Data Access

II. User's Guide to the 2MASS All-Sky Data Release

4. Atlas Images

b. Image Anomalies

Table 1d: Reflections from distant bright stars

The code (Cde) is as follows --
   b - backgrounding problems
   c - cosmic ray
   e - electronic artifact
   g - glint from edge of chip
   i - insect trail
   m - meteor trail
   r - reflection artifact from bright star
   s - satellite trail

Key refers to the cntr in coadd_dat (the "coadd_key").
 Date   H Scn Img Cde   Key    Description
 ------ - --- --- --- -------  -----------
 970713 n 045 056  r  1551424  Christmas tree artifacts along W edge, H-only (alf Her)
 970713 n 045 068  r  1551425  Christmas tree artifacts along W edge, Ks-only (alf Her)
 970713 n 046 209  r  1551460  Christmas tree artifacts along W edge, H-only (alf Her)
 970713 n 047 056  r  1551470  Christmas tree artifacts in SW quadrant, H-only (alf Her)
 971010 n 103 150  r  1584943  Christmas tree artifacts in W half, H-only (Aldebaran)
 971010 n 104 126  r  1584964  Christmas tree artifacts in NW quad, H-only (Aldebaran)
 971010 n 105 138  r  1584988  Christmas tree artifacts along W edge, H-only (Aldebaran)
 971010 n 106 138  r  1585011  Christmas tree artifacts in NW quad, H-only (Aldebaran)
 971010 n 106 150  r  1585012  Christmas tree artifacts in SW quad, H-only (Aldebaran)
 971010 n 107 126  r  1585033  Christmas tree artifacts along W edge, H-only (Aldebaran)
 971010 n 108 162  r  1585059  Christmas tree artifacts along W edge, H-only (Aldebaran)
 971010 n 109 056  r  1585073  Christmas tree artifacts along W edge, H-only (Aldebaran)
 971010 n 109 091  r  1585076  Christmas tree artifacts along W edge, H-only (Aldebaran)
 980321 s 071 044  r  1548433  Christmas tree artifacts in NE corner, H & Ks (Antares)
 980321 s 071 056  r  1548434  Christmas tree artifacts in NE corner, H-only (Antares)
 980321 s 073 033  r  1548478  Christmas tree artifacts in NE corner, H & Ks (Antares)
 980321 s 073 044  r  1548479  Christmas tree artifacts in NE corner, H-only & bright (Antares)
 980321 s 074 245  r  1548519  Christmas tree artifacts in NE corner, H & faint (Antares)
 980321 s 075 021  r  1548523  Christmas tree artifacts in E half, Ks (Antares)
 980321 s 075 033  r  1548524  Christmas tree artifacts in E half, H & Ks (Antares)
 980321 s 076 245  r  1548565  Christmas tree artifacts in E half, H & Ks (Antares)
 980321 s 076 257  r  1548566  Christmas tree artifacts in E half, Ks-only (Antares)
 980321 s 077 021  r  1548569  Christmas tree artifacts in SE corner, H-only (Antares)
 980321 s 077 033  r  1548570  Christmas tree artifacts in NE corner, H & Ks (Antares)
 980710 s 125 151  r    11306  Christmas tree artifacts along E edge in H 
 980710 s 125 162  r    11307  Christmas tree artifacts along E edge in H 
 980924 s 051 139  r  1640073  Christmas tree artifacts in NE quadrant, H-only
 980924 s 052 139  r  1640096  Christmas tree artifacts in NE quadrant, H-only
 981029 s 022 162  r   182266  Christmas tree artifacts in SW corner, Ks only (R Doradus)
 981029 s 022 174  r   182267  Christmas tree artifacts in NW corner, Ks only (R Doradus)
 981029 s 023 103  r   182284  Christmas tree artifacts along W edge, H only (R Doradus)
 981029 s 023 257  r   182297  Christmas tree artifacts in W edge, 3-band (R Doradus)
 990321 n 098 033  r   738556  Christmas tree artifacts along E edge, H only (Arcturus)
 990321 n 099 244  r   738597  Christmas tree artifacts in SE corner, H only (Arcturus)
 990321 n 100 033  r   738602  Christmas tree artifacts along E edge, H & Ks (Arcturus)
 990321 n 100 044  r   738603  Christmas tree artifacts in NE corner, H only (Arcturus)
 990708 s 037 139  r   638722  reflection artifacts from Antares
 990708 s 037 151  r   638723  reflection artifacts from Antares
 990708 s 037 162  r   638724  reflection artifacts from Antares
 990708 s 037 174  r   638725  reflection artifacts from Antares
 990708 s 038 103  r   638742  reflection artifacts from Antares
 990708 s 038 127  r   638744  reflection artifacts from Antares

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