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2MASS Science Publications

Papers published in 1994

  1. Star formation in Taurus, C.A. Beichman & T. Jarrett (IPAC), 1994, Ap&SS, 217, 207.

  2. The Search for Brown Dwarfs with Infrared Surveys, T.J. Chester (IPAC), 1994, Ap&SS, 217, 69.

  3. DENIS, 2MASS and VLM stars, N. Reid, 1994, Ap&SS, 217, 57.

  4. The Two Micron All Sky Survey, S.G. Kleinmann et al., 1994, Ap&SS, 217, 11.

  5. The Two Micron All Sky Survey, S.G. Kleinmann et al., 1994, Experimental Astronomy, 3, 65.


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