Catalog Fields
Catalog Format Fields in the Working Point Source Database

To make the Point Source Working Database more user friendly during final 2MASS data processing, additional fields derived from the standard source information will be loaded during normal operations. Some of these new fields are akin those found in the Incremental Data Release Point Source Catalogs, including the familiar "Read Flag", "Contamination and Confusion Flag", "Blend Flag" and sexigessimal source Designation. A new flag, the "Blend Type" flag is designed to aid diagnosis of various types of source deblending. Those familiar with the CATFORM program will recognize most of the fields.

The following document is the Subsystem Interface Specification (SIS) of the the ADDCAT program. This program constructs the derived fields and appends them to each row of the standard pipeline point source output list ( file). The DBMAN subsystem will read the ADDCAT output file and load the new columns explicitly into the Working Database.

The definition of each of the new database columns is given in the SIS, as are the logical tests used to derive the flag values using existing working database parameters.

2MAPPS Software Interface Specification ADC01 0.1  010612

Interface Name:    ADDCAT/DBMAN
Type of Interface: ASCII Text Source Data File Specification

Written By:        ADCAT.V0.1 _____________________ R. Cutri
Read By:           DBMAN      _____________________ T. Evans

Description:  This output file contains all columns in the calibrated
point source record file, with seven additional columns appended that contain a 
compact summary of properties for point sources.  The additional columns 
are the same that were derived and added during the Catalog Reformatting
step in final product generation.  The program ADDCAT reads the point source 
output file (  All information is in ASCII format, with header
lines followed by one line per input source.  

ADDCAT writes to stdout.  The output file name is set by runtime scripts, 
but should have the form  The output file is read by
DBMAN for loading into the point source Working Database.

The header comment lines are exact copies of those contained in the files, and are described in the CAL01 interface specification.

The first 85 header column descriptors are identical to those in the
file, as described in CAL01, with the addition of descriptors of the
seven additional columns.  The headers have the following form:

Column header lines (columns 1 through 85) as described in CAL01


Column header lines (columns 86 through 92)

|Rd |Bln|CC | Ndet |BlT|A|  designation  |
| c | c | c | char | c |c|  char         |
|   |   |   |      |   | |               |
|   |   |   |      |   | |               |
|   |   |   |      |   | |               |

The format of each data line is as follows:

 Cols   Name          Description                           Units Type   Format
_______ _____________ _____________________________________ _____ ______ ______
 1-545  -             As described in CAL01
547-549 Rd            Read Flag, 1 bit per band (JHK)        -   str     3s
551-553 Bln           Blend flag, 1 bit per band (JHK)       -   str     3s
555-557 CC            Confusion and Contamination flag,      -   str     3s
			 1 bit per band (JHK)
559-564 Ndet          N/M flag, 2bits per band (JHK)         -   str     6s
566-568 BlT           Blend-type, 1 bit per band (JHK)       -   str     3s
  570   A             Positionally associated optical        -   str     1s
		      catalog source                         
572-586 designation   Sexigessimal source designation        -   str     15s

Explanation of Data Encoding: 

Rd    = Read Flag, 1 bit per band (JHK).  Indicates the origin of
        the magnitude and uncertainty in the ?mag and ?sig fields.  Logic
        used to set flags is as described above for the default magnitude

	Rd_Flg  Source of Default Magnitude
	0       Non-detection.  Default mag is the 97% confidence upper-limit
		from band-filling (aperture photometry on atlas image).
		(?_prg_flg = 'fil')
	1       Non-saturated R1.  Default magnitude is R1 aperture mag.
		(?_mrg_flg[0] > 0)
	2       Non-saturated R2-R1. Default magnitude is from R2-R1 psf-fittin.
		(?_mrg_flg[0] = 0 AND ?_pix_flg[2] > 0)
	3       Saturated R1.  Default magnitude is magnitude estimated
		from radial profile-fitting of R1 image.
		(?_mrg_flg[0] > 0 AND ?_pix_flg[0] > 0 AND ?_pix_flg[2] = 0)
        4       Non-saturated R2-R1.  Default magnitude is from R2-R1 aperture
		photometry.  Occurs when psf-fitting fails to produce a valid
                (?_mrg_flg[0] = 0 AND ?_mpsf = 99.999)
        6       Inconsistent deblend.  Default magnitude is the 97% confidence
		upper limit from R2-R1 band-filling at the position of an 
		inconstent deblended source.  
		(?_prg_flg = 'upl')
        9       Although there was a detection at this position, no useful
                magnitude was returned by any of the photometry routines
                (default mag = 99.999).  This occurs if both the psf-fit
                and aperture magnitudes are 99.999 for R2, the aperture
                magnitude is 99.999 for R1, or if there is a saturated
                R2 magnitude with no accompanying R1 magnitude.

Bln   = Blend flag, 1 bit per band (JHK).  Describes the number of component
        profiles fit simultaneously to a detection.

        0 = not detected
        1 = Single profile fit to source, aprture photometry, or saturated R1
            radial profile fit
       >1 = Multiple profiles fit simultaneously to source.  Value is the
	    number of profiles fit.

CC    = Contamination and confusion flag, 1 bit per band (JHK).  Set in
	hieiarchical order according to the following table.  The
	logical condition checked in the source record is also provided.
	(Note that array indeces follow C-convention: 0,1,2,3,...)

        P = Persistence probability > 0.5 for that band.
        G = Source is positionally associated with a filter Glint.
	    (?_prg_flg[0] = 1)
        C = Confusion Artifact.  Source is likely a spurious detection of
            the confusion halo around a bright star.  Occurs when a source
            falls within the artifact confusion radius of a brighter source.
            (?_prg_flg[2] = 2)
        D = Diffraction Spike Artifact.  Source is likely a detection of a diffr
            action spike from a nearby bright star.
	    (?_prg_flg[1] = 6)
        p = Persistence probability 0.1 < pers_prob <= 0.5 for that band.
        c = Photometric Confusion.  Source has biased photometry due to 
            proximity to a bright star that causes an incorrect measurement
            of the background.
	    (?_prg_flg[2] = 1)
        d = Real source that is effected by proximity to a diffraction spike
            from a nearby star.
	    (?_prg_flg[1] = 5)
        s = Detection is likely a detection of or effected by a "stripe" from
            a bright star.
	    (?_prg_flg[1] = 1)
        b = Bandmerge confustion - more than one bandmerge candidate.
            (CnfFlg for that band is >1 in either first or second field)
        0 = Source is unaffected by artifacts, or is not detected in band.
	    (?_prg_flg = '000')

Ndet   = This flag consists of 6 single-digit numbers, two digits per band in 
	 the order JJHHKK. The 1st digit for each band indicates the number of 
	 frames on which there were >3-sigma aperture mag detections, and the 
	 2nd digit indicates the number of frames in which aperture 
	 measurements were possible.  Measurements can be made impossible on
	 a frame because of the location of cosmic rays, noisy pixels, or
	 other masking.  Valid faint R2 sources can have N=0 because
	 single-frame aperture photometry may not return a >3-sigma
	 measurements while photometry from the stack of 6 frames does
	 yield a measurement.  (This flag is AKA the N-out-of-M statistic).

         For each band, the two digits are set as follows:

         ?1 = ?_pix_flg[2]
         ?2 = ?_pix_flg[3]

         if the source is not band-filled or an inconsistent deblend upper
         limit (?_prg_flg = 'fil' OR ?_prg_flg = 'upl')

         Where the indeces follow C-convention (0,1,2,...)

BlT   = Deblend mode flag that denotes type of deblending used for source,
	1 bit/band (JHK).  The value of each digit is as described below.
        The logical condition checked in the source record is also provided.
        (Note that array indeces follow C-convention: 0,1,2,3,...)

	0 = not deblended, or not detected in that band
            (?_bl_flg = 0) OR (?bl_flg = 1 AND ?_acbl_chi != 9.999)
        1 = Passive deblend
            (?_bl_flg >= 2 AND (?_acbl_chi = 0.0 OR ?_acbl_chi = 9.999)
        2 = Active deblend
            (?_bl_flg = 2 AND ?_acbl_chi > 0 AND ?_acbl_chi < 9.999)
        3 = Mixture of passive and active deblend
            (?_bl_flg > 2 AND ?_acbl_chi > 0 AND ?_acbl_chi < 9.999)
        9 = Rejected active deblend
            (?_bl_flg = 1 AND ?_acbl_chi = 9.999)

        (The ?_acbl_chi flags in the working DB are equivalent to the
         "Sharp" parameters in the pipeline source list output)

        the following matrix gives the value of the BlT in each band
        as a function of blend and sharpness (acbl_chi) values:

         Bl     0     1     2    >2
Sh            ---------------------
0.0           | 0     0     1     1
>0 && <9.999  | 0     0*    2     3
9.999         | 0     9     1     1
* - denotes condition that should not be possible.

A     = Catalog identifier of positionally associated optical source.  A
        matched source is flagged only if it is within 5" of the 2MASS

        0  = no optical source positionally associated with 2MASS source.
        T  = Tycho 2 catalog source positionally associated with 
	       2MASS source.
        U  = USNOA_1.0 catalog source positionally associated with 2MASS 

designation = Source "name" constructed from J2000 sexigessimal equatorial
              coordinates.  Construction follows IAU conventions.
              The RA portion is truncated to one-tenth second of time
              and DEC is truncated to one arcsecond.  Name contains one
              trailing blank space for the optional inclusion of a 
              letter designation to discriminate between multiple sources
              having the same name.

Last Update - 12 June 2001
R. Cutri - IPAC