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"The Big Picture: Latest Science Results from 2MASS"

A Topical Session at the 198th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society,
in Pasadena, CA, 2001 June

2MASS North at sunset
A topical session brought together researchers for the first time to present and discuss scientific results enabled by 2MASS over a broad range of disciplines was held during the 198th meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Pasadena, CA. All researchers who have used 2MASS in their investigations or who are interested in learning more about 2MASS and its many applications attended and participated.

The 2MASS objective has been to carry out a highly uniform, digital imaging survey of the entire sky in three near infrared bands. The observational phase of 2MASS is now complete - the final portions of the sky were scanned from the survey's facilities on Mt. Hopkins and Cerro Tololo in October 2000. Processing of the nearly 24 TB of raw digital data collected by the survey will continue through 2001 and early 2002, and the final extracted data products will be released at the end of 2002.

In March 2000, 2MASS released to the public the single largest collection of astronomical data from a NASA mission. The 2MASS Second Incremental Data Release (IDR2) covers nearly half of the sky and consists of nearly two million calibrated FITS Atlas Images, a catalog containing photometry and astrometry of over 162 million near infrared point sources, and a catalog of photometry and positions for nearly 600,000 resolved near infrared sources, mostly galaxies. Astronomers can access these products via the on-line services of the Infrared Science Archive (IRSA) at the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center/Caltech and Centre de Donnees astronomiques de Strausbourg (CDS), and through bulk electronic and DVD distributions.
Messier 17, the Omega Nebula

Comet 52P/Harrington-Abell
With nearly half of the near-infrared sky in the public domain, the number of publications that utilize 2MASS data products either exclusively or together with data sets at other wavelengths is growing rapidly (see the 2MASS Science Publications page). Investigations have spanned a broad range of topics including asteroids, low mass stars and brown dwarfs, stellar populations in the Milky Way and the Large Magellanic Cloud, galaxies in the local Universe, distant active galactic nuclei and the cosmic near-infrared background. The topical session highlighted these diverse studies, and also illustrated the wide variety of applications that can be served by this new, massive data set for those not yet familiar with 2MASS.

The topical session was a full-day program of oral presentations and an accompanying dedicated poster session on 2001 June 5. The morning and afternoon sessions opened with brief technical presentations describing the 2MASS mission and how users can access the data products. The day was divided into three sequential sessions organized by broad scientific discipline:

  1. Solar System science
  2. Galactic studies
  3. Extragalactic studies

The bulk of the time in each session was allocated for 15 minute contributed science presentations describing research with 2MASS. Posters were organized according to the same disciplines.

Messier 51, the Whirlpool Nebula

Speakers and Titles Presented
Title Speaker(s)
Introductory RemarksThe Organizers
The Two Micron All Sky Survey M. Skrutskie (UMass)
2MASS and the Solar System M. Sykes (UAriz)
Probing Stellar Populations and Star Forming Regions with 2MASS:
Techniques, Recent Results, and Future Directions
J. Carpenter (Caltech)
The IMF of Low-Mass Stars and Brown Dwarfs in Taurus K. Luhman (CfA)
Interpreting the Low-Mass PMS Stars in Cep OB3b M. Pozzo (Imperial Coll.)
Properties of the 2MASS Field L Dwarf Population J. Gizis (IPAC/Caltech)
Finding L and T Dwarf Companions to Nearby Stars Using 2MASS J.D. Kirkpatrick (IPAC/Caltech)
Classifying 2MASS Late-M and L-dwarf Candidates in the NIR with CORMASS
(Dissertation Abstract)
J. Wilson (Cornell)
Uncovering the Galaxy with 2MASS M. Weinberg (UMass)
Near and Mid-IR Colors of Galactic Plane Objects: Comparing MSX and 2MASS S. Carey (Boston Coll.)
Infrared Properties of Cataclysmic Variables from 2MASS D. Hoard (CTIO)
Near IR Extinction Associated with IR Dark Clouds R. Shipman (SRON)
Structure and History of the Magellanic Clouds A. Cole (UMass)
2MASS Extragalactic Science T. Jarrett (IPAC/Caltech)
Abell 262 and a Large Background Supercluster found in 2MASS S. Schneider (UMass)
The 2MASS Sky at High Galactic Latitudes G. Knapp (Princeton)
The 2MASS Red AGN Survey R. Cutri (IPAC/Caltech)
Buried, But Alive: A Search for the Reddest Quasars D. Helfand (Columbia)

Display Contributions
Triggered Star Formation with 2MASS J. Rathborne (U NSW) et al.
2MASS-IRAS Discovery of New Candidate Vega-Type Systems S. Fajardo-Acosta (IPAC/Caltech) et al.
Unusual T dwarfs Discovered by 2MASS A. Burgasser (IPAC/Caltech) et al.
NIRSPEC Brown Dwarf Spectroscopic Survey I.S. McLean (UCLA) et al.
Using 2MASS to Detect Companions to Blue Stars M. Reed (Iowa St.)
Hot Subdwarf Star Membership in Visual Binaries R. Wade & M. Stark (Penn St.)
2MASS Examination of Hot Subdwarfs M. Stark & R. Wade (Penn St.)
A Search for Variable Stars in the 2MASS Calibration Fields R. Hurt (IPAC/Caltech) et al.
Extinction with 2MASS: Star Counts and Reddening Toward ... L. Cambresy (IPAC/Caltech) et al.
Identifications of IRAS 12 micron sources H. Aussel (IfA) & D. Alexander (PSU)
2MASS Large Galaxy Atlas T. Jarrett (IPAC/Caltech) et al.
Morphology for Cosmology S. Shandarin (UKans)
Discovery of a Double Quasar by 2MASS B. Nelson (IPAC/Caltech) et al.
2MASS Galaxies in the Zone of Avoidance L. Johnson (Pomona) et al.

Last update: 2001 June 7, 2mass@ipac.caltech.edu.

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