Data Access

II. User's Guide to the 2MASS All-Sky Data Release

4. Atlas Images

b. Image Anomalies

Table 1: All Anomalies

The code (Cde) is as follows --
   b - backgrounding problems
   c - cosmic ray
   e - electronic artifact
   g - glint from edge of chip
   i - insect trail
   m - meteor trail
   r - reflection artifact from bright star
   s - satellite trail

Key refers to the cntr in coadd_dat (the "coadd_key").
 Date   H Scn Img Cde   Key    Description
 ------ - --- --- --- -------  -----------
 970614 n 046 138  s  1663050  bright pieces left in NW quadrant
 970711 n 084 266  s  1530696  bright pieces along S edge
 970713 n 045 056  r  1551424  Christmas tree artifacts along W edge, H-only (alf Her)
 970713 n 045 068  r  1551425  Christmas tree artifacts along W edge, Ks-only (alf Her)
 970713 n 046 209  r  1551460  Christmas tree artifacts along W edge, H-only (alf Her)
 970713 n 047 056  r  1551470  Christmas tree artifacts in SW quadrant, H-only (alf Her)
 970923 n 021 021  s    72866  many pieces in W half of coadd
 971006 n 110 173  s  1583795  bright pieces in center of coadd
 971010 n 054 056  s  1584360  bright piece along W edge
 971010 n 103 150  r  1584943  Christmas tree artifacts in W half, H-only (Aldebaran)
 971010 n 104 126  r  1584964  Christmas tree artifacts in NW quad, H-only (Aldebaran)
 971010 n 105 138  r  1584988  Christmas tree artifacts along W edge, H-only (Aldebaran)
 971010 n 106 138  r  1585011  Christmas tree artifacts in NW quad, H-only (Aldebaran)
 971010 n 106 150  r  1585012  Christmas tree artifacts in SW quad, H-only (Aldebaran)
 971010 n 107 126  r  1585033  Christmas tree artifacts along W edge, H-only (Aldebaran)
 971010 n 108 162  r  1585059  Christmas tree artifacts along W edge, H-only (Aldebaran)
 971010 n 109 056  r  1585073  Christmas tree artifacts along W edge, H-only (Aldebaran)
 971010 n 109 091  r  1585076  Christmas tree artifacts along W edge, H-only (Aldebaran)
 971018 n 083 068  s  1590088  streak pieces, persistence, and line128 artifacts at ctr
 971027 n 064 009  m   147799  pieces in NE quadrant of coadd
 971030 n 145 138  s   137207  piece of trail in SE quadrant
 971031 n 052 220  s   137720  piece left along W edge
 971102 n 057 220  s   197980  two short piece (either end of trail) left in NE quad
 971119 n 024 162  s   151170  faint piece in middle of coadd
 971216 n 109 220  s  1625912  faint trail at J in NE quadrant
 971218 n 023 009  s   205345  either end of trail remains; one at W edge, other at E
 980112 n 140 009  s   210911  small pieces at J in SW corner
 980128 n 024 044  s   273290  bright piece in S half of coadd
 980130 n 067 068  s   223819  VERY bright; pieces remain w/ persistence and line128
 980202 n 038 209  s   286414  pieces remain in SE quadrant
 980223 n 138 197  s   275626  bright piece in SW quadrant
 980224 n 093 185  s   284204  small pieces remain near W edge
 980304 n 053 009  s   288513  faint trail in N half of coadd
 980308 n 045 266  s   289685  piece remains near center
 980321 s 071 044  r  1548433  Christmas tree artifacts in NE corner, H & Ks (Antares)
 980321 s 071 056  r  1548434  Christmas tree artifacts in NE corner, H-only (Antares)
 980321 s 073 033  r  1548478  Christmas tree artifacts in NE corner, H & Ks (Antares)
 980321 s 073 044  r  1548479  Christmas tree artifacts in NE corner, H-only & bright (Antares)
 980321 s 074 245  r  1548519  Christmas tree artifacts in NE corner, H & faint (Antares)
 980321 s 075 021  r  1548523  Christmas tree artifacts in E half, Ks (Antares)
 980321 s 075 033  r  1548524  Christmas tree artifacts in E half, H & Ks (Antares)
 980321 s 076 245  r  1548565  Christmas tree artifacts in E half, H & Ks (Antares)
 980321 s 076 257  r  1548566  Christmas tree artifacts in E half, Ks-only (Antares)
 980321 s 077 021  r  1548569  Christmas tree artifacts in SE corner, H-only (Antares)
 980321 s 077 033  r  1548570  Christmas tree artifacts in NE corner, H & Ks (Antares)
 980322 n 093 197  s   265736  faint piece in NE corner
 980330 s 034 092  m  1531670  faint, complete streak in N half of coadd
 980331 n 032 056  s   303214  piece left in NE quadrant
 980403 s 009 245  m  1531959  very bright streak in S half of coadd
 980417 s 028 068  s  1569480  pieces remain along E half of coadd
 980417 s 028 080  s  1569481  tiny pieces remain along E edge
 980417 s 105 245  s  1570438  piece remains in NW corner
 980417 s 136 150  s  1570867  tiny J-only spot in NE quadrant of coadd
 980417 s 137 080  s  1570884  faint pieces remain toward center of coadd
 980418 n 052 126  m   314904  bright streak in NW quadrant
 980421 n 074 256  i   357005  Ks glow and H holes along W edge in N half of coadd
 980421 n 074 266  i   357006  Ks glow and H holes along W edge in S half of coadd
 980421 n 075 021  i   357008  Ks glow along western edge in southern half of coadd
 980421 n 075 033  i   357009  Ks holes and H glow along W half of coadd
 980421 n 075 044  i   357010  Ks holes and H glow along W half of coadd
 980421 n 075 056  i   357011  Ks holes along entire western half of coadd
 980421 n 075 068  i   357012  Ks holes along entire western half of coadd
 980421 n 075 080  i   357013  Ks holes along entire western half of coadd
 980421 n 075 091  i   357014  Ks holes along entire western half of coadd
 980422 n 067 080  i   322490  Ks glow and J,H holes in SE corner of coadd
 980422 n 067 091  i   322491  Ks glow and J,H holes along entire E edge
 980422 n 076 232  i   322549  Ks residual glow seen along E edge mid-coadd
 980427 n 083 103  m   324148  streak in N half of coadd
 980428 s 070 103  s  1568402  pieces left in N half of coadd
 980429 n 026 173  m   334872  very bright trail in NW corner
 980501 n 008 068  i   349123  faint Ks donuts along E half of coadd
 980501 n 008 079  i   349124  faint Ks donuts down center of coadd
 980501 n 008 091  i   349125  faint Ks donuts running from NW pt to S edge
 980505 n 013 091  i   336820  two Ks donuts, one near NE pos and one at S
 980505 n 013 103  i   336821  very faint Ks residuals in N half of coadd
 980505 n 013 266  i   336835  very faint Ks residuals in SE corner
 980510 n 008 009  i   366276  Ks residuals in S half of coadd
 980510 n 008 044  i   366279  Ks residuals diagonally across coadd
 980510 n 008 056  i   366280  Ks residuals along the eastern half of coadd
 980510 n 008 068  i   366281  Ks residuals along the eastern half of coadd
 980510 n 010 044  i   366325  very faint Ks residuals in middle of coadd
 980510 n 010 056  i   366326  very faint Ks residuals in middle of coadd
 980510 n 010 068  i   366327  Ks residuals in middle of coadd
 980510 n 010 079  i   366328  H, Ks residuals in middle of coadd
 980510 n 010 091  i   366329  H, Ks residuals in middle of coadd
 980510 n 010 103  i   366330  very faint Ks residuals on extreme E edge of coadd
 980510 n 010 115  i   366331  H, Ks residuals along E edge of coadd
 980510 n 010 126  i   366332  Ks residuals in SE quadrant of coadd
 980510 n 010 173  i   366336  Ks residuals in NE quadrant of coadd
 980510 n 010 185  i   366337  Ks residuals along E edge of coadd
 980510 n 010 209  i   366339  Ks residuals in extreme NE corner of coadd
 980510 n 010 220  i   366340  Ks residuals in extreme SE corner of coadd
 980510 n 011 044  i   366348  Ks residuals in middle of coadd, particularly in S half
 980510 n 011 056  i   366349  H, Ks residuals along E half of coadd
 980510 n 011 068  i   366350  Ks residuals in extreme NE corner of coadd
 980511 n 009 115  i   375140  Ks residuals mainly in SE quadrant of coadd
 980511 n 009 127  i   375141  H, Ks residuals running diagonally from NE to SW
 980511 n 009 138  i   375142  Ks residuals confined to extreme NW corner of coadd
 980512 n 007 173  i   367670  Ks residuals confined to SW corner of coadd
 980512 n 007 185  i   367671  Ks residuals along extreme W edge
 980512 n 008  91  i   367686  Ks residuals along E edge of coadd
 980512 n 008 103  i   367687  Ks residuals and H holes along entire E half of coadd
 980512 n 008 115  i   367688  Ks residuals and H holes along entire W half of coadd
 980512 n 008 126  i   367689  Ks residuals and H holes in SW quadrant of coadd
 980512 n 009 220  i   367720  Ks residuals along western half of coadd
 980512 n 009 232  i   367721  Ks residuals along western half of coadd
 980512 n 009 244  i   367722  Ks residuals and H holes in northern half of coadd
 980515 n 066 056  b   394524  backgrounding problem near Arcturus
 980515 n 066 068  b   394525  backgrounding problem near Arcturus
 980516 n 055 044  i   380976  Ks residuals confined mainly to SW quadrant of coadd
 980516 n 055 056  i   380977  Ks residuals along coadd middle for entire N-S extent
 980529 n 039 056  i   381828  one very faint residual Ks piece in SW quadrant
 980529 n 039 068  i   381829  a few very faint residual Ks pieces along W edge
 980529 n 039 080  i   381830  one faint residual Ks piece in NW corner of coadd
 980529 n 080 103  i   382315  a couple of Ks residuals in SE corner of coadd
 980529 n 080 115  i   382316  faint Ks residual along E edge of coadd
 980601 n 053 150  i   395590  Ks residuals in center of coadd and along S edge
 980601 n 053 162  i   395591  Ks residuals in middle of coadd
 980601 n 053 173  i   395592  Ks residuals in middle of coadd
 980601 n 053 185  i   395593  Ks residuals in middle of coadd
 980601 n 053 197  i   395594  Ks residuals in middle of coadd
 980601 n 053 209  i   395595  Ks residuals in middle of coadd
 980601 n 053 220  i   395596  Ks residuals in middle of coadd
 980601 n 053 232  i   395597  Ks residuals along western half of coadd
 980601 n 053 244  i   395598  Ks residuals along western half of coadd
 980601 n 053 256  i   395599  Ks residuals along western half of coadd
 980601 n 053 266  i   395600  Ks residuals along western half of coadd
 980601 n 054 021  i   395602  Ks residuals along extreme western edge of coadd
 980605 n 070 044  i   388405  very faint Ks residual in center of coadd's S half
 980605 n 070 056  i   388406  very faint Ks residuals along eastern edge
 980605 n 070 068  i   388407  very faint Ks residuals along eastern edge
 980605 n 070 091  m   388409  partial meteor blanking at H and Ks along Dec=+43:56
 980605 n 070 126  i   388412  very faint Ks residual along edge in NE quadrant
 980605 n 070 138  i   388413  very faint Ks residuals along E edge
 980605 n 070 162  i   388415  a couple of very faint Ks residuals along E edge
 980606 n 063 056  s   379942  faint trail in NE quadrant
 980609 n 009 009  i   433114  tiny Ks residuals remain along eastern edge
 980613 n 026 220  s  1615378  streak in S half of coadd
 980617 n 042 091  m   434110  streak in S half of coadd
 980617 n 084 079  s   434592  pieces remain in NE quadrant
 980618 n 026 209  i   409556  Ks residual in extreme NE corner of coadd
 980618 n 026 220  i   409557  Ks "donuts" in eastern half of coadd
 980618 n 026 232  i   409558  Ks "donuts" diagonally crossing coadd from NW to SE
 980618 n 026 244  i   409559  Ks residuals in extreme SW corner
 980618 n 067 209  i   410085  Ks residual along extreme S edge
 980618 n 067 220  i   410086  Ks residuals in W half of coadd
 980618 n 082 150  s   410287  trail pieces cross coadd along long diagonal NE-SW
 980618 n 082 162  s   410288  piece left in SE corner
 980626 n 053 266  b   452824  unknown glitch in backgrounds at S edge in Ks
 980626 s 067 044  s    35999  bright pieces in S half
 980626 s 137 162  s    36929  bright pieces in E half
 980710 n 036 009  i   482587  v bright Ks residuals and J, H holes across coadd
 980710 n 036 021  i   482588  v bright Ks residuals and J, H holes across coadd
 980710 s 125 151  r    11306  Christmas tree artifacts along E edge in H 
 980710 s 125 162  r    11307  Christmas tree artifacts along E edge in H 
 980711 s 023 257  m    22884  small piece left near E edge (I don't see it, though)
 980719 s 051 162  c    25199  H-band cosmic ray, nearly E-W in N half of coadd
 980726 s 022 257  m    49679  small J and H pieces near S edge
 980726 s 022 267  m    49680  pieces near N edge
 980727 s 008 198  s    26260  small faint piece in NW corner
 980727 s 042 127  s    26760  small faint piece in NW corner?
 980804 s 039 267  m  1629573  very faint and in N half of coadd
 980810 s 011 103  s   259725  in NE corner of coadd
 980902 s 091 162  s    59423  bright piece in NW corner
 980903 s 045 068  m    53228  bright streak in SW quadrant
 980904 s 037 245  s  1612781  small piece at 33.941492, -18.379489
 980921 s 044 139  s   109584  bright trail at center of coadd
 980924 s 051 139  r  1640073  Christmas tree artifacts in NE quadrant, H-only
 980924 s 052 139  r  1640096  Christmas tree artifacts in NE quadrant, H-only
 980924 s 081 068  s  1640481  pieces remain at center of coadd
 980927 n 111 044  s  1642733  pieces in SW quadrant
 980930 s 056 068  m  1655201  bright piece remains in NW corner
 981007 n 141 068  m   497910  extremely bright meteor in NE section of coadd
 981007 n 141 079  m   497911  extremely bright meteor in extreme SE corner
 981007 s 040 139  m   277438  short streak near E edge toward coadd's center
 981007 s 085 021  m   278049  faint streak in NW quadrant of coadd
 981011 n 131 056  m   552373  small piece left over in H band in N half of coadd
 981012 s 129 209  s   128565  bright pieces in S half of coadd
 981019 s 067 233  m   129303  faint streak near middle of coadd
 981019 s 071 127  m   129386  faint streak in NW quadrant
 981019 s 081 209  m   129485  faint streak near N edge
 981019 s 112 198  m   129921  faint streak cutting across SW corner
 981019 s 112 209  m   129922  faint streak cutting across NE corner
 981019 s 113 257  m   129949  faint streak cutting across NW corner
 981019 s 113 267  m   129950  faint streak in S half of coadd
 981019 s 125 044  m   130069  faint streak in E half of coadd
 981020 s 051 198  s   167618  long broken trail near center of coadd
 981028 s 014 115  s   331831  streak in center of W half of coadd
 981028 s 120 186  b   333171  backgrounding problem near R Doradus
 981028 s 121 080  b   333185  backgrounding problem near R Doradus
 981028 s 123 115  b   333234  backgrounding problem near R Doradus
 981028 s 124 186  b   333263  backgrounding problem near R Doradus
 981029 s 022 162  r   182266  Christmas tree artifacts in SW corner, Ks only (R Doradus)
 981029 s 022 174  r   182267  Christmas tree artifacts in NW corner, Ks only (R Doradus)
 981029 s 023 103  r   182284  Christmas tree artifacts along W edge, H only (R Doradus)
 981029 s 023 257  r   182297  Christmas tree artifacts in W edge, 3-band (R Doradus)
 981101 s 038 198  m   170309  faint streak in S half of coadd
 981101 s 092 056  g   170987  smudge in K-band only at ra=95.996596, dec=-0.959350.
 981102 s 026 233  m   156006  faint streak in N half of coadd
 981102 s 038 150  m   156137  faint streak crossing middle of coadd
 981102 s 066 221  m   156511  faint streak in NW quadrant
 981102 s 079 245  m   156674  faint streak near N edge
 981102 s 083 221  m   156764  faint streak in S half of coadd
 981103 n 087 244  s   549100  bright piece left in NW quadrant
 981105 n 191 173  s   542999  bright pieces left in E half
 981111 s 077 033  s   192122  missed a Ks-only piece near S edge
 981115 s 100 033  m   197205  faint streak in H half of coadd
 981121 s 043 056  s   218597  bright pieces in center of coadd
 981122 n 028 266  i   604463  v bright Ks residuals and J, H holes across coadd
 981123 n 102 197  m   578237  small pieces left along S edge
 981123 n 102 209  m   578238  small pieces left along N edge
 981130 s 022 009  s   235636  pieces of long streak along N edge
 981201 n 045 256  s   607406  pieces remain in W half of coadd
 981203 n 026 033  s   608767  faint trail crosses N two-thirds of coadd
 981208 s 093 009  s   267008  pieces in S half of coadd
 981209 n 032 244  m   621987  multiple trail almost E-W crosses near center of coadd
 981211 s 014 139  s   280037  tiny piece in SE corner
 981212 s 057 056  s   258893  bright piece remains in E half of coadd
 981223 n 050 244  s   643676  pieces in N half of coadd
 981228 s 014 127  m   298712  bright broken streak in SW quadrant
 981228 s 070 056  g   299442  Ks-hat artifact
 981229 s 077 127  c   363043  H-band cosmic ray at RA=147.692429, Dec=-3.194892
 981229 s 077 198  c   363049  J-band cosmic ray at RA=147.687395, Dec=-1.437669
 981231 s 081 044  s   300683  piece along E edge; faint persistence trail in S half
 990104 s 059 257  m  1607262  piece of curved trail left near coadd center
 990105 s 056 151  c   369577  J-band cosmic ray at RA=85.639039, Dec=-20.668709
 990113 n 062 009  s   665713  pieces of trail remain across middle of coadd
 990113 n 070 056  m   665740  faint trail remains near S edge
 990113 s 096 092  m   389582  pieces in NW quadrant
 990115 s 111 127  s   329831  piece of trail remains in middle of coadd
 990118 s 047 021  s   339988  short bright piece at RA=05:42:10, Dec=-12:23:00
 990118 s 089 221  m   340557  short pieces remain along S edge
 990118 s 089 233  m   340558  short pieces remain along N edge
 990120 s 112 162  s   343404  bright piece in N half
 990130 n 072 197  m   664556  faint trail remains near coadd center
 990203 n 043 244  s   685996  bright piece in SW corner
 990203 n 140 220  s   687236  pieces left in SW quadrant
 990212 s 086 103  m   393240  remnants of long meteor trail along eastern side
 990214 n 110 080  m  1603613  faint streak in NW corner
 990214 n 110 173  s  1603621  bright pieces in N half of coadd
 990214 s 048 080  m   399448  streak along W edge
 990227 n 098 068  s   719768  pieces in SW corner
 990227 n 098 080  s   719769  pieces in NE corner
 990318 s 013 267  m   455032  bright broken trail in NE quadrant
 990320 s 123 198  m   458085  pieces of bright trail remain along W edge
 990321 n 098 033  r   738556  Christmas tree artifacts along E edge, H only (Arcturus)
 990321 n 099 244  r   738597  Christmas tree artifacts in SE corner, H only (Arcturus)
 990321 n 100 033  r   738602  Christmas tree artifacts along E edge, H & Ks (Arcturus)
 990321 n 100 044  r   738603  Christmas tree artifacts in NE corner, H only (Arcturus)
 990323 s 123 257  s   468302  short pieces near center of coadd
 990327 s 069 162  g   463878  Ks-hat artifact.
 990328 s 034 209  s   471403  missed it in H band near center along extreme E edge
 990418 s 125 267  s   568905  bright pieces along W edge
 990420 n 057 244  s   773603  pieces remain in NW corner
 990420 n 073 021  s   773791  faint trail in S half of coadd
 990502 n 044 021  s   780300  faint streak in W middle of coadd
 990510 n 117 162  s   805083  faint pieces in S half of coadd
 990510 s 091 245  s   585026  pieces in SE corner of coadd
 990510 s 091 257  s   585027  pieces in NE corner of coadd
 990510 s 152 127  s   585637  pieces in NE corner of coadd
 990514 n 095 266  m   832600  faint trail in SE quadrant
 990516 n 028 080  s   864922  bright pieces in E half of coadd
 990516 n 044 232  s   865142  bright piece in S half
 990521 n 016 068  i   849097  faint Ks residuals across middle of coadd
 990521 n 016 091  i   849099  faint Ks residuals across top half of coadd
 990524 n 082 009  s   869746  piece in N half
 990528 n 086 033  i   848703  Ks holes along W edge
 990528 n 086 044  i   848704  Ks holes along W edge
 990528 n 086 056  i   848705  Ks holes along W edge, much fainter here
 990607 n 136 138  i   891377  faint Ks residual in middle of bottom half of coadd
 990607 n 138 220  i   891430  faint Ks residuals along E edge
 990607 n 139 056  i   891439  v faint Ks residual along W edge
 990608 n 014 232  i   880759  Ks residuals in NE quadrant of coadd
 990608 n 028 044  i   880904  v faint Ks residuals in NE quadrant
 990608 n 028 068  i   880906  v faint Ks residuals along NE edge
 990608 n 028 103  i   880909  faint Ks residuals in SE quadrant
 990608 n 028 197  i   880917  faint Ks residual in SW corner
 990608 n 028 209  i   880918  Ks residuals in NW quadrant
 990608 n 028 266  i   880923  faint Ks residual in center of W half of coadd
 990608 n 029 009  i   880924  faint Ks residuals; one in upper half, another in lower
 990608 n 029 021  i   880925  Ks "donuts" in NE corner of coadd
 990608 n 094 021  i   881730  Ks residuals along W half of coadd
 990608 n 094 033  i   881731  Ks residuals along W half of coadd
 990608 n 094 044  i   881732  Ks residuals along center, running roughly N-S
 990608 n 094 056  i   881733  Ks residuals along E half of coadd
 990608 n 094 068  i   881734  Ks residuals in extreme NE corner of coadd
 990609 n 014 162  i   905478  one Ks residual long W edge
 990609 n 014 220  m   905483  very faint trail near coadd center
 990610 n 014 009  i   915332  Ks residuals along W half of coadd
 990610 n 014 021  i   915333  Ks residuals along E half of coadd
 990610 n 014 033  i   915334  Ks residuals along E edge
 990610 n 015 103  i   915363  Ks residuals mainly confined to W half of coadd
 990610 n 015 115  i   915364  Ks residuals in E half of coadd
 990610 n 017 068  i   915406  one faint Ks residual along NE edge
 990610 n 080 056  i   916118  Ks residuals along W edge of coadd
 990610 n 080 068  i   916119  Ks residuals along W edge of coadd
 990610 n 080 079  i   916120  Ks residuals along W edge of coadd
 990611 n 044 266  i   878071  Ks residuals along W edge of coadd
 990611 n 045 009  i   878072  Ks residuals along E edge of coadd
 990611 n 045 021  i   878073  Ks residuals along E edge of coadd
 990611 n 045 115  i   878081  faint Ks residuals near center of coadd
 990611 n 045 138  i   878083  Ks residuals in E half of coadd
 990611 n 045 150  i   878084  Ks residuals in E half of coadd
 990611 n 045 173  i   878086  Ks residuals in E half of coadd
 990612 n 013 256  i   882049  faint Ks residuals in SW quadrant
 990612 n 013 266  i   882050  faint Ks residuals scattered over coadd
 990622 n 015 173  i   906652  large Ks residual smudge in center of coadd
 990622 n 075 256  s   907487  faint trail in SE corner
 990622 n 075 266  s   907488  faint trail in NE corner
 990623 n 035 266  s   926647  pieces in SW corner
 990623 n 058 080  s   926884  pieces in NW corner
 990707 s 018 056  s   793758  faint trail in S half of coadd
 990708 s 037 139  r   638722  reflection artifacts from Antares
 990708 s 037 151  r   638723  reflection artifacts from Antares
 990708 s 037 162  r   638724  reflection artifacts from Antares
 990708 s 037 174  r   638725  reflection artifacts from Antares
 990708 s 038 103  r   638742  reflection artifacts from Antares
 990708 s 038 127  r   638744  reflection artifacts from Antares
 990708 s 053 233  m   638960  very bright trail across NW corner
 990708 s 053 245  m   638961  bright streak across bottom two-thirds of coadd
 990714 s 101 221  s   658670  bright pieces along W edge
 990720 s 046 056  s   646696  bright streak in S half of coadd
 990720 s 070 267  e   646875  line-128 artifact at 273.710468, +0.176681
 990801 s 085 221  s   766839  bright streak in SE corner
 990810 s 106 021  m   846494  multiple streaks from very bright meteor near S edge
 990810 s 106 033  m   846495  multiple streaks from very bright meteor near N edge
 990813 s 047 233  i   702831  Ks-only partial blanking near RA=20:59:40 Dec=-42:37:00
 990813 s 047 245  i   702832  Ks-only partial blanking in southern half of coadd
 990813 s 073 103  i   703142  Ks-only partial blanking in southern third of coadd
 990813 s 081 009  i   703180  Ks glow and H holes along entire west edge of coadd
 990813 s 081 021  i   703181  Ks-only partial blanking near RA=21:10:40 Dec=-42:07:30
 990911 s 026 174  s   712187  pieces near E edge; part of trail intersects a galaxy
 990915 s 123 209  m   671802  faint, running horizontally across coadd's middle
 990920 s 129 103  s   728212  H-band only source at 84.602853, 9.897868
 990920 s 129 115  s   728213  pieces in S half of coadd
 990920 s 129 221  s   728222  faint streak in NW quadrant
 990926 n 017 244  s   923057  broken trail in S half of coadd
 990927 n 031 244  s   971012  broken trail near center of coadd
 990928 n 029 162  s   962564  pieces in S half of coadd
 991011 n 049 232  i   951093  Ks residuals in northern half of coadd
 991011 n 049 244  i   951094  Ks residuals in western half of coadd
 991011 n 049 256  i   951095  Ks residuals in western half of coadd
 991011 n 049 266  i   951096  Ks residuals in western half of coadd
 991012 s 058 068  s   775451  bright streak in N half of coadd
 991012 s 058 162  s   775459  long streak; one piece in NE corner, the other in SW
 991012 s 058 174  s   775460  bright piece in SE corner
 991012 s 099 257  m   775789  faint streak diagonally crossing center of coadd
 991017 s 044 080  c   807514  H-band cosmic ray jutting out of bright star
 991020 s 009 056  s  1621597  bright piece in NE quadrant
 991021 n 112 256  s  1143421  bright pieces in W half of coadd
 991024 s 113 198  s   848418  tiny piece along W edge
 991025 s 124 127  s   838177  two pieces; one along W edge, other at cnt of N half
 991026 s 029 209  s   857182  small piece in S half of coadd
 991028 s 020 267  m   818087  broad persistence trail remains along E edge
 991028 s 121 103  s   819246  bright pieces in center of coadd
 991101 n 143 138  s   991128  faint trail in NE corner
 991101 s 024 092  s   829779  faint broken trail in W half
 991106 s 058 021  s   838812  pieces left in S half of coadd
 991114 s 060 198  s   874914  faint pieces in middle of coadd
 991114 s 063 174  s   874981  bright broken trail crosses middle of coadd
 991114 s 117 139  m   875668  piece of trail remains along western edge
 991115 s 062 198  s   872269  faint broken trail in S half
 991118 s 012 209  s   875835  streak in center of coadd
 991121 s 084 009  s   873541  two small pieces remain in S half of coadd
 991121 s 115 174  m   873992  faint pieces remain just S of coadd center
 991208 s 099 209  s   911232  piece in NW quadrant
 991208 s 099 221  s   911233  piece in SE corner
 991212 n 031 150  s  1623238  bright broken trail in NE quadrant
 991220 s 107 080  s   913866  tiny J-only piece near S edge
 991227 n 061 138  s  1105415  tiny J-only piece near center of coadd
 991227 n 061 150  s  1105416  bright piece in SE corner
 000104 s 032 033  m   921061  faint trail remains along western edge
 000107 s 049 103  s   961593  long trail in N half of coadd
 000107 s 049 115  s   961594  pieces remain near S edge
 000110 n 030 266  s  1111613  piece of trail remains along W edge
 000112 n 031 115  s  1189869  small piece remains in center of coadd
 000113 s 072 056  s   966856  faint trail in N half of coadd
 000120 s 049 198  m   980231  obvious streak at J and H, less so at Ks; NW quadrant
 000122 s 032 056  m   992938  horizontal streak (satellite?) broken into small bits in center of coadd
 000123 s 033 044  m   998457  broken streak along northern edge
 000123 s 033 056  m   998458  broken streak near southern edge
 000123 s 042 056  s   998527  at center of coadd along W edge
 000124 s 031 221  m   969515  horizontal broken streak in SE quadrant
 000126 s 028 056  s   977482  at center of coadd
 000127 s 090 127  s   981306  short streak remains in NW corner
 000201 s 081 221  s  1026693  short streak near N edge
 000206 s 097 044  m  1015937  horizontal broken streak in SW quadrant
 000206 s 097 139  m  1015945  nearly vertical intact streak in center of coadd
 000216 s 058 245  m  1053743  bright streak in E half of coadd
 000226 s 027 139  m  1107899  small (J-only?) piece at 151.261602, 9.009056
 000226 s 028 139  m  1107922  broken streak in NE quadrant
 000227 s 049 209  c  1046196  H-band cosmic ray at 155.859757, 7.373446
 000229 s 124 221  s  1088310  near center of S half of coadd
 000229 s 129 233  s  1088426  in NW corner of coadd
 000301 s 086 221  s  1055995  short streak remains along E edge
 000303 n 057 197  s  1253724  bright segment remains in S half of coadd
 000303 n 103 068  s  1254311  faint trail remains in S half of coadd
 000303 s 116 092  s  1047773  pieces of bright trail near E edge
 000304 s 102 198  s  1506149  pieces of streak in NW quadrant
 000306 s 062 021  s  1089144  pieces of bright trail in S half of coadd
 000306 s 100 162  s  1089593  pieces of trail in S half of coadd
 000310 n 073 068  m  1263005  faint trail diagonally crossing N part of coadd
 000315 n 114 232  s  1245056  trail crosses most of coadd
 000315 s 114 115  m  1083402  broken streak in NE quadrant
 000316 s 058 209  m  1093990  long, barely broken streak in S half of coadd
 000316 s 058 221  m  1093991  broken streak in NE corner
 000320 n 017 256  s  1259249  piece of trail remains along W edge
 000321 s 069 068  s  1130295  piece remains in center of E half of coadd
 000324 n 020 044  s  1263900  piece remains in NW corner
 000324 n 049 103  s  1264296  bright piece along W edge in NW corner
 000325 s 109 056  s  1168957  piece remains in extreme NE corner
 000330 s 089 198  m  1198041  broken streak in SW quadrant
 000331 s 115 056  m  1188461  tiny pieces left near S edge
 000404 n 101 232  s  1267113  bright trail remains in W half of coadd
 000404 s 068 209  m  1120463  small pieces left near S edge
 000405 s 128 221  s  1152917  two parallel trails in S half of coadd, one with line128
 000412 s 114 174  m  1208481  bright pieces in NE corner
 000423 s 116 221  s  1537983  bright streak in SW corner
 000425 s 084 056  s  1165530  bright streak, with persistence, in center
 000501 s 079 127  s  1211536  piece remains in SW corner
 000501 s 079 139  s  1211537  pieces remain in NW corner
 000501 s 134 127  s  1212249  piece remains in center of coadd near W edge
 000513 n 111 220  s  1379973  streak remains in center of coadd near E edge
 000514 n 043 162  m  1358693  pieces in SE quadrant
 000519 n 099 162  s  1371987  streak of variable brightness crosses center of coadd
 000602 n 011 162  s  1385557  bright streak in N half of coadd
 000606 s 072 056  s  1287223  bright trail in SW corner
 000606 s 141 080  s  1287593  trail crosses S half of coadd
 000621 n 057 056  s  1416345  bright trail crosses N half of coadd
 000621 n 057 068  s  1416346  bright trail crosses SE corner
 000623 s 142 162  s  1218876  bright trail cuts into halo of brightish star
 000702 s 038 009  s  1292440  pieces remain in center of coadd
 000703 n 021 068  s  1462944  pieces remain along W side of coadd
 000703 n 021 091  s  1462946  piece remains in SE corner
 000707 s 047 021  s  1512804  bright piece along W edge
 000707 s 047 033  s  1512805  bright piece along W edge
 000715 s 090 092  s  1310318  in E half of coadd near the middle
 000716 s 119 139  s  1289300  broken trail in E half of coadd
 000716 s 129 056  s  1289385  two bright geo-synch satellite trails along W edge
 000717 s 084 162  s  1231710  piece at 330.420466, -56.364148
 000717 s 155 009  s  1232640  piece at 14.576288,  +6.246439.
 000720 s 112 221  s  1430021  bright streak, with persistence, in S half of coadd
 000724 s 089 103  s  1233798  pieces of trail remain in S half of coadd
 000729 s 063 221  m  1294850  long double trail traverses N half of coadd
 000729 s 154 092  m  1295943  pieces of trail remain in NE corner of coadd
 000802 s 074 221  s  1320748  pieces of bright trail in S half of coadd
 000802 s 136 186  s  1321343  a bright piece along E edge and a faint one in N center
 000805 s 143 033  s  1343203  short J-only piece in middle of coadd
 000808 s 139 056  s  1228872  two parallel streaks in E half of coadd
 000808 s 155 056  m  1229102  horizontal broken streak in S half of coadd
 000813 s 064 257  s  1356424  faint horizontal trail in S half of coadd
 000813 s 105 056  s  1356844  two parallel streaks, with persistence, in center
 000813 s 111 256  s  1356999  pieces of bright streak in NW quadrant
 000813 s 111 267  s  1357000  piece of bright streak in extreme SW corner
 000819 s 070 127  s  1360461  short trail in extreme NE corner
 000826 s 057 056  s  1377659  bright streak in SW quadrant with persistence and line128
 000826 s 111 044  s  1378348  at least two small pieces in SE corner
 000826 s 112 221  s  1378386  bright broken trail at center in W half
 000827 s 075 221  s  1351913  bright streak, with persistence and line128, in center
 000827 s 114 056  s  1352382  bright streak along E edge
 000827 s 130 080  s  1352614  small piece of trail left in SW quadrant
 000827 s 144 174  s  1352806  double trail, one faint and one bright, in N half
 000829 s 098 174  s  1353427  bright trail remains in NW portion
 000829 s 098 186  s  1353428  bright trail remains in SW corner
 000902 s 087 221  s  1520572  bright streak along E edge
 000902 s 124 139  s  1521002  bright streak near S edge
 000903 s 060 127  m  1370397  very faint trail near middle of coadd toward E edge
 000913 n 085 009  s  1440353  bright broken trail in S half of coadd
 000913 n 085 021  s  1440354  bright broken trail along N edge
 000922 s 104 009  s  1358358  faint piece in NW quadrant
 000924 s 123 021  s  1414433  small H-only piece remains in NE quadrant near E edge
 000925 s 096 150  m  1404048  broken streak along S edge
 000925 s 096 162  m  1404049  broken streak near N edge
 000929 s 062 221  s  1424961  bright streak, with persistence and line128, in SE quad
 001007 n 014 068  s  1467452  bright trail crosses most of coadd
 001008 s 044 256  s  1651675  small piece of trail remains in center of coadd
 001011 s 118 080  m  1444108  small piece on W edge in SW quadrant
 001013 s 068 162  s  1476154  bright trail in S half of coadd
 001017 s 116 115  s  1446066  faint pieces at center of coadd
 001109 n 020 068  s  1219926  bright pieces left in W half
 001109 n 028 009  s  1219967  bright pieces left in W half
 001109 n 035 009  s  1220128  piece left in SE corner
 001126 n 056 021  m  1546499  very faint trail in N half of coadd
 010118 s 066 127  m  1502463  long streak in NE quadrant
 010205 s 067 103  s  1497861  streak remains in S half

Return to II.4b.