2MAPPS v3.0 Analysis
2MAPPS v3.0 Supporting Tasks and Analyses

I. Advance Tasks to Prepare for 2MAPPS v3.0 Processing

  1. Define Scope of Final Processing
    1. Define minimum quality from preliminary processing to include in final processing
    2. Decide how much ancillary science observations to process (e.g. Orion repeats, etc.)

  2. Generate long-term average values from v2.0 processing for:
    1. Darks - for appropriate hardware periods
    2. Flats - for appropriate hardware periods
    3. Band-band relationships
    4. Scan start-up offsets
    5. Distortion models
    6. Production PSFs - for appropriate hardware periods
    7. PSF-fit/aperture mag and R1/R2-R1 mag normalization factors versus seeing
    8. Final secondary standard star network using global chi-squared minimization analysis of all calibration scan data
    9. Extinction coefficients for photometric calibration (vs. month)
    10. Photometric sensitivity versus BG/Seeing/Zero Point
    11. etc.

  3. Gather and utilize a priori information in v3.0 on:
    1. Generate super-fpos files for position martinizing
    2. Advance preparation for nightly calibration computation
    3. Untracked seeing
    4. Bright Stars
    5. Bright Galaxies
    6. etc.

II. Analysis Tasks to Validate and Tune Revised Pipeline Algorithms

  1. Calibrate very bright star photometry algorithms
  2. Galaxy photometry in crowded fields
  3. Galaxy completeness at low galactic latitude
  4. Characterize deblended source population with active deblending
  5. etc.

III. Analysis Tasks to Quantify Various Effects in Data

  1. Quantify effect of electronic noise on photometry
  2. Quantify effect of airglow on photometry
  3. Quantify untracked seeing effect for scores of > 0.5
  4. Quantify psc, xsc reliability, flux overestimation vs. snr (for setting catalog thresholds properly)
  5. Quantify effect of elongated telescope psf
  6. etc.

IV. Final Product Analysis

Last Updated: 27 November 2000
R. Cutri - IPAC