223: 2MASX 1334251+344125

Dwarf Ellipticals/Spheroidals/Spirals
NGC 3101: 2MASX 1217196+115636

Compact and BCD
IC 3017: 2MASX 1209249+133429

NGC 4004: 2MASX 158051+275243

MRK 0463E: 2MASX 1356028+182218

We may now derive an analogous Hubble "tuning fork" composite morphology chart appropriate to the near-infrared, 1 to 2 microns, using 2MASS image data and optically-identified morphological type. The representative sample ranges in brightness between 10 - 11th mag in the Ks band, and their orientations are generally close to face-on (i.e., disk axis ratio near unity for spirals).


2MASS extended sources (e.g., galaxies) are identified and characterized with a "pipeline" software package called GALWORKS. An overview and description of the algorithms can be found at 2MASS Extended Source Catalog. For a more general overview of the 2MASS pipeline reduction and resultant data products, see the Explanatory Supplement.

Fits Data Cube

JPEG Images

Galaxy Size and Photometry

Caveats and Known Problems