Data Access
\ Column Definitions
\ satname       = Satellite name; blank for planets
\ pname         = Planet name
\ j_m           = J selected "default" magnitude, 'null' otherwise
\ j_cms         = J "default" mag uncertainty, 'null' otherwise (j_cmsig)
\ h_m           = H selected "default" magnitude, 'null' otherwise
\ h_cms         = H "default" mag uncertainty, 'null' otherwise (h_cmsig)
\ k_m           = Ks selected "default" magnitude, 'null' otherwise
\ k_cms         = Ks "default" mag uncertainty, 'null' otherwise (k_cmsig)
\ v_mag         = Predicted V magnitude
\ jul_date      = Julian date of observation
\ r             = Reliability of 2MASS source extraction ("reliability flag", rel)
\ rd_           = Source of JHK "default" mags ("read flag", rd_flg)
\ bl_           = Indicates #JHK components fit to source 
\                 ("blend flag", bl_flg)
\ cc_           = Indicates JHK artifact contamination and/or confusion 
\                 ("confusion flag", cc_flg)
\ ph_           = Photometric quality of source measurement (ph_qual)
\ ra_pts        = Right ascension of point source match (J2000 decimal 
\                 degrees) [NOTE: in the PSC, the name for the right 
\                 ascension of the 2MASS source and the planet/satellite 
\                 predicted positions are identical - ra]
\ dec_pts       = Declination of point source match (J2000 decimal degrees) 
\                 [NOTE: in the PSC, the name for the declination of the 
\                 2MASS source and the planet/satellite predicted positions are 
\                 identical - dec]
\ glon          = Galactic longitude of point source match
\ glat          = Galactic latitude of point source match
\ mjpt          = Semimajor axis of position error ellipse of 2MASS source 
\                 (err_maj_pts) [NOTE: in the PSC, the name for the major 
\                 axis of the error ellipse for the 2MASS source and the 
\                 planet/satellite predicted positions are identical - err_maj]
\ mnpt          = Semiminor axis of position error ellipse of 2MASS source 
\                 (err_min_pts) [NOTE: in the PSC, the name for the minor 
\                 axis of the error ellipse for the 2MASS source and the 
\                 planet/satellite predicted positions are identical - err_min]
\ apt           = Angle of position error ellipse major axis (E of N) 
\                 (err_ang_pts) [NOTE: in the PSC, the name for the angle of 
\                 the error ellipse for the 2MASS source and the planet/satellite
\                 predicted positions are identical - err_ang]
\ r_helio       = Planet heliocentric distance (AU)
\ r_topo        = Planet topocentric distance (AU)
\ phase         = Planet observational phase angle (degrees)
\ a             = Associated optical source catalog ID ("best match")
\ dist          = Distance in arcsec relative to associated optical source 
\                 (dist_opt)
\ phi_          = Position angle relative to the optical source (E of N) 
\                 (phi_opt)
\ b_m_o         = Catalog blue magnitude of associated optical source 
\                 (b_m_opt)
\ vr_m_         = Catalog red magnitude of associated optical source (vr_m_opt)
\ date          = Observation date UT (YYMMDD)
\ h             = Hemisphere (N/S) of observation (hemis)
\ scan          = Scan number (unique within date)
\ pts_key       = 2MASS Survey, 6x or Calibration Point Source WDB ID number (pts_key/cntr)
\ ext_key       = 2MASS Survey, 6x or Calibration Extended Source WDB ID number, 'null' otherwise (ext_key/cntr)
\ c             = 2MASS Catalog flag: '1' if in 2MASS Survey PSC, '0' otherwise
\ DS            = Data set of origin for 2MASS extraction (S=Survey)
 satname|  pname|    j_m|j_cms|   h_m|h_cms|   k_m|k_cms|v_mag|      jul_date|r|rd_|bl_|cc_|ph_|    ra_pts|   dec_pts|   glon|   glat|mjpt|mnpt|apt|   r_helio|    r_topo| phase|a|dist|phi_|b_m_o|vr_m_|  date|h|scan|   pts_key|ext_key|c|DS|
    char|   char|   char| char|  char| char|  char| char| char|        double|c|int|int|cha|cha|    double|    double| double| double|doub|doub|int|    double|    double|double|c|char|char| char| char|   int|c| int|       int|   char|i| c|
        |       |       |     |      |     |      |     |     |              | |   |   |   |   |          |          |       |       |    |    |   |          |          |      | |    |    |     |     |      | |    |          |       | |  | 
    null|   null|  n ull| null|  null| null|  null| null| null|          null| |nul|nul|nul|nul|      null|      null|   null|   null|null|null|nul|      null|      null|  null|n|null|null| null| null|  null|n|null|      null|   null| |  | 
Carme    Jupiter  15.886 0.061 15.325 0.085 15.318 0.173  17.78 2451077.7205  A 222 111 000 AAC 355.047543  -3.638450  83.916 -60.992 0.11 0.09  91    4.97290    3.97101  0.854 0 null null  null  null 980921 s 0085   95179111    null 1 S
Elara    Jupiter  15.107 0.042 14.697 0.066 14.425 0.078  16.60 2451077.6363  A 222 111 000 AAA 353.188888  -4.843888  79.370 -60.875 0.07 0.07  90    5.02562    4.02646  1.264 0 null null  null  null 980921 s 0058   95163558    null 1 S
Pasiphae Jupiter  15.503 0.049 14.928 0.072 14.659 0.101  16.84 2451077.7532  A 222 111 000 AAA 355.571876  -4.742575  83.514 -62.199 0.27 0.07   0    5.00162    4.00032  0.955 0 null null  null  null 980921 s 0096   95232384    null 1 S
Sinope   Jupiter  16.170 0.073 16.254 0.177 15.648 0.213  18.17 2451077.7295  A 222 111 000 ACD 355.302396  -4.669927  83.131 -61.986 0.34 0.22  87    5.06322    4.06202  0.958 0 null null  null  null 980921 s 0087   95197078    null 1 S
          Uranus   8.721 0.031  8.493 0.034 12.284  null   6.02 2450971.8504  A 220 110 000 AAU 315.251131 -17.662504  30.280 -36.345 0.08 0.08   0   19.86276   19.27967  2.432 0 null null  null  null 980607 s 0061 1297123975    null 0 S
          Uranus   8.891 0.041  8.521 0.036 12.386  null   5.96 2451355.9065  A 220 110 000 AAU 318.988397 -16.613419  33.166 -39.287 0.09 0.08   0   19.90499   19.13718  1.956 0 null null  null  null 990626 s 0142  654727124    null 1 S
          Uranus   8.957 0.044  8.525 0.047 12.972 0.085   6.02 2450971.8591  A 222 111 000 EAE 315.250948 -17.662460  30.279 -36.345 0.06 0.06  45   19.86276   19.27960  2.432 0 null null  null  null 980607 s 0062 1297147207    null 1 S
Ariel     Uranus  13.176 0.219 13.037 0.275 13.188 0.043  14.37 2450971.8594  A 222 111 cc0 DDA 315.248797 -17.660765  30.281 -36.342 0.09 0.09  45   19.86188   19.27866  2.437 0 null null  null  null 980607 s 0062 1297147202    null 1 S
Ariel     Uranus  12.984 0.411 12.844 0.301 13.067 0.033  14.35 2451355.9067  A 222 111 cc0 DDA 318.990142 -16.612366  33.168 -39.288 0.10 0.10  11   19.90603   19.13822  1.961 0 null null  null  null 990626 s 0142  654727120    null 1 S
Miranda   Uranus  14.611 0.817 13.368  null 14.575  null  16.52 2450971.8594  A 266 200 c00 DUU 315.251199 -17.660139  30.282 -36.344 0.50 0.50  90   19.86304   19.27985  2.437 0 null null  null  null 980607 s 0062 1297147201    null 1 S
Oberon    Uranus  13.020 0.019 12.875 0.028 12.973 0.030  14.15 2450971.8594  A 222 111 000 AAA 315.254603 -17.653545  30.291 -36.345 0.06 0.06  90   19.86485   19.28173  2.437 0 null null  null  null 980607 s 0062 1297147184    null 1 S
Oberon    Uranus  13.040 0.021 12.816 0.025 12.942 0.033  14.13 2451355.9067  A 222 111 000 AAA 318.984334 -16.621096  33.155 -39.286 0.07 0.06   0   19.90238   19.13448  1.961 0 null null  null  null 990626 s 0142  654727137    null 1 S
Titania   Uranus  12.801 0.023 12.647 0.020 12.765 0.023  13.94 2450971.8594  A 222 111 000 AAA 315.247259 -17.667822  30.272 -36.343 0.06 0.06  90   19.86084   19.27757  2.436 0 null null  null  null 980607 s 0062 1297147218    null 1 S
Titania   Uranus  12.802 0.045 12.653 0.046 12.707 0.035  13.92 2451355.9067  A 222 111 dd0 AAA 318.983510 -16.612940  33.165 -39.283 0.07 0.06  11   19.90254   19.13466  1.961 0 null null  null  null 990626 s 0142  654727121    null 1 S
Umbriel   Uranus  13.806 0.071 13.580 0.026 13.699 0.048  15.02 2450971.8594  A 222 111 cc0 AAA 315.252060 -17.657875  30.285 -36.344 0.06 0.06  45   19.86351   19.28035  2.437 0 null null  null  null 980607 s 0062 1297147193    null 1 S
Umbriel   Uranus  13.691 0.259 13.419 0.218 13.597 0.060  15.00 2451355.9067  A 222 111 cc0 DDA 318.985429 -16.613342  33.165 -39.284 0.09 0.09  11   19.90349   19.13563  1.961 0 null null  null  null 990626 s 0142  654727123    null 1 S 
         Neptune  10.403 0.025 10.217 0.036 12.425 0.033  8.040 2450975.7638  A 222 111 000 AAA 303.985234 -19.409863  23.842 -27.005 0.06 0.06  90   30.14013   29.37380  1.283 0 null null  null  null 980611 s 0092   30376858    null 1 S
Triton   Neptune  12.259 0.021 12.105 0.020 12.306 0.024  13.50 2450975.7639  A 222 111 000 AAA 303.986186 -19.406307  23.846 -27.005 0.06 0.06  90   30.13865   29.37235  1.289 0 null null  null  null 980611 s 0092   30376844    null 1 S 
           Pluto  12.783 0.023 12.608 0.022 12.900 0.025  14.00 2451278.8338  A 222 111 000 AAA 250.405041 -10.303166   7.211  22.851 0.07 0.06   0   30.14758   29.51069  1.485 0 null null  null  null 990410 s 0118  368042944    null 1 S