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The 2MASS Team at IPAC

The 2MASS Team at IPAC

Front row: Schuyler Van Dyk, Diane Engler (now with GALEX), Ron Beck (now with SIRTF), Eugene Kopan, Roc Cutri (IPAC Project Scientist), Tracey Evans (now with SWIRE), William Wheaton (now with SIRTF), Robert Hurt (now with SIRTF), Sherry Wheelock, Jeonghee Rho (now with SIRTF)
Back row: Ken Marsh (now with SWIRE), Kevin (Cong) Xu (now with GALEX and SWIRE), Howard McCallon, Tom Jarrett, Laurent Cambresy (now at CDS), J. Davy Kirkpatrick, John Gizis (now at U. Delaware), Raymond Tam
(Not pictured: Brant Nelson, Helene Huynh, Tom Chester, John Fowler, Linda Fullmer.)

2MASS Personnel
Principal InvestigatorMichael F. Skrutskie (UVa)
Data Processing
Lead Scientist
Roc Cutri (IPAC)
Project ManagerBill Green (IPAC)
Rae Stiening (UMass)
Science Team
Chas Beichman (IPAC)Carol Lonsdale (IPAC)
Richard Capps (JPL)Dave Monet (USNO)
John Carpenter (CIT)Stephen Price (AFRL)
Tom Chester (IPAC)Steve Schneider (UMass)
Jay Elias (NOAO)Pat Seitzer (UMich)
John Huchra (CfA)Martin Weinberg (UMass)
Jim Liebert (UofA)...


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