Data Access

Survey Level 1 Requirements

Category Requirement Performance
Point Source Catalog
Photometric sensitivity 10- at 15.8, 15.1, 14.3 mag at J, H, Ks respectively for |b|>10° met for full unconfused sky;
exceeded for most of sky
Photometric uniformity <4% maximum bias in photometric zeropoint around the sky <2% achieved
Photometric precision <5% 1- for bright stars unsaturated in the 1.3 s exposure <3% achieved
Astrometric accuracy <0.5´´ 1- relative to the reference frame <0.1´´ achieved
Completeness >0.99 at 10- sensitivity limits met
Reliability >0.9995 0.9997 demonstrated in test areas; no known source of unreliability
in excess of specification
Bright star photometry

(Read_1, rd_flg=1)

<2% bias at Read_1 saturation limit (Ks~4.0 mag)
<5% 1- repeatability at Read_1 faint limit (Ks~8.0 mag)
<10% 1- repeatability at Read_1 saturation limit (Ks~4.0 mag)
<4% at worst

2% achieved

2% achieved

Extended Source Catalog
Photometric sensitivity 10- at J<15.0, H<14.2, Ks<13.5 mag met
Photometric precision <10% 1- repeatability for H<13.8 mag 7-10% achieved
Photometric uniformity <10% maximum bias around sky <4% achieved
Completeness >0.90 for |b|>30° met
Reliability >0.80 for 10°<|b|<20°

>0.99 for |b|>20°

achieved 0.93-0.95

achieved 0.992-0.995

General Survey
Sky coverage>95% 99.998% imaged;
99.5% coverage in point sources;
98% coverage in extended source
Other Information
Galactic Plane performance No Requirements

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