Column Descriptions for the 2MASS Second Incremental Release Survey Scan Info

Column # Column Name Description Units Bytes Formata Nulls Allowed
1 hemis  hemisphere (N/S) of observation --- 6 1s n
2 date  observation date --- 9-14 6s n
3 scan  scan number (unique within date) --- 17-19 3s n
4 tile_id  tile ID number --- 22-27 6s n
5 ra  right ascension (J2000 decimal deg) of scan center deg 30-39 10.6f n
6 dec  declination (J2000 decimal deg) of scan center deg 42-51 10.6f n
7 glon  galactic longitude (decimal deg) of scan center deg 54-63 10.6f n
8 glat  galactic latitude (decimal deg) of scan center deg 66-75 10.6f n
9 ra_1  right ascension (J2000 decimal deg) of scan corner 1 deg 78-87 10.6f n
  Notes for ra_1: The four ra_[1234] and dec_[1234] fields contain the RA and Dec positions of the four corners of the fully-covered area of the scan (i.e. the area covered by all three bands). The corners are numbered as follows:
1: eastern corner at scan start
2: western corner at scan start
3: eastern corner at scan end
4: western corner at scan end
10 ra_2  right ascension (J2000 decimal deg) of scan corner 2 deg 90-99 10.6f n
  Notes for ra_2: The four ra_[1234] and dec_[1234] fields contain the RA and Dec positions of the four corners of the fully-covered area of the scan (i.e. the area covered by all three bands). The corners are numbered as follows:
1: eastern corner at scan start
2: western corner at scan start
3: eastern corner at scan end
4: western corner at scan end
11 ra_3  right ascension (J2000 decimal deg) of scan corner 3 deg 102-111 10.6f n
  Notes for ra_3: The four ra_[1234] and dec_[1234] fields contain the RA and Dec positions of the four corners of the fully-covered area of the scan (i.e. the area covered by all three bands). The corners are numbered as follows:
1: eastern corner at scan start
2: western corner at scan start
3: eastern corner at scan end
4: western corner at scan end
12 ra_4  right ascension (J2000 decimal deg) of scan corner 4 deg 114-123 10.6f n
  Notes for ra_4: The four ra_[1234] and dec_[1234] fields contain the RA and Dec positions of the four corners of the fully-covered area of the scan (i.e. the area covered by all three bands). The corners are numbered as follows:
1: eastern corner at scan start
2: western corner at scan start
3: eastern corner at scan end
4: western corner at scan end
13 dec_1  declination (J2000 decimal deg) of corner 1 deg 126-135 10.6f n
  Notes for dec_1: The four ra_[1234] and dec_[1234] fields contain the RA and Dec positions of the four corners of the fully-covered area of the scan (i.e. the area covered by all three bands). The corners are numbered as follows:
1: eastern corner at scan start
2: western corner at scan start
3: eastern corner at scan end
4: western corner at scan end
14 dec_2  declination (J2000 decimal deg) of corner 2 deg 138-147 10.6f n
  Notes for dec_2: The four ra_[1234] and dec_[1234] fields contain the RA and Dec positions of the four corners of the fully-covered area of the scan (i.e. the area covered by all three bands). The corners are numbered as follows:
1: eastern corner at scan start
2: western corner at scan start
3: eastern corner at scan end
4: western corner at scan end
15 dec_3  declination (J2000 decimal deg) of corner 3 deg 150-159 10.6f n
  Notes for dec_3: The four ra_[1234] and dec_[1234] fields contain the RA and Dec positions of the four corners of the fully-covered area of the scan (i.e. the area covered by all three bands). The corners are numbered as follows:
1: eastern corner at scan start
2: western corner at scan start
3: eastern corner at scan end
4: western corner at scan end
16 dec_4  declination (J2000 decimal deg) of corner 4 deg 162-171 10.6f n
  Notes for dec_4: The four ra_[1234] and dec_[1234] fields contain the RA and Dec positions of the four corners of the fully-covered area of the scan (i.e. the area covered by all three bands). The corners are numbered as follows:
1: eastern corner at scan start
2: western corner at scan start
3: eastern corner at scan end
4: western corner at scan end
17 quality  quality score for scan (0-10) --- 178-179 2s n
18 ut_beg  beginning UT of scan data time 181-188 8s n
19 julut_beg  Julian date beginning UT of scan data jdate 191-200 10.5f n
20 ut_end  ending UT of scan data time 202-209 8s n
21 julut_end  Julian date ending UT of scan data jdate 212-221 10.5f n
22 j_zp  J band photometric zero-point for scan mag 224-230 7.4f n
23 h_zp  H band photometric zero-point for scan mag 233-239 7.4f n
24 k_zp  K band photometric zero-point for scan mag 242-248 7.4f n
25 j_zperr  J band rms error from zero-point mag 252-257 6.4f n
26 h_zperr  H band rms error from zero-point mag 261-266 6.4f n
27 k_zperr  K band rms error from zero-point mag 270-275 6.4f n
28 j_r1_norm  J band Read1 mag normalization value mag 279-285 7.4f n
29 h_r1_norm  H band Read1 mag normalization value mag 289-295 7.4f n
30 k_r1_norm  K band Read1 mag normalization value mag 299-305 7.4f n
31 j_r1_norm_rms  J band rms of Read1 mag normalization value mag 314-319 6.4f n
32 h_r1_norm_rms  H band rms of Read1 mag normalization value mag 328-333 6.4f n
33 k_r1_norm_rms  K band rms of Read1 mag normalization value mag 342-347 6.4f n
34 j_n_snr10  No. of J detections in scan with instrumental SNR>10 --- 352-357 6s n
  Notes for j_n_snr10: This fields contains the number of raw point sources detections made in the scan during initial processing that have instrumental magnitudes of J<15.8, H<15.1 or Ks<14.3 at. This source count is a diagnostic measure of the characteristic density of the region, but is not necessarily equal to the number of sources of this brightness that can be found in this scan in the Point Source Catalog.
35 h_n_snr10  No. of H detections in scan with instrumental SNR>10 --- 362-367 6s n
  Notes for h_n_snr10: This fields contains the number of raw point sources detections made in the scan during initial processing that have instrumental magnitudes of J<15.8, H<15.1 or Ks<14.3 at. This source count is a diagnostic measure of the characteristic density of the region, but is not necessarily equal to the number of sources of this brightness that can be found in this scan in the Point Source Catalog.
36 k_n_snr10  No. of K detections in scan with instrumental SNR>10 --- 372-377 6s n
  Notes for k_n_snr10: This fields contains the number of raw point sources detections made in the scan during initial processing that have instrumental magnitudes of J<15.8, H<15.1 or Ks<14.3 at. This source count is a diagnostic measure of the characteristic density of the region, but is not necessarily equal to the number of sources of this brightness that can be found in this scan in the Point Source Catalog.
37 n_ext  No. of extended sources detected in scan --- 382-384 3s n
  Notes for n_ext: This fields contains the number of extended source candidates made in the scan during initial processing. This source count is a diagnostic measure of the characteristic density of the region, but is not necessarily equal to the number of sources of this brightness that can be found in this scan in the Extended Source Catalog.
aThese are C format statements, which do not include blanks that separate fields and which are set to the maximum possible number of characters in each string. Fields that have values much less than the maximum possible number may have additional leading blanks. For example, 10° < ra < 100° will have a format 9.6f.