Data Access

A small gallery of interesting objects in the Sampler

Old open cluster M 67 Interacting galaxy pair Hickson compact group 20
IRAS 08571+1322
Messier 67 IRAS 08571+1322 Hickson 20
Galaxy pair NGC 7436 Interacting galaxies Red galaxy at
and environment NPM1G+24.0083 02h44m27.79s +29d33m59.3s
NGC 7436 NPM1G+24.0083 Red Galaxy
Red galaxy cluster at Halo carbon star The L6 (brown) dwarf
02h56m38s +28d23m33s IRAS SSC08546+1732 2MASSs J0850359+105716
Red Galaxy Cluster Halo Carbon Star 2MASS L-type Dwarf

Last update: 1999 Jan 18, 2mass@i pac.caltech.edu

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