2MASS R1 Saturation Source Extraction Analysis

We compared the J, H, Ks magnitudes for the R1 Saturated sources derived from the second OPS test with 2MASS magnitudes estimated using Version 3.0 of the Cohen and Walker Atlas of Calibrated Spectra (CW). The 2MASS magnitudes of the CW stars were determined by integrating the spectra over the 2MASS relative response functions, converting to flux density and magnitude using isophotal bandwidths and zero magnitude fluxes provided by Martin Cohen. Thirty-eight of the 2017 OPS test sources have CW counterparts.


Mean and Standard Deviation of 2MASS-CW magnitudes

Band Mean S.D.

Histograms of Distribution of 2MASS-CW magnitudes

Band Raw 2MASS-CW (2MASS-CW)/1 sigma RSS error
J Histogram of 2MASS-CW for Band J Histogram of (2MASS-CW) / 1 sigma RSS error 
for Band J
H Histogram of 2MASS-CW for Band H Histogram of (2MASS-CW) / 1 sigma RSS error 
for Band H
Ks Histogram of 2MASS-CW for Band K Histogram of (2MASS-CW) / 1 sigma RSS error 
for Band K

Scatterplots of 2MASS and CW magnitudes

Band 2MASS vs. CW (2MASS-CW) vs. 2MASS
J Plot of J(2MASS) vs. J(CW) J(2MASS)-J(CW) vs. J(2MASS)
H Plot of H(2MASS) vs. H(CW) H(2MASS)-H(CW) vs. H(2MASS)
Ks Plot of K<SUB>s</SUB>(2MASS) vs. 
K<SUB>s</SUB>(CW) K<SUB>s</SUB>(2MASS)-K<SUB>s</SUB>(CW) vs.