Data Access

IV. 2MASS Data Processing

5. Extended Source Identification and Photometry

Table 1. XSC Parameters

The XSC contains over 300 columns of information per source, most of which is photometric data. The columns are described in the subtables below. We have separated the columns according to their basic function and utility.

i. Name and Position Information

Parameter Name View Format Units Description
jdate L 13.4f jdate Julian Date.
Position Information
designation S 17s - source designation formed from sexigesimal coordinates.
This is the object sequence designation, or object "name" as specified by the IAU recommendations on source nomenclature. It is derived from the J2000 sexigesimal coordinates of the source and has the form HHMMSSSS+/-DDMMSSS, where HH are the hours of right ascension, MM the RA minutes and SSS are the deci-seconds of RA. DD are the degrees in declination, MM are DEC minutes and SS the declination seconds. Note that both the RA deci-seconds of time and DEC seconds of arc are truncated rather than rounded, per the IAU recommendation.
ra S 10.6f deg right ascension (J2000 decimal deg) based on peak pixel.
dec S 10.6f deg declination (J2000 decimal deg) based on peak pixel.
sup_ra L 10.6f deg super-coadd centroid RA (J2000 decimal deg).
sup_dec L 10.6f deg super-coadd centroid Dec (J2000 decimal deg).
glon L 7.3f deg galactic longitude (decimal deg) based on peak pixel.
glat L 7.3f deg galactic latitude (decimal deg) based on peak pixel.
density L 5.2f - coadd log(density) of stars with k<14 mag.

ii. The Fundamental Photometric Measure: Isophotal Apertures Based on the Ks=20 mag arcsec-2 Elliptical Isophote, and 2-D Orientation

Parameter Name View Format Units Description
Isophotal photom at Ks=20 using fiducial ellip ap
r_k20fe S 5.1f arcsec 20mag/sq." isophotal K fiducial ell. ap. semi-major axis.
"Fiducial" apertures are determined for each type of total and isophotal photometry measurements as described in the GALWORKS SDS. Essentially, they are used to make mag measurements for each type of photometry with the same aperture size in all three bands. The fiducial band for the total Kron photometry and 20mag/sq." isophotal photometry is the K band, and for the 21mag/sq." isophotal photometry it is the J band.
j_m_k20fe S 6.3f mag J 20mag/sq." isophotal fiducial ell. ap. magnitude.
j_msig_k20fe S 5.3f mag J 1-sigma uncertainty in 20mag/sq." iso.fid.ell.mag.
j_flg_k20fe S 1hd - J confusion flag for 20mag/sq." iso. fid. ell. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
h_m_k20fe S 6.3f mag H 20mag/sq." isophotal fiducial ell. ap. magnitude.
h_msig_k20fe S 5.3f mag H 1-sigma uncertainty in 20mag/sq." iso.fid.ell.mag.
h_flg_k20fe S 1hd - H confusion flag for 20mag/sq." iso. fid. ell. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
k_m_k20fe S 6.3f mag K 20mag/sq." isophotal fiducial ell. ap. magnitude.
k_msig_k20fe S 5.3f mag K 1-sigma uncertainty in 20mag/sq." iso.fid.ell.mag.
k_flg_k20fe S 1hd - K confusion flag for 20mag/sq." iso. fid. ell. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
Elliptical Isophotal Orientation
r_3sig L 5.1f arcsec 3-sigma K isophotal semi-major axis.
j_ba L 5.3f - J minor/major axis ratio fit to the 3-sigma isophote.
j_phi L 3hd deg J angle to 3-sigma major axis (E of N).
h_ba L 5.3f - H minor/major axis ratio fit to the 3-sigma isophote.
h_phi L 3hd deg H angle to 3-sigma major axis (E of N).
k_ba S 5.3f - K minor/major axis ratio fit to the 3-sigma isophote.
k_phi S 3hd deg K angle to 3-sigma major axis (E of N).
sup_r_3sig L 5.1f arcsec Super-coadd 3-sigma isophotal semi-major axis radius.
sup_ba S 5.3f - Minor/major axis ratio fit to 3-sig. super-coadd isophote.
sup_phi S 3hd deg Super-coadd angle to major axis (E of N).

iii. Large Apertures, including Kron and Total Versions, and Surface Brightness

Parameter Name View Format Units Description
Total photometry using Kron elliptical aperture
r_fe L 5.1f arcsec K fiducial Kron elliptical aperture semi-major axis.
"Fiducial" apertures are determined for each type of total and isophotal photometry measurements as described in the GALWORKS SDS. Essentially, they are used to make mag measurements for each type of photometry with the same aperture size in all three bands. The fiducial band for the total Kron photometry and 20mag/sq." isophotal photometry is the K band, and for the 21mag/sq." isophotal photometry it is the J band.
j_m_fe L 6.3f mag J fiducial Kron elliptical aperture magnitude.
j_msig_fe L 5.3f mag J 1-sigma uncertainty in fiducial Kron ell. mag.
j_flg_fe L 1hd - J confusion flag for fiducial Kron ell. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
h_m_fe L 6.3f mag H fiducial Kron elliptical aperture magnitude.
h_msig_fe L 5.3f mag H 1-sigma uncertainty in fiducial Kron ell. mag.
h_flg_fe L 1hd - H confusion flag for fiducial Kron ell. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
k_m_fe L 6.3f mag K fiducial Kron ell. mag aperture magnitude.
k_msig_fe L 5.3f mag K 1-sigma uncertainty in fiducial Kron ell. mag.
k_flg_fe L 1hd - K confusion flag for fiducial Kron ell. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
Total Photometry from extrapolation fit to radial profile
r_ext S 6.2f arcsec extrapolation/total radius.
j_m_ext S 6.3f mag J mag from fit extrapolation.
j_msig_ext L 5.3f mag J 1-sigma uncertainty in mag from fit extrapolation.
j_pchi S 6.3f - J chi^2 of fit to rad. profile (LCSB: alpha scale len).
If the source is not an LCSB, these fields contain the reduced chi-squared values for each band of the modified exponential fits to the elliptical radial profiles, used for extrapolation and half-light estimates. For LCSBs, they contain the alpha scale lengths.
h_m_ext S 6.3f mag H mag from fit extrapolation.
h_msig_ext S 5.3f mag H 1-sigma uncertainty in mag from fit extrapolation.
h_pchi L 6.3f - H chi^2 of fit to rad. profile (LCSB: alpha scale len).
If the source is not an LCSB, these fields contain the reduced chi-squared values for each band of the modified exponential fits to the elliptical radial profiles, used for extrapolation and half-light estimates. For LCSBs, they contain the alpha scale lengths.
k_m_ext S 6.3f mag K mag from fit extrapolation.
k_msig_ext S 5.3f mag K 1-sigma uncertainty in mag from fit extrapolation.
k_pchi L 6.3f - K chi^2 of fit to rad. profile (LCSB: alpha scale len).
If the source is not an LCSB, these fields contain the reduced chi-squared values for each band of the modified exponential fits to the elliptical radial profiles, used for extrapolation and half-light estimates. For LCSBs, they contain the alpha scale lengths.
Effective radii and mean surface brightness
j_r_eff L 6.2f arcsec J half-light (integrated half-flux point) radius.
j_mnsurfb_eff L 5.2f mag J mean surface brightness at the half-light radius.
h_r_eff L 6.2f arcsec H half-light (integrated half-flux point) radius.
h_mnsurfb_eff L 5.2f mag H mean surface brightness at the half-light radius.
k_r_eff L 6.2f arcsec K half-light (integrated half-flux point) radius.
k_mnsurfb_eff L 5.2f mag K mean surface brightness at the half-light radius.
j_con_indx L 5.2f - J concentration index r_75%/r_25%.
The concentration index for the galaxy in each band is the ratio of the radii which contain 75% and 25% of the total light, r_75%/r_25%.
h_con_indx L 5.2f - H concentration index r_75%/r_25%.
The concentration index for the galaxy in each band is the ratio of the radii which contain 75% and 25% of the total light, r_75%/r_25%.
k_con_indx L 5.2f - K concentration index r_75%/r_25%.
The concentration index for the galaxy in each band is the ratio of the radii which contain 75% and 25% of the total light, r_75%/r_25%.
j_peak L 6.2f mag J peak pixel brightness.
h_peak L 6.2f mag H peak pixel brightness.
k_peak L 6.2f mag K peak pixel brightness.
j_5surf L 6.2f mag J central surface brightness (r<=5).
h_5surf L 6.2f mag H central surface brightness (r<=5).
k_5surf L 6.2f mag K central surface brightness (r<=5).

iv. Miscellaneous Photometry and Characterization Measures
Parameter Name View Format Units Description
Star-Galaxy Discrimination Scores
e_score L 5.2f - extended score: 1(extended) < e_score < 2(point-like).
g_score L 5.2f - galaxy score: 1(extended) < g_score < 2(point-like).
vc L 2hd - visual verification score for source.
The visual classification score gives the source type for those sources examined "by eye":
-2 = unknown
-1 = no verification (i.e., not examined)
1 = galaxy
2 = non-extended (e.g., star, double, triple, artifact)
cc_flg S 1s - indicates artifact contamination and/or confusion.
The contamination/confusion flag indicates whether the source's photometry and position may be affected by artifacts of, or confusion with, nearby bright stars. The flag consists of a single character string. Sources are tested for contamination and/or confusion in the order given below, and once a flag is applied to the source, testing is stopped in that band. The flag values indicate the source may be:
U: unreliable source; probable image artifact detection
C: affected by confusion with or artifact of a nearby bright star
A or a: known artifacts
z: in close promity to a large galaxy; these sources are usually junk
Z: Derived from the Large Galaxy Atlas
0: default value -- not contaminated
See Extended Source Confusion Flag.
Postage-stamp image parameter
im_nx L 4hd - size of postage stamp image in pixels.
Isophotal photom at Ks=20 using fiducial circ ap
r_k20fc L 5.1f arcsec 20mag/sq." isophotal K fiducial circular ap. radius.
"Fiducial" apertures are determined for each type of total and isophotal photometry measurements as described in the GALWORKS SDS. Essentially, they are used to make mag measurements for each type of photometry with the same aperture size in all three bands. The fiducial band for the total Kron photometry and 20mag/sq." isophotal photometry is the K band, and for the 21mag/sq." isophotal photometry it is the J band.
j_m_k20fc L 6.3f mag J 20mag/sq." isophotal fiducial circ. ap. mag.
j_msig_k20fc L 5.3f mag J 1-sigma uncertainty in 20mag/sq." iso.fid.circ. mag.
j_flg_k20fc L 1hd - J confusion flag for 20mag/sq." iso. fid. circ. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
h_m_k20fc L 6.3f mag H 20mag/sq." isophotal fiducial circ. ap. mag.
h_msig_k20fc L 5.3f mag H 1-sigma uncertainty in 20mag/sq." iso.fid.circ. mag.
h_flg_k20fc L 1hd - H confusion flag for 20mag/sq." iso. fid. circ. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
k_m_k20fc L 6.3f mag K 20mag/sq." isophotal fiducial circ. ap. mag.
k_msig_k20fc L 5.3f mag K 1-sigma uncertainty in 20mag/sq." iso.fid.circ. mag.
k_flg_k20fc L 1hd - K confusion flag for 20mag/sq." iso. fid. circ. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
Total elliptical photometry
j_r_e L 5.1f arcsec J Kron elliptical aperture semi-major axis.
j_m_e L 6.3f mag J Kron elliptical aperture magnitude.
j_msig_e L 5.3f mag J 1-sigma uncertainty in Kron elliptical mag.
j_flg_e L 1hd - J confusion flag for Kron elliptical mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
h_r_e L 5.1f arcsec H Kron elliptical aperture semi-major axis.
h_m_e L 6.3f mag H Kron elliptical aperture magnitude.
h_msig_e L 5.3f mag H 1-sigma uncertainty in Kron elliptical mag.
h_flg_e L 1hd - H confusion flag for Kron elliptical mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
k_r_e L 5.1f arcsec K Kron elliptical aperture semi-major axis.
k_m_e L 6.3f mag K Kron elliptical aperture magnitude.
k_msig_e L 5.3f mag K 1-sigma uncertainty in Kron elliptical mag.
k_flg_e L 1hd - K confusion flag for Kron elliptical mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
Total circular photometry
j_r_c L 5.1f arcsec J Kron circular aperture radius.
j_m_c L 6.3f mag J Kron circular aperture magnitude.
j_msig_c L 5.3f mag J 1-sigma uncertainty in Kron circular mag.
j_flg_c L 1hd - J confusion flag for Kron circular mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
h_r_c L 5.1f arcsec H Kron circular aperture radius.
h_m_c L 6.3f mag H Kron circular aperture magnitude.
h_msig_c L 5.3f mag H 1-sigma uncertainty in Kron circular mag.
h_flg_c L 1hd - H confusion flag for Kron circular mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
k_r_c L 5.1f arcsec K Kron circular aperture radius.
k_m_c L 6.3f mag K Kron circular aperture magnitude.
k_msig_c L 5.3f mag K 1-sigma uncertainty in Kron circular mag.
k_flg_c L 1hd - K confusion flag for Kron circular mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
Total photom using K fiducial circular aperture
r_fc L 5.1f arcsec K fiducial Kron circular aperture radius.
"Fiducial" apertures are determined for each type of total and isophotal photometry measurements as described in the GALWORKS SDS. Essentially, they are used to make mag measurements for each type of photometry with the same aperture size in all three bands. The fiducial band for the total Kron photometry and 20mag/sq." isophotal photometry is the K band, and for the 21mag/sq." isophotal photometry it is the J band.
j_m_fc L 6.3f mag J fiducial Kron circular magnitude.
j_msig_fc L 5.3f mag J 1-sigma uncertainty in fiducial Kron circ. mag.
j_flg_fc L 1hd - J confusion flag for fiducial Kron circ. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
h_m_fc L 6.3f mag H fiducial Kron circular magnitude.
h_msig_fc L 5.3f mag H 1-sigma uncertainty in fiducial Kron circ. mag.
h_flg_fc L 1hd - H confusion flag for fiducial Kron circ. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
k_m_fc L 6.3f mag K fiducial Kron circular magnitude.
k_msig_fc L 5.3f mag K 1-sigma uncertainty in fiducial Kron circ. mag.
k_flg_fc L 1hd - K confusion flag for fiducial Kron circ. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
Isophotal photom at 20 mag/sq.arcsec using ell ap
j_r_i20e L 5.1f arcsec J 20mag/sq." isophotal elliptical ap. semi-major axis.
j_m_i20e L 6.3f mag J 20mag/sq." isophotal elliptical ap. magnitude.
j_msig_i20e L 5.3f mag J 1-sigma uncertainty in 20mag/sq." iso. ell. mag.
j_flg_i20e L 1hd - J confusion flag for 20mag/sq." iso. ell. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
h_r_i20e L 5.1f arcsec H 20mag/sq." isophotal elliptical ap. semi-major axis.
h_m_i20e L 6.3f mag H 20mag/sq." isophotal elliptical ap. magnitude.
h_msig_i20e L 5.3f mag H 1-sigma uncertainty in 20mag/sq." iso. ell. mag.
h_flg_i20e L 1hd - H confusion flag for 20mag/sq." iso. ell. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
k_r_i20e L 5.1f arcsec K 20mag/sq." isophotal elliptical ap. semi-major axis.
k_m_i20e L 6.3f mag K 20mag/sq." isophotal elliptical ap. magnitude.
k_msig_i20e L 5.3f mag K 1-sigma uncertainty in 20mag/sq." iso. ell. mag.
k_flg_i20e L 1hd - K confusion flag for 20mag/sq." iso. ell. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
Isophotal photom at 20 using circ ap
j_r_i20c L 5.1f arcsec J 20mag/sq." isophotal circular aperture radius.
j_m_i20c L 6.3f mag J 20mag/sq." isophotal circular ap. magnitude.
j_msig_i20c L 5.3f mag J 1-sigma uncertainty in 20mag/sq." iso. circ. mag.
j_flg_i20c L 1hd - J confusion flag for 20mag/sq." iso. circ. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
h_r_i20c L 5.1f arcsec H 20mag/sq." isophotal circular aperture radius.
h_m_i20c L 6.3f mag H 20mag/sq." isophotal circular ap. magnitude.
h_msig_i20c L 5.3f mag H 1-sigma uncertainty in 20mag/sq." iso. circ. mag.
h_flg_i20c L 1hd - H confusion flag for 20mag/sq." iso. circ. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
k_r_i20c L 5.1f arcsec K 20mag/sq." isophotal circular aperture radius.
k_m_i20c L 6.3f mag K 20mag/sq." isophotal circular ap. magnitude.
k_msig_i20c L 5.3f mag K 1-sigma uncertainty in 20mag/sq." iso. circ. mag.
k_flg_i20c L 1hd - K confusion flag for 20mag/sq." iso. circ. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
Isophotal photom at 21 mag/sq.arcsec using ell ap
j_r_i21e L 5.1f arcsec J 21mag/sq." isophotal elliptical ap. semi-major axis.
j_m_i21e L 6.3f mag J 21mag/sq." isophotal elliptical ap. magnitude.
j_msig_i21e L 5.3f mag J 1-sigma uncertainty in 21mag/sq." iso. ell. mag.
j_flg_i21e L 1hd - J confusion flag for 21mag/sq." iso. ell. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
h_r_i21e L 5.1f arcsec H 21mag/sq." isophotal elliptical ap. semi-major axis.
h_m_i21e L 6.3f mag H 21mag/sq." isophotal elliptical ap. magnitude.
h_msig_i21e L 5.3f mag H 1-sigma uncertainty in 21mag/sq." iso. ell. mag.
h_flg_i21e L 1hd - H confusion flag for 21mag/sq." iso. ell. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
k_r_i21e L 5.1f arcsec K 21mag/sq." isophotal elliptical ap. semi-major axis.
k_m_i21e L 6.3f mag K 21mag/sq." isophotal elliptical ap. magnitude.
k_msig_i21e L 5.3f mag K 1-sigma uncertainty in 21mag/sq." iso. ell. mag.
k_flg_i21e L 1hd - K confusion flag for 21mag/sq." iso. ell. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
Isophotal photom at 21 using J fiducial ellip ap
r_j21fe L 5.1f arcsec 21mag/sq." isophotal J fiducial ell. ap. semi-major axis.
"Fiducial" apertures are determined for each type of total and isophotal photometry measurements as described in the GALWORKS SDS. Essentially, they are used to make mag measurements for each type of photometry with the same aperture size in all three bands. The fiducial band for the total Kron photometry and 20mag/sq." isophotal photometry is the K band, and for the 21mag/sq." isophotal photometry it is the J band.
j_m_j21fe L 6.3f mag J 21mag/sq." isophotal fiducial ell. ap. magnitude.
j_msig_j21fe L 5.3f mag J 1-sigma uncertainty in 21mag/sq." iso.fid.ell.mag.
j_flg_j21fe L 1hd - J confusion flag for 21mag/sq." iso. fid. ell. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
h_m_j21fe L 6.3f mag H 21mag/sq." isophotal fiducial ell. ap. magnitude.
h_msig_j21fe L 5.3f mag H 1-sigma uncertainty in 21mag/sq." iso.fid.ell.mag.
h_flg_j21fe L 1hd - H confusion flag for 21mag/sq." iso. fid. ell. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
k_m_j21fe L 6.3f mag K 21mag/sq." isophotal fiducial ell. ap. magnitude.
k_msig_j21fe L 5.3f mag K 1-sigma uncertainty in 21mag/sq." iso.fid.ell.mag.
k_flg_j21fe L 1hd - K confusion flag for 21mag/sq." iso. fid. ell. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
Isophotal photom at 21 using circ ap
j_r_i21c L 5.1f arcsec J 21mag/sq." isophotal circular aperture radius.
j_m_i21c L 6.3f mag J 21mag/sq." isophotal circular ap. magnitude.
j_msig_i21c L 5.3f mag J 1-sigma uncertainty in 21mag/sq." iso. circ. mag.
j_flg_i21c L 1hd - J confusion flag for 21mag/sq." iso. circ. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
h_r_i21c L 5.1f arcsec H 21mag/sq." isophotal circular aperture radius.
h_m_i21c L 6.3f mag H 21mag/sq." isophotal circular ap. magnitude.
h_msig_i21c L 5.3f mag H 1-sigma uncertainty in 21mag/sq." iso. circ. mag.
h_flg_i21c L 1hd - H confusion flag for 21mag/sq." iso. circ. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
k_r_i21c L 5.1f arcsec K 21mag/sq." isophotal circular aperture radius.
k_m_i21c L 6.3f mag K 21mag/sq." isophotal circular ap. magnitude.
k_msig_i21c L 5.3f mag K 1-sigma uncertainty in 21mag/sq." iso. circ. mag.
k_flg_i21c L 1hd - K confusion flag for 21mag/sq." iso. circ. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
Isophotal photom at 21 using J fiducial circ ap
r_j21fc L 5.1f arcsec 21mag/sq." isophotal J fiducial circular ap. radius.
"Fiducial" apertures are determined for each type of total and isophotal photometry measurements as described in the GALWORKS SDS. Essentially, they are used to make mag measurements for each type of photometry with the same aperture size in all three bands. The fiducial band for the total Kron photometry and 20mag/sq." isophotal photometry is the K band, and for the 21mag/sq." isophotal photometry it is the J band.
j_m_j21fc L 6.3f mag J 21mag/sq." isophotal fiducial circ. ap. mag.
j_msig_j21fc L 5.3f mag J 1-sigma uncertainty in 21mag/sq." iso.fid.circ.mag.
j_flg_j21fc L 1hd - J confusion flag for 21mag/sq." iso. fid. circ. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
h_m_j21fc L 6.3f mag H 21mag/sq." isophotal fiducial circ. ap. mag.
h_msig_j21fc L 5.3f mag H 1-sigma uncertainty in 21mag/sq." iso.fid.circ.mag.
h_flg_j21fc L 1hd - H confusion flag for 21mag/sq." iso. fid. circ. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
k_m_j21fc L 6.3f mag K 21mag/sq." isophotal fiducial circ. ap. mag.
k_msig_j21fc L 5.3f mag K 1-sigma uncertainty in 21mag/sq." iso.fid.circ.mag.
k_flg_j21fc L 1hd - K confusion flag for 21mag/sq." iso. fid. circ. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
Photometry from fixed circular aperture
j_m_5 L 6.3f mag J 5 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude.
j_msig_5 L 5.3f mag J 1-sigma uncertainty in 5 arcsec circular ap. mag.
j_flg_5 L 1hd - J confusion flag for 5 arcsec circular ap. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
h_m_5 L 6.3f mag H 5 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude.
h_msig_5 L 5.3f mag H 1-sigma uncertainty in 5 arcsec circular ap. mag.
h_flg_5 L 1hd - H confusion flag for 5 arcsec circular ap. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
k_m_5 L 6.3f mag K 5 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude.
k_msig_5 L 5.3f mag K 1-sigma uncertainty in 5 arcsec circular ap. mag.
k_flg_5 L 1hd - K confusion flag for 5 arcsec circular ap. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
j_m_7 L 6.3f mag J 7 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude.
j_msig_7 L 5.3f mag J 1-sigma uncertainty in 7 arcsec circular ap. mag.
j_flg_7 L 1hd - J confusion flag for 7 arcsec circular ap. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
h_m_7 L 6.3f mag H 7 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude.
h_msig_7 L 5.3f mag H 1-sigma uncertainty in 7 arcsec circular ap. mag.
h_flg_7 L 1hd - H confusion flag for 7 arcsec circular ap. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
k_m_7 L 6.3f mag K 7 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude.
k_msig_7 L 5.3f mag K 1-sigma uncertainty in 7 arcsec circular ap. mag.
k_flg_7 L 1hd - K confusion flag for 7 arcsec circular ap. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
j_m_10 L 6.3f mag J 10 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude.
j_msig_10 L 5.3f mag J 1-sigma uncertainty in 10 arcsec circular ap. mag.
j_flg_10 L 1hd - J confusion flag for 10 arcsec circular ap. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
h_m_10 L 6.3f mag H 10 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude.
h_msig_10 L 5.3f mag H 1-sigma uncertainty in 10 arcsec circular ap. mag.
h_flg_10 L 1hd - H confusion flag for 10 arcsec circular ap. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
k_m_10 L 6.3f mag K 10 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude.
k_msig_10 L 5.3f mag K 1-sigma uncertainty in 10 arcsec circular ap. mag.
k_flg_10 L 1hd - K confusion flag for 10 arcsec circular ap. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
j_m_15 L 6.3f mag J 15 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude.
j_msig_15 L 5.3f mag J 1-sigma uncertainty in 15 arcsec circular ap. mag.
j_flg_15 L 1hd - J confusion flag for 15 arcsec circular ap. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
h_m_15 L 6.3f mag H 15 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude.
h_msig_15 L 5.3f mag H 1-sigma uncertainty in 15 arcsec circular ap. mag.
h_flg_15 L 1hd - H confusion flag for 15 arcsec circular ap. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
k_m_15 L 6.3f mag K 15 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude.
k_msig_15 L 5.3f mag K 1-sigma uncertainty in 15 arcsec circular ap. mag.
k_flg_15 L 1hd - K confusion flag for 15 arcsec circular ap. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
j_m_20 L 6.3f mag J 20 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude.
j_msig_20 L 5.3f mag J 1-sigma uncertainty in 20 arcsec circular ap. mag.
j_flg_20 L 1hd - J confusion flag for 20 arcsec circular ap. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
h_m_20 L 6.3f mag H 20 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude.
h_msig_20 L 5.3f mag H 1-sigma uncertainty in 20 arcsec circular ap. mag.
h_flg_20 L 1hd - H confusion flag for 20 arcsec circular ap. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
k_m_20 L 6.3f mag K 20 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude.
k_msig_20 L 5.3f mag K 1-sigma uncertainty in 20 arcsec circular ap. mag.
k_flg_20 L 1hd - K confusion flag for 20 arcsec circular ap. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
j_m_25 L 6.3f mag J 25 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude.
j_msig_25 L 5.3f mag J 1-sigma uncertainty in 25 arcsec circular ap. mag.
j_flg_25 L 1hd - J confusion flag for 25 arcsec circular ap. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
h_m_25 L 6.3f mag H 25 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude.
h_msig_25 L 5.3f mag H 1-sigma uncertainty in 25 arcsec circular ap. mag.
h_flg_25 L 1hd - H confusion flag for 25 arcsec circular ap. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
k_m_25 L 6.3f mag K 25 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude.
k_msig_25 L 5.3f mag K 1-sigma uncertainty in 25 arcsec circular ap. mag.
k_flg_25 L 1hd - K confusion flag for 25 arcsec circular ap. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
j_m_30 L 6.3f mag J 30 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude.
j_msig_30 L 5.3f mag J 1-sigma uncertainty in 30 arcsec circular ap. mag.
j_flg_30 L 1hd - J confusion flag for 30 arcsec circular ap. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
h_m_30 L 6.3f mag H 30 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude.
h_msig_30 L 5.3f mag H 1-sigma uncertainty in 30 arcsec circular ap. mag.
h_flg_30 L 1hd - H confusion flag for 30 arcsec circular ap. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
k_m_30 L 6.3f mag K 30 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude.
k_msig_30 L 5.3f mag K 1-sigma uncertainty in 30 arcsec circular ap. mag.
k_flg_30 L 1hd - K confusion flag for 30 arcsec circular ap. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
j_m_40 L 6.3f mag J 40 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude.
j_msig_40 L 5.3f mag J 1-sigma uncertainty in 40 arcsec circular ap. mag.
j_flg_40 L 1hd - J confusion flag for 40 arcsec circular ap. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
h_m_40 L 6.3f mag H 40 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude.
h_msig_40 L 5.3f mag H 1-sigma uncertainty in 40 arcsec circular ap. mag.
h_flg_40 L 1hd - H confusion flag for 40 arcsec circular ap. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
k_m_40 L 6.3f mag K 40 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude.
k_msig_40 L 5.3f mag K 1-sigma uncertainty in 40 arcsec circular ap. mag.
k_flg_40 L 1hd - K confusion flag for 40 arcsec circular ap. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
j_m_50 L 6.3f mag J 50 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude.
j_msig_50 L 5.3f mag J 1-sigma uncertainty in 50 arcsec circular ap. mag.
j_flg_50 L 1hd - J confusion flag for 50 arcsec circular ap. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
h_m_50 L 6.3f mag H 50 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude.
h_msig_50 L 5.3f mag H 1-sigma uncertainty in 50 arcsec circular ap. mag.
h_flg_50 L 1hd - H confusion flag for 50 arcsec circular ap. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
k_m_50 L 6.3f mag K 50 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude.
k_msig_50 L 5.3f mag K 1-sigma uncertainty in 50 arcsec circular ap. mag.
k_flg_50 L 1hd - K confusion flag for 50 arcsec circular ap. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
j_m_60 L 6.3f mag J 60 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude.
j_msig_60 L 5.3f mag J 1-sigma uncertainty in 60 arcsec circular ap. mag.
j_flg_60 L 1hd - J confusion flag for 60 arcsec circular ap. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
h_m_60 L 6.3f mag H 60 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude.
h_msig_60 L 5.3f mag H 1-sigma uncertainty in 60 arcsec circular ap. mag.
h_flg_60 L 1hd - H confusion flag for 60 arcsec circular ap. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
k_m_60 L 6.3f mag K 60 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude.
k_msig_60 L 5.3f mag K 1-sigma uncertainty in 60 arcsec circular ap. mag.
k_flg_60 L 1hd - K confusion flag for 60 arcsec circular ap. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
j_m_70 L 6.3f mag J 70 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude.
j_msig_70 L 5.3f mag J 1-sigma uncertainty in 70 arcsec circular ap. mag.
j_flg_70 L 1hd - J confusion flag for 70 arcsec circular ap. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
h_m_70 L 6.3f mag H 70 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude.
h_msig_70 L 5.3f mag H 1-sigma uncertainty in 70 arcsec circular ap. mag.
h_flg_70 L 1hd - H confusion flag for 70 arcsec circular ap. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
k_m_70 L 6.3f mag K 70 arcsec radius circular aperture magnitude.
k_msig_70 L 5.3f mag K 1-sigma uncertainty in 70 arcsec circular ap. mag.
k_flg_70 L 1hd - K confusion flag for 70 arcsec circular ap. mag.
The confusion flags [jhk]_flg
for each mag are defined as follows:
0 if no other sources within aperture used
1 if ap contained pixels masked off in coadd
2 if ap contained pixels masked off due to neighboring sources
3 if ap contained pixels that had a point source flux subtracted off
4 if ap contained pixels within bright star mask
5 if ap contained pixels masked off due to persistence
6 if aperture ran into coadd boundary
7 if ap contained pixels within bright galaxy mask
9 if integrated flux is negative
If the integrated flux is negative, a mag value is calculated using
    BFMag = 99.0 - [ZERO_CAL - 2.5 log10(|flux|)];
the resulting mag range is between ~ 75 and 99.
System photometry
j_m_sys L 6.3f mag J system photometry magnitude.
The system flux includes the flux from this extended source and anything else in the immediate area, including stars and neighboring galaxies that "touch" this source.
j_msig_sys L 5.3f mag J 1-sigma uncertainty in system photometry mag.
h_m_sys L 6.3f mag H system photometry magnitude.
The system flux includes the flux from this extended source and anything else in the immediate area, including stars and neighboring galaxies that "touch" this source.
h_msig_sys L 5.3f mag H 1-sigma uncertainty in system photometry mag.
k_m_sys L 6.3f mag K system photometry magnitude.
The system flux includes the flux from this extended source and anything else in the immediate area, including stars and neighboring galaxies that "touch" this source.
k_msig_sys L 5.3f mag K 1-sigma uncertainty in system photometry mag.
sys_flg L 1hd - system flag: 0=no system, 1=nearby galaxy flux incl. in mag.
contam_flg L 1hd - contamination flag: 0=no stars, 1=stellar flux incl. in mag.
5-sigma area ratios
j_5sig_ba L 5.3f - J minor/major axis ratio fit to the 5-sigma isophote.
j_5sig_phi L 3hd deg J angle to 5-sigma major axis (E of N).
h_5sig_ba L 5.3f - H minor/major axis ratio fit to the 5-sigma isophote.
h_5sig_phi L 3hd deg H angle to 5-sigma major axis (E of N).
k_5sig_ba L 5.3f - K minor/major axis ratio fit to the 5-sigma isophote.
k_5sig_phi L 3hd deg K angle to 5-sigma major axis (E of N).
5-sigma to 3-sigma area
j_d_area L 3hd - J 5-sigma to 3-sigma differential area.
j_perc_darea L 3hd - J 5-sigma to 3-sigma percent area change.
h_d_area L 3hd - H 5-sigma to 3-sigma differential area.
h_perc_darea L 3hd - H 5-sigma to 3-sigma percent area change.
k_d_area L 3hd - K 5-sigma to 3-sigma differential area.
k_perc_darea L 3hd - K 5-sigma to 3-sigma percent area change.
Bi-symmetric quantities
j_bisym_rat L 5.3f - J bi-symmetric flux ratio.
j_bisym_chi L 6.3f - J bi-symmetric cross-correlation chi.
h_bisym_rat L 5.3f - H bi-symmetric flux ratio.
h_bisym_chi L 6.3f - H bi-symmetric cross-correlation chi.
k_bisym_rat L 5.3f - K bi-symmetric flux ratio.
k_bisym_chi L 6.3f - K bi-symmetric cross-correlation chi.
Parameters for extended src discrimination from point srcs
j_sh0 L 5.2f - J ridge shape (LCSB: BSNR limit).
j_sig_sh0 L 5.2f - J ridge shape sigma (LCSB: B2SNR limit).
h_sh0 L 5.2f - H ridge shape (LCSB: BSNR limit).
h_sig_sh0 L 5.2f - H ridge shape sigma (LCSB: B2SNR limit).
k_sh0 L 5.2f - K ridge shape (LCSB: BSNR limit).
k_sig_sh0 L 5.2f - K ridge shape sigma (LCSB: B2SNR limit).
j_sc_mxdn L 6.1f - J mxdn (score) (LCSB: BSNR - block/smoothed SNR).
j_sc_sh L 6.1f - J shape (score).
j_sc_wsh L 6.1f - J wsh (score) (LCSB: PSNR - peak raw SNR).
j_sc_r23 L 6.1f - J r23 (score) (LCSB: TSNR - integrated SNR for r=15).
j_sc_1mm L 6.1f - J 1st moment (score) (LCSB: super blk 2,4,8 SNR).
j_sc_2mm L 6.1f - J 2nd moment (score) (LCSB: SNRMAX - super SNR max).
j_sc_vint L 6.1f - J vint (score).
j_sc_r1 L 6.1f - J r1 (score).
j_sc_msh L 6.1f - J median shape score.
h_sc_mxdn L 6.1f - H mxdn (score) (LCSB: BSNR - block/smoothed SNR).
h_sc_sh L 6.1f - H shape (score).
h_sc_wsh L 6.1f - H wsh (score) (LCSB: PSNR - peak raw SNR).
h_sc_r23 L 6.1f - H r23 (score) (LCSB: TSNR - integrated SNR for r=15).
h_sc_1mm L 6.1f - H 1st moment (score) (LCSB: super blk 2,4,8 SNR).
h_sc_2mm L 6.1f - H 2nd moment (score) (LCSB: SNRMAX - super SNR max).
h_sc_vint L 6.1f - H vint (score).
h_sc_r1 L 6.1f - H r1 (score).
h_sc_msh L 6.1f - H median shape score.
k_sc_mxdn L 6.1f - K mxdn (score) (LCSB: BSNR - block/smoothed SNR).
k_sc_sh L 6.1f - K shape (score).
k_sc_wsh L 6.1f - K wsh (score) (LCSB: PSNR - peak raw SNR).
k_sc_r23 L 6.1f - K r23 (score) (LCSB: TSNR - integrated SNR for r=15).
k_sc_1mm L 6.1f - K 1st moment (score) (LCSB: super blk 2,4,8 SNR).
k_sc_2mm L 6.1f - K 2nd moment (score) (LCSB: SNRMAX - super SNR max).
k_sc_vint L 6.1f - K vint (score).
k_sc_r1 L 6.1f - K r1 (score).
k_sc_msh L 6.1f - K median shape score.
j_chif_ellf L 6.1f - J % chi-fraction for elliptical fit to 3-sig isophote.
k_chif_ellf L 6.1f - K % chi-fraction for elliptical fit to 3-sig isophote.
ellfit_flg L 1hd - ellipse fitting contamination flag.
sup_chif_ellf L 6.1f - super-coadd % chi-fraction for ellip. fit to 3-sig isophote.
Coadd background, brightness
n_blank L 4hd - number of blanked source records.
These parameters refer to sources that were blanked and/or subtracted from the images before doing photometry. Data for each of these blanked or subtracted sources are found in the blanked and subtracted source tables.
n_sub L 4hd - number of subtracted source records.
These parameters refer to sources that were blanked and/or subtracted from the images before doing photometry. Data for each of these blanked or subtracted sources are found in the blanked and subtracted source tables.
bl_sub_flg L 1hd - blanked/subtracted src description flag.
Other miscellaneous parameters
id_flg L 1hd - type/galaxy ID flag (0=non-catalog, 1=catalog, 2=LCSB).
This flag indicates the extended source catalog type as follows:
0 = extended source not found in another catalog
1 = extended source is found in galaxy catalog (ID found in id_cat field)
2 = LCSB (Low Central Surface Brightness) source
id_cat L 20s - matched galaxy's catalog name.
fg_flg L 6s - flux-growth convergence flag.
blk_fac L 1hd - LCSB blocking factor (1, 2, 4, 8).
dup_src L 1hd - has duplicate source extractions (overlap areas).
use_src L 1hd - this extraction of source is to be used in catalog.
prox L 4.3f arcsec distance in arcsec to nearest catalog source within 9.9".
pxpa L 5.1f deg angle (E of N) to nearest catalog source within 9.9".
pxcntr L 9d - cntr of nearest catalog source within 9.9".
dist_edge_ns L 8.1f arcsec distance to nearest north or south full-coverage scan edge.
dist_edge_ew L 6.1f arcsec distance to nearest east or west full-coverage scan edge.
dist_edge_flg L 2s - flag indicating which edges ([n|s][e|w]) are nearest to src.
pts_key L 9d - key to point source data DB record.
If the source has point source data (i.e. it is not an LCSB), this field will be set to the key of the record in the point source table containing the point source data. The point source data will also have the same date, hemisphere, scan, id keys.
mp_key L 5d - key to minor planet prediction DB record.
If a minor planet (asteroid) is predicted at this src's position, the field is set to the key of the record containing the minor planet prediction data (see the minor planet tbls). The minor planet data will also have the same date, hemisphere, scan, id keys.
night_key L 4d - key to night data record in "scan DB".
This field is set to the key of the record containing the corresponding night data in the night data table. The records will also have the same date and hemisphere keys.
scan_key L 6d - key to scan data record in "scan DB".
This field is set to the key of the record containing the corresponding scan data in the scan data table. The records will also have the same date, hemisphere, scan keys.
coadd_key L 7d - key to coadd data record in "scan DB".
This field is set to the key of the record containing the corresponding J, H, and K band coadd data in the coadd data table. The records will also have the same date, hemisphere, scan, coadd keys.
hemis L 1s - hemisphere (N/S) of observation.
date L yymmdd - observation date.
scan L 3hd - scan number (unique within date).
coadd L 03hd - 3-digit coadd number (unique within scan).
id L 6d - source ID number (unique within scan, coadd).
x_coadd L 6.1f arcsec x (cross-scan) position (coadd coord.).
y_coadd L 6.1f arcsec y (in-scan) position (coadd coord.).
j_subst2 L 6.1f - J residual background #2 (score).
h_subst2 L 6.1f - H residual background #2 (score).
k_subst2 L 6.1f - K residual background #2 (score).
j_back L 6.1f - J coadd median background.
h_back L 6.1f - H coadd median background.
k_back L 6.1f - K coadd median background.
j_resid_ann L 7.3f DN J residual annulus background median.
h_resid_ann L 7.3f DN H residual annulus background median.
k_resid_ann L 7.3f DN K residual annulus background median.
j_bndg_per L 5d arcsec J banding Fourier Transf. period on this side of coadd.
j_bndg_amp L 6.3f DN J banding maximum FT amplitude on this side of coadd.
h_bndg_per L 5d arcsec H banding Fourier Transf. period on this side of coadd.
h_bndg_amp L 6.3f DN H banding maximum FT amplitude on this side of coadd.
k_bndg_per L 5d arcsec K banding Fourier Transf. period on this side of coadd.
k_bndg_amp L 6.3f DN K banding maximum FT amplitude on this side of coadd.
j_seetrack L 4.1f - J band seetracking score.
h_seetrack L 4.1f - H band seetracking score.
k_seetrack L 4.1f - K band seetracking score.
cntr L 9d - entry counter (key) number (unique within table).

[Last Updated: 2002 Nov 4; by T. Jarrett]

Return to Section IV.5.