Data Access

II. User's Guide to the 2MASS All-Sky Data Release

4. Atlas Images

b. Image Anomalies

Table 1f: Cosmic rays

The code (Cde) is as follows --
   b - backgrounding problems
   c - cosmic ray
   e - electronic artifact
   g - glint from edge of chip
   i - insect trail
   m - meteor trail
   r - reflection artifact from bright star
   s - satellite trail

Key refers to the cntr in coadd_dat (the "coadd_key").
 Date   H Scn Img Cde   Key    Description
 ------ - --- --- --- -------  -----------
 980719 s 051 162  c    25199  H-band cosmic ray, nearly E-W in N half of coadd
 981229 s 077 127  c   363043  H-band cosmic ray at RA=147.692429, Dec=-3.194892
 981229 s 077 198  c   363049  J-band cosmic ray at RA=147.687395, Dec=-1.437669
 990105 s 056 151  c   369577  J-band cosmic ray at RA=85.639039, Dec=-20.668709
 991017 s 044 080  c   807514  H-band cosmic ray jutting out of bright star
 000227 s 049 209  c  1046196  H-band cosmic ray at 155.859757, 7.373446

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