T. Jarrett, IPAC
(000510); modified
Let me start the discussion by re-iterating what I think are the most important mods/changes to GALWORKS and what the costs may be. I'll do this in order of preference (the first set are slam dunks). I'll also discuss proposed mods that I think are not practical. First, refer to Roc's 2MAPPS v3.0 Design page for muchoo relevant details on the cost/benefit scenerio of 2MAPPS V3.
GALWORKS V.3.0 Modifications
Note: numbers in red represent the final priority
(1) 1. Generate coverage maps.
For each coadd (per band) we blank out pixels due to a number of factors, including (1) bad pixels, (2) scan edge, (3) bright (big) galaxies and (4) bright stars. Bright stars are by far the biggest contributer to lost sky. The idea is to generate an image cube (J, H, K planes) with I*8 characters. This allows simply integer coding (e.g., non-zero values could represent different types of masking).
Cost: Mostly disk space (TBD). Runtime is not an issue here since GALWORKS is already doing most of this work. I don't have an estimate of the additional disk space yet, but I'll try to estimate some numbers before the tcon.
(final note: this is not the same "coverage" maps as those planned for pixphot)
Our use of mag thresholds has proven to be a nuisance, particularly since the Catalogs are SNR limited. This mod is mostly straight forward. The only cost is the analysis to make sure that it is done correctly (Chester will need to assist with these changes and testing).
Foreground stars are both a hinderance to photometry *and* to orientation fitting. I have developed a method that improves this situation, particularly for high-source density fields. See my page entitled Improved Ellipse Fitting and Isophotal Photometry in Crowded Fields. Our photometry in the ZoA is currently very ratty, with plenty of room for improvement. The extended source catalogs live and die by the quality of the photometry.
Testing: The method is mostly unproven, so a significant amount of testing is required. Fortunately, we have the data sets to do it. Skrutskie has kindly provided repeats of the Abell 3558 cluster. Repeatibility tests will give a direct measure of how much improvement is to be had. We also have the Orion-Neb repeats -- providing a set of high source density scans, to test its feasibility in the ZoA (where the largest gains will be realized).
Here is an example of a typical galaxy in Abell 3558. It is 12.8 mag in K-band. It has a contamining star nearby (along its major axis). The images show the raw K-band field (left image), and the stars subtracted image (center) and the 3-sigma and 1-sigma (20 mag /arcsec^2) elliptical isophotes. The plot shows the mean surface brightness in elliptical annuli about the galaxy. The green dashed line cooresponds to the isophotal radius (20 mag/arcsec^2). The red dotted line is the exponential fit to the disk, with extrapolation to eight times the disk scale length. The extrapolation results in an additional 0.35 mags (i.e., the total flux of the galaxy is closer to 12.5).
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Cost: Runtime. The increase in runtime is unknown. The repeats tests will provide an accurate assessment of the runtime increase. We can offset the increase in runtime by eliminating some of the current GALWORKS functions that are not useful (and there are plenty of columns in the 400+ columns we churn out that can be jettisoned with only a small amount of pain).
To reiterate, I believe that resources should be focused on improving photometry. We know that most users of the extended source catalog(s) want this as the highest priority (with uniformity and reliability/completeness a close second).
These new images will help the user understand what was subtracted *and* how well it was done. The user may also more easily apply tools (e.g., IRAF/STSDAS, GALPHOT) to perform photometry and orientatin measures on the star-removed images.
The following examples show some galaxies with their neighboring stars removed. The images are the galaxy postage stamps. The first galaxy is a Hercules spiral used for T-F distance calibration. The second is a bright galaxy in the Abell 3558 cluster (note the smaller galaxies around it; they do not smoothly subtract away because they are not point sources.) The last galaxy is a spiral located within the ZoA. The contours show the 3-sigma isophote (red) from which the elliptical orientation is derived, and the 20 mag/arcsec^2 isophote (green), the standard photometry isophote.
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Cost: Disk space. This will double the size (ouch!) of the postage stamp images. Currently, 90% of sky complete, we are using 90 GB of disk for the postage stamps. Hence, we will need 200 GB for this idea. But note, most of the current 90GB is bogus -- we allow a lot of pt sources to pass into the Ext SRC DB. These bogies are eliminated later with the Gscore. If we use the Gscore in the pipe itself (see #7 below), we can nuke these annoying sources right off the bat. I bet we can rid ourselves of 50 GB of false extended sources just from this obvious step.
Currently we take a conservative approach and blank large areas around optically-big galaxies. This works sometimes, but other times it is too conservative. I think we can take a more positive approach and let GALWORKS process all galaxies, big and small alike.
Implications: Big galaxies are problematic in a number of ways. The most vexing being the background removal; that is, it is not possible to determine the background in a coadd containing a big galaxy. So, we need to take a more robust approach from the standard approach when we are dealing with big galaxies. I propose that we use only one value as the representative background value for cases in which we have a big gal in the coadds (or in adjacent coadds). We determine the background from either the median or the mode of the pixel histogram. Here we can blank the core of the galaxy before generating the histogram. With the background subtracted in this manner, it is a simple matter for GALWORKS to proceed with processing the big galaxy.
Testing: Got to make sure this works. A few Messier objects should make a suitable testing set, including M31.
Cost: Runtime again (Roc ain't gonna like this). Still, these objects are rare, so what the heck we should go for it.
We estimated confusion noise using a model (see Appendix B and Confusion Noise vs. Density) which is somewhat conservative. We can easily push another 0.5 mag deeper into the ZoA (and note, using SNR limits instead of mag limits, we will be doing this more uniformly; see #2 above). See also the empirically derived confusion noise coming from analysis I did here.
Cost: Runtime and reliability. The deeper you go (particularly the ZoA), the more stars are in your way. For this to be practical, we will need more effective star-galaxy discrimination (see #7 below).
The input galaxy catalog tells us where the big galaxies are located, from which we may special process or mask. Currently we are plagued by poor coordinate positions for many of these big galaxies. I propose that we eliminate all galaxies from the catalog that have large position uncertainties (greater than a few arcsec). Unfortunately, we will lose a lot of NGC and UGC gals. The good news is the NED is constantly updating and improving positions.
Cost: Time to generate the all-sky catalog (non-trivial). Also, by eliminating big gals with lousy positions, we are vulnerable to their "features" during processing (e.g., they will screw up the background removal). This is probably a minor concern, however.
Since we have a DT that *greatly* improves reliability (at a small cost to completeness) we might as well use it in the pipeline to help improve the runtime. The only hard part about the DT is generating the tree itself (see below). The DT will greatly improves matter in the ZoA, where triple stars terrorize the processor. See the plot showing the surface density of stars, doubles, triples and galaxies within the Milky Way (coming from the beast.)
Cost: Time to update the DTs. This is non-trivial exercise that includes a lot of testing and analysis to make sure the DTs are working optimally. Also, incorporating the DTs into GALWORKS will take some time to code and test. Although this is a hefty order, the end result should justify the coding and testing time.
A lot of users are asking for a more meaningful "surface brightness" measurement. We currently provide the peak surface brightness and the mean central (r<5") surface brightness. The peak surf is useless and can be jettisoned. We also provide hundreds of photometric measures, which may then be converted (by the user) to surface brightness. What we are missing is an "effective" surface brightness; e.g., via a half-light radius. This issue is explored in the paper Near-Infrared Galaxy Morphology Atlas. See section 5 and Table 2 and Figure 17.
Schneider has suggested using some kind of "Kron" aperture. I think we can afford to add three new columns to the output (J,H,K)
Cost: 3 new columns to the output table. We can eliminate other columns to make room for this.
The PSF chi2 may be of some use. The plots below show the CHI2 distribution for galaxies and for known double and triple stars. Unfortunately the distributions are about the same for the fainter sources (K > 12th mag).
It looks like we will have much better integrated flux measurements for saturated stars. This means we should be able to mask their effects better. We need to revisit this issue.
On a related matter, I have been promised for some time that "mapcor" will solve this problem. Mapcor must be tuned to handle confusion noise (or equivalently, the functional form of the bright star masks must include a source density parameter). If mapcor turns out to work for both low, moderate and high density fields, then GALWORKS need not do this step (which would save a lot of CPU time). The only stars, under the scenerio, that GALWORKS needs to masked are those outside of the scan (hence, catalogued via JCAT/RAYCAT). For catalog generation, a properly tuned "dbmapcor" should eliminate spurious sources from mega-bright stars (again, this has *never* been realized ... so we should be prepared to deal with it ourselves).
Cost: Lots of analysis.
This is straight forward. Currently we use pre-set zero points, tabulated in the "pipe.cal" file under sdata. We need either to modify this file to include the calibrated zero points, or a new file containing these zero points (e.g., "pipe2.cal").
(12) 13. Improve background removal.
The H-band airglow is a major nuisance for background removal. We usually are successful in removing this stuff. But we also fail on occasions. Airglow can bump up the background resulting in spurious detections and over-estimated flux. Schneider has proposed that we attempt higher-order fits to remove these "bumps" and ridges. I am of the opinion that this is not robust. We will be fitting out real galaxies -- throwing out the baby with the bath water. The other idea Steve has is to use the frames and not the coadds to remove the background. As Steve points out, this is the most optimal approach for removing airglow. However, it is not practical (the impact to pixphot and galworks is major).
Cost: Increase in runtime and a lot of testing & development. Even more fatal: the issue probably cannot be solved.
Triple stars have a distinct signature. There has got to be a robust way to identify these sources in the ZoA.
Cost: Runtime no doubt. Also, more importantly, development time since we don't know how to do this. At one point Schneider (or Huchra?) was going to put together a grad student think-tank to crack this nut. Nut still intact.
In principle this is possible. I developed a method to do just this. The problems are large, however, both runtime and robustness are questionable.
Cost: Runtime (this requires an iterative, >2 pass, approach) and development. The cost/benefit ratio is up there.
By simply tuning some parameters we can let the LCSB processor work deeper in the galactic plane.
Cost: Runtime. Also, the output is sure to be mostly garbage.
On a related matter, we can also try new methods to detect LCSB galaxies, in particular, the CHI^2 image method of Szalay. This method looks very promising. But we the develepment time will be steep.
> Hi Tom,
> Overall, I like your suggestions. I have a specific comments on a few of
> your recommendations:
> 1. I think the coverage maps are essential. I'd like to see the images a bit
> bigger too, if that's possible.
The coverage maps I'm referring to will be coadd sized (512X1024).
Is that what you mean?
> 2. I'm not sure I understand the distinction between flux and SNR limits
> you're making here. Can you explain it more?
We use mag thresholds to set the flux lower limits (faintness) that
we work. We throttle these back by the confusion noise equivalent.
INstead of mag thresholds, we should work with SNR thresholds, which
corrects for variable backgrounds (i.e., backgorund noise that is bobbing up
and down).
> I'd also like to see an improvement in the isophotal levels being used. In
> the current version I believe we use instrumental magnitudes for some of
> the calculations (like isophotal size). That can be corrected now that
> we have the calibration information available.
You are correct. I forgot about this detail (and others as well).
We can certainly use the correct zero-points. Roc promises me that
they will be available for the re-processing.
> 4. As we discussed last week, the big galaxy problem may require parallel
> approaches--doing what you say, but also feeding in the positions of known
> sources and "forcing" the pipeline to make measurements within the given
> aperture.
Can do. What kind of catalog would this be?
Hand generated? Or just the NED catalog of big bright galaxies
(like M31).
> 6. Rather than eliminating any big galaxies with poor coordinates, I
> would like to hire an undergraduate to check the positions. I've done
> it already with planetary nebulae, and I think it can be done reasonably
> quickly for the 10,000 biggest galaxies with poor coordinates.
Gotta get moving on this ... running out of time. I would luv this catalog.
> I'm also wondering about other issues, like handling the jumps in background
> level across 1/6th frame edges and due to electronic noise. I'll dig out my
> notes from our long-ago meetings and think more about this.
Aha, I have completely forgotten about the J-banding (mainly because the
problem has dissappeared). Well, it is nasty all right. I shutter to think
we can solve this problem (other than re-observing the scans that are
> ---Steve
A number of repeated scans of Abell 3558 have been acquired and reduced. They include the following scans: