\  Asteroid Detections contained in the 2MASS Sampler Point Source Catalog
\  column          description
\  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
\  Object_ID    -  Asteroid Identifier
\  Julian_Date  -  JD at time of observation
\  RApred       -  Ephemerides-Predicted J2000 Right Ascension (decimal deg) at time of observation
\  DECpred      -  Ephemerides-Predicted J2000 Declination (decimal deg) at time of observation
\  Rhelio       -  Heliocentric distance of asteroid at time of observation
\  Rtopo        -  Topocentric distance of asteroid at time of observation
\  Phase        -  Phase of asteroid at time of observation
\  Vpred        -  Predicted V-band magnitude of asteroid at time of observation
\  Scn          -  2MASS Scan that covered predicted position of asteroid
\  RA_2MASS     -  J2000 Right Ascension of 2MASS detection of asteroid
\  DEC_2MASS    -  J2000 Declination of 2MASS detection of asteroid
\  j_m,h_m,k_m  -  J, H and Ks band magnitudes (or 95% confidence upper limits) of asteroid measured by 2MASS
\  j_msig,h_msig   
\  k_msig       -  J, H and Ks magnitude uncertainties
\  rd_flg       -  "Read-Flag" from Point Source Catalog Entry.  Indicates detection and origin of photometry
|   Object_ID                    | Julian_Date |  RApred  | DECpred  | Rhelio | Rtopo | Phase | Vpred |Scn | RA_2MASS |Dec_2MASS | j_m  |j_msig| h_m  |h_msig| k_m   |k_msig|rd_flg|
|    char                        |   real      |   real   |  real    |  real  | real  | real  | real  |int |   real   |   real   | real | real | real | real | real  |real  | char |
|                                |             |          |          |        |       |       |       |    |          |          |      |      |      |      |       |      |      |
                        1991 AU1  2450768.62475 345.559563 +25.748680  1.84262 1.14535 27.933  16.361  024  345.559245 +25.748711 15.947 0.078  15.619 0.139   15.381 0.160  222 
(2936) Nechvile         1979 SF   2450768.72017  40.454909 +29.090163  2.74811 1.77941  5.155  16.289  052   40.455147 +29.090698 15.046 0.037  14.748 0.067   14.590 0.074  222 
(4324)                  1981 YA1  2450768.72154  40.607337 +29.683381  2.04301 1.07119  7.093  14.039  053   40.607349 +29.683481 13.250 0.032  12.907 0.031   12.845 0.033  222 
(4650) Mori             1950 TF   2450768.72751  40.774222 +25.767693  1.91267 0.93463  6.264  15.161  054   40.773940 +25.767900 14.135 0.032  13.657 0.038   13.657 0.044  222 
(4650) Mori             1950 TF   2450768.73403  40.772526 +25.767011  1.91267 0.93464  6.265  15.161  055   40.772283 +25.767273 14.111 0.033  13.614 0.038   13.515 0.043  222 
(8397)                  1993 XO   2450768.75210  41.167525 +24.706461  2.14730 1.16889  5.196  14.743  063   41.167050 +24.706722 13.725 0.032  13.303 0.035   13.270 0.038  222 
(8397)                  1993 XO   2450768.75379  41.167182 +24.706120  2.14730 1.16890  5.198  14.743  064   41.166589 +24.706425 13.730 0.032  13.301 0.034   13.171 0.035  222 
(3139) Shantou          1980 VL1  2450768.81493  42.882506 +28.820947  3.14256 2.17071  4.009  15.144  079   42.882543 +28.821270 14.019 0.033  13.661 0.041   13.577 0.040  222 
(1066) Lobelia          1926 RA   2450768.81952  42.936030 +25.396143  2.02069 1.04021  5.083  14.551  080   42.936026 +25.396297 13.036 0.031  12.699 0.031   12.599 0.036  222 
(5205)                  1988 CU7  2450768.81948  42.949899 +25.451535  2.37185 1.39259  4.339  16.189  080   42.949812 +25.451801 15.180 0.050  15.036 0.077   14.895 0.106  222 
                        1995 GJ7  2450768.82158  43.171007 +24.524833  3.05871 2.07953  3.138  17.332  081   43.171121 +24.524630 15.840 0.067  15.543 0.123   15.239 0.139  222 
                        1995 GJ7  2450768.83741  43.166940 +24.524160  3.05871 2.07954  3.141  17.332  088   43.167072 +24.524006 15.814 0.065  15.332 0.096   15.154 0.131  222 
(3300) McGlasson        1928 NA   2450768.84470  43.560285 +27.929729  3.36630 2.39221  3.440  15.266  090   43.560364 +27.929745 13.866 0.036  13.366 0.039   13.347 0.036  222 
                        1997 YR3  2450768.84561  43.559646 +26.656863  2.51168 1.53358  4.252  14.818  090   43.559865 +26.656895 14.920 0.045  14.508 0.080   14.440 0.077  222 
(3300) McGlasson        1928 NA   2450768.85097  43.558717 +27.929656  3.36631 2.39223  3.441  15.266  091   43.558810 +27.929661 13.859 0.032  13.368 0.040   13.420 0.035  222 
                        1997 YR3  2450768.85006  43.558668 +26.656018  2.51167 1.53358  4.253  14.818  091   43.558889 +26.656090 14.869 0.047  14.430 0.050   14.378 0.072  222 
(2655) Guangxi          1974 XX   2450768.88071 105.999559 +22.638118  2.71078 1.97373 16.386  15.725  102  105.999619 +22.638378 14.762 0.038  14.314 0.052   14.106 0.059  222 
(4632)                  1987 YB   2450768.90677 106.660851 +21.755814  1.89240 1.10996 24.081  16.437  107  106.661374 +21.755754 15.316 0.051  14.783 0.068   14.652 0.086  222 
(4632)                  1987 YB   2450768.91046 106.660944 +21.756077  1.89240 1.10993 24.080  16.437  108  106.661432 +21.756025 15.208 0.045  14.747 0.066   14.661 0.083  222 
(4110) Keats            1977 CZ   2450768.91520 106.805608 +19.957172  3.47616 2.77569 12.902  17.287  109  106.805687 +19.957918 16.087 0.086  15.736 0.154   14.523 9.999  220 
 (837) Schwarzschilda             2450768.92778 132.276943  +9.255632  2.30114 1.88432 24.868  16.135  116  132.277020  +9.255542 14.950 0.043  14.687 0.064   14.611 0.081  222 
(7237)                  1988 VH   2450768.93115 132.379434  +6.523758  2.81079 2.44995 20.206  18.297  117  132.379885  +6.523427 16.486 0.113  16.029 0.187   15.320 9.999  220 
 (136) Austria                    2450768.94063 132.557625  +6.190315  2.45088 2.06661 23.357  14.317  119  132.557661  +6.190301 12.726 0.031  12.381 0.034   12.295 0.031  222 
 (979) Ilsewa                     2450768.95843 133.036912  +7.108958  3.44679 3.12605 16.383  15.845  122  133.037176  +7.109024 14.392 0.035  13.999 0.044   13.820 0.049  222 
 (507) Laodica                    2450768.99054 134.632119 +17.162320  3.10394 2.74336 18.154  14.692  133  134.632136 +17.162245 13.160 0.030  12.754 0.031   12.646 0.032  222 
(2983) Poltava          1981 RW2  2450768.99484 134.815628 +13.471516  2.96858 2.61976 19.098  16.626  134  134.815774 +13.471776 16.267 0.105  15.911 0.210   15.376 0.158  222 
(3266) Bernardus        1978 PA   2450768.99596 134.735000 +11.893647  1.90557 1.45989 30.687  17.041  134  134.734854 +11.893592 15.431 0.057  14.821 0.079   14.941 0.114  222 
(2983) Poltava          1981 RW2  2450768.99763 134.815930 +13.471339  2.96858 2.61969 19.098  16.625  135  134.816060 +13.471514 16.352 0.107  16.011 0.202   15.706 9.999  220 
(3371) Giacconi         1955 RZ   2450769.02626 135.381738 +17.245631  2.77628 2.40612 20.434  17.438  145  135.381950 +17.245605 15.717 0.072  15.374 0.115   15.097 0.128  222