K. A. Marsh, IPAC

Sep 22, 2000
Last updated Oct 2, 2000
Data Access


In order to assess the repeatability of the results of active deblending using PROPHOT, the algorithm has been run on a series of 12 repeated scans of the same region, and the results will be presented below. The goals of the tests were:

(1) Assess the repeatability of the results for different scans.

(2) Determine the errors in flux estimation by comparing the different estimates of the same blend.

The repeatability results provide some useful information on completeness and reliability, which may be defined as follows:

      Completeness = the probability that a genuine blend will be reported 

       Reliability = the probability that a reported blend is genuine

Clearly the completeness must depend on the physical parameters of the blend, which may be characterized by the primary magnitude, the magnitude difference of the components, and the separation. Thus the completeness is meaningful only in the context of specified ranges of these parameters.

In order to assess completeness and reliability, we need some criteria for recognizing a true blend. In the analysis which follows, we will assume that a blend is genuine if either one of the following statements is true:

(1) The blend is detected in more than 1 scan

(2) The blend is detected in more than 1 band in the same scan.

These criteria are, of course, not foolproof -- there will be occasions whereby a false blend will satisfy one or both conditions through random chance. In the analysis which follows, we will try to assess the probability of being misled by the coincidence of false blends in separate scans and separate bands.

An additional consideration for the assessment of completeness is that we need some knowledge of how many blends there are in the region of the sky being observed. Since a truth table is not available, we need to make some further assumptions. Specifically, we will assume that, during the course of 12 scans at 3 bands, all blends within the survey sensitivity limits will have been seen at least once. In this context, "seen" means that the blend has satisfied the above criteria for being classified as genuine. Thus, in effect, we are assessing the completeness of a single scan based on the results of a set of scans.

Based on the above assumptions, the completeness, C, and reliability, R, can be related to the quantities derived from the observed data by:

C = Ngen/(12 * Nblends)

R = Ngen/Ncan

where Ncan is the total number of candidate blends in the source files from all 12 scans, Ngen is the number of those candidates which have been classified as genuine on the basis of the above criteria, and Nblends is the number of spatially-distinct genuine blends inferred to be in the region itself.

The Nblends parameter actually represents a lower limit to the true number of blends present in the region since some blends will undoubtedly be missed, even after 12 scans. Thus the completeness, C, as defined above, represents only an upper limit to the true completeness. Therefore, C should more correctly be termed the "repeatability" rather than the "completeness". We will, however, continue using the term "completeness" since it is closely related to the true completeness, and has more intuitive appeal than "repeatability".


The data selected for these tests consisted of 12 cal scans of a region in the vicinity of zero galactic latitude. The specific scans were:


The seeing shape parameter for these scans ranged from 0.934 to 1.088.


Active deblending in PROPHOT was carried out using a cutoff value of 1.3 for the reduced chi squared, i.e., all single-source solutions whose reduced chi squared exceeded this value were repeated using active deblending. The maximum allowed number of actively-deblended components was 2.

PROPHOT was run as part of the standard pipeline, culminating in the bandmerging process. The output source files (*.bfpts) contained typically 10,000 sources, 40% of which were members of active deblends, i.e., there were typically 2000 blended pairs per source file.

The matching from one scan to the next was done on the basis of a 9-sigma tolerance with regard to both position and magnitude, where sigma refers to the theoretical a-posteriori standard deviation calculated by PROPHOT.

As a sanity check on criterion #1 for recognizing a genuine blend, a source file of fake blends was created by taking each of the sources brighter than 15th magnitude in scan 1 and adding a fake companion of the same magnitude at a separation of 1 pixel. This file was then run through the matching procedure together with the .bfpts file from scan 2. The result was that only 2 matches were found out of a total of 5055 fake blends, i.e., the probability that we would mistakenly classify a false blend as genuine by criterion #1 would be only 0.0004.

After obtaining the scan-to-scan matches, the completeness and reliability of the blends were evaluated as a function of primary magnitude using the above expressions. In addition, the magnitude errors of the primary and secondary source components were estimated from the scatter of the estimates from the different scans.


The completeness and reliability results for all detected blends (with no restrictions on flux ratio or separation) are presented in Table 1 as follows:

 Pri mag        Completeness(%)           Reliability(%)
              J       H       K         J       H       K
     9       ...    40.9    41.7       ...    98.2   100.0
    10      43.1    41.2    34.5     100.0    97.6    92.3
    11      41.9    37.5    41.1      95.1    97.9    93.4
    12      40.6    42.4    41.1      95.7    96.4    95.6
    13      41.9    39.2    36.7      95.6    97.4    96.7
    14      40.6    36.5    29.9      95.0    96.4    95.3
    15      35.1    26.5    13.6      92.9    90.4    80.5
    16      25.2    12.0     ...      81.6    50.0     ... 
The errors in the estimated magnitudes of the components are given in Table 2:
   Mag       Primary mag error        Secondary mag error
(pri or sec)  J       H       K         J       H       K
     9       ...    0.05    0.04       ...     ...    0.32
    10      0.03    0.04    0.24       ...    0.09    0.32
    11      0.04    0.04    0.08      0.16    0.12    0.10
    12      0.04    0.16    0.15      0.11    0.06    0.20
    13      0.26    0.18    0.25      0.16    0.18    0.19
    14      0.24    0.20    0.14      0.19    0.15    0.15
    15      0.26    0.22    0.14      0.16    0.15    0.20
    16      0.21    0.25     ...      0.18    0.61    1.96 

The completeness and reliability in Table 1 were evaluated on the assumption that a detected blend is genuine if it shows up in more than one scan OR if it shows up in more than one band in a single scan. The validity of the former condition has been substantiated by the test with fake blends, described in the previous section. In order to investigate the validity of the second condition, the calculations were repeated using the more restricted definition whereby a blend is classified as genuine ONLY if it appears in more than one scan. The results are presented in Table 3, as follows:

 Pri mag        Completeness(%)           Reliability(%)
              J       H       K         J       H       K
     9       ...    40.9    44.4       ...    98.2    98.5
    10      43.1    43.3    37.2     100.0    96.4    90.3
    11      44.7    40.3    42.3      93.7    96.1    92.7
    12      42.8    44.8    42.6      94.4    95.1    94.7
    13      43.9    41.0    38.1      94.6    96.2    95.7
    14      42.0    37.7    30.6      94.3    95.5    94.5
    15      36.2    27.4    14.0      92.0    89.1    77.8
    16      26.1    12.0     ...      80.3    50.0     ... 

The fact that the results are not significantly affected by the imposition of the more conservative criterion for identifying genuine blends suggests that blends which are detected in more than one band tend to be also detected in more than one scan. In fact, this can be checked on the basis of the data themselves, whereby it is found that:

(a) 88% of sources which appear in more than 1 band in a given scan also appear in more than 1 scan

(b) 96% of sources which appear in all 3 bands in a given scan also appear in more than 1 scan

The above calculations were repeated using restrictions on the ranges of source separation and pri-sec magnitude difference, whereby it was found that there was a relatively weak dependence on separation but a substantial dependence on magnitude difference. The following table (Table 4) shows the results for the case in which the minimum allowed separation is 1.5 arcsec, and the maximum allowed magnitude difference of the components is 2 magnitudes.

 Pri mag        Completeness(%)           Reliability(%)
              J       H       K         J       H       K
    10      47.2    55.3    46.2     100.0   100.0    94.1
    11      44.0    48.4    55.1     100.0   100.0    99.0
    12      51.4    53.2    51.0      99.2    98.3    98.2
    13      51.2    44.1    39.9      98.6    98.7    97.9
    14      45.2    37.4    30.4      97.7    97.1    95.9
    15      35.8    26.9    13.8      94.1    90.9    80.5
    16      25.6    12.0     ...      82.4    52.0     ... 

A comparison of Tables 1 and 4 shows that the restriction on the range blend parameters has resulted in significant increases in both completeness and reliability.


The above tests have shown that the active deblending algorithm, currently implemented in the development version of PROPHOT, performs in a repeatable fashion with high reliability. For blends with separations of 1.5 arcsec or greater, primary magnitudes of 13 or less, and primary-secondary magnitude differences of 2 or less, the completeness (or, more correctly, scan-to-scan repeatability) is approximately 50% and the reliability typically exceeds 98%. Typical magnitude errors for the brighter sources are 0.04 for the primary and 0.1 or so for the secondary.

It is possible that the completeness would increase if we chose a different criterion for the cutoff in reduced chi squared. The current value of 1.3 was chosen based on recent analyses of the distribution of reduced chi squared values from previous PROPHOT runs. However, in that analysis, the reduced chi squared values were adjusted in an attempt to correct for deficiencies in the PROPHOT noise model caused by incorrect PSF variance maps; specifically, they were rescaled so as to peak at unity. However, in the PROPHOT runs used for the current tests, no such scaling was applied. Since the noise-model errors tend to produce reduced chi squared values substantially below unity, it may well be that a cutoff of 1.3 would miss a significant number of blends. It would therefore be interesting to repeat these tests with a different chi squared cutoff. A more efficient alternative, however, would be to wait until a new set of PSFs (with improved variance maps) has been generated, and then rerun the repeatability tests using the same chi squared cutoff of 1.3.



The repeatability tests were rerun, and the results expressed in terms of source separation and pri-sec magnitude difference. For the purpose of these tests, an upper magnitude limit of 14 was imposed on all components at all bands. The results as a function of source separation were obtained using an upper cutoff of 2.0 for the primary-secondary magnitude difference, and are presented in the following table:

Sep["]        Completeness(%)           Reliability(%)
             J       H       K         J       H       K
  1.00       ...    18.3    17.9       ...    78.6    65.2
  1.50      27.1    16.7    22.1      92.9    75.0    50.0
  2.00      29.9    27.1    28.5      95.6    94.9    86.8
  2.50      48.6    37.0    36.6      99.4    97.1    92.2
  3.00      60.7    36.5    36.1      99.5    96.2    92.9
Sep["]       Primary flux error       Secondary flux error
             J       H       K         J       H       K
  1.00       ...    0.28    0.27       ...    0.34    0.25
  1.50      0.11    0.23    0.35      0.31    0.60    0.51
  2.00      0.10    0.17    0.13      0.18    0.15    0.22
  2.50      0.04    0.04    0.08      0.09    0.10    0.16
  3.00      0.04    0.04    0.04      0.08    0.15    0.08

In this table, the source separations have been grouped into 0.5" bins, whose center values are given in the "Sep" column. It is apparent that the various quantities listed in the table behave as expected, i.e. as the source separation increases, the completeness increases and the magnitude errors decrease.

Rebinning in terms of primary-secondary magnitude difference (denoted by Delmag), using a minimum source separation of 1.5 arcsec, we obtain:

Delmag        Completeness(%)           Reliability(%)
             J       H       K         J       H       K
  0.00      38.7    28.2    30.9      98.8    93.1    92.3
  0.50      46.0    24.7    27.5      97.2    95.2    83.1
  1.00      51.2    36.2    36.9      99.1    94.7    89.6
  1.50      41.7    40.6    34.3     100.0    98.6    90.5
  2.00      50.0    33.8    32.1      94.1    94.4    90.1
  2.50      36.7    25.7    22.5      95.7    94.7    72.9
  3.00      37.5    31.2    27.3      96.4    96.8    87.8
Delmag       Primary flux error       Secondary flux error
             J       H       K         J       H       K
  0.00      0.07    0.10    0.07      0.13    0.11    0.07
  0.50      0.06    0.09    0.10      0.08    0.10    0.14
  1.00      0.04    0.10    0.06      0.11    0.08    0.09
  1.50      0.03    0.04    0.07      0.09    0.08    0.15
  2.00      0.03    0.07    0.08      0.09    0.21    0.14
  2.50      0.04    0.04    0.05      0.11    0.20    0.13
  3.00      0.03    0.04    0.22      0.45    0.17    0.46

Again, the results show the expected behavior in that the primary magnitude error decreases while the secondary magnitude error increases with increasing Delmag.


If a double source is treated as a single source during parameter estimation by PSF profile fitting, one would expect the flux to be underestimated. To investigate the severity of the problem, a comparison was made between the photometry results for the N=1 and N=2 cases (i.e. "no deblending" versus "N=2 deblending"). The data used for this comparison consisted of three of the cal scans used in the repeatability tests, specifically:

Scan 1: 000325n/s127
Scan 2: 000518n/s069
Scan 3: 980830s/s011

Each of these scans was run through PROPHOT using exactly the same parameters as for the active deblending runs, except that N was set at 1, i.e. each blend was fit as a single source. The procedure was then to take each blend from the actively-deblended output and calculate the magnitude of the combined blend, Mblend, and then obtain the magnitude bias, defined as (Msingle - Mblend), where Msingle is the magnitude from the corresponding single-source fit. The mean value of the magnitude bias was then determined for each band and each scan, together with the standard deviation of an individual case.

Scatter plots of (Msingle - Mblend) v. Msingle for all 3 scans combined are shown in Figure 1 (J band), Figure 2 (H band), and Figure 3 (K band). The renegade points (particularly at 14th magnitude and above) are presumably due to misidentifications between the "blend" and "no blend" source files.

The means and standard deviations for all blends brighter than 14th magnitude are presented in the following table:

Scan #     J bias    sig    H bias    sig    K bias    sig      

     1       0.18   0.14      0.33   0.18      0.32   0.19
     2       0.29   0.16      0.38   0.18      0.34   0.20
     3       0.22   0.16      0.38   0.20      0.36   0.21

If we compare the biases with the actual photometric errors obtained from the repeatability tests (some of which were as low as 0.04 mag), it is apparent that the biases are all statistically significant. The standard deviations (denoted by sig in the above table) therefore reflect the range of magnitude biases caused by the dispersion in such variables such as the PSF width and the blend parameters.

Since the bias in an individual case can be expected to depend on the blend parameters (particularly the separation and pri-sec magnitude difference), the above analysis was repeated for restricted ranges of these parameters. The results for the case of separations larger than 1.5" and magnitude differences less than 1.0 were:

Scan #     J bias    sig    H bias    sig    K bias    sig      

     1       0.34   0.17      0.45   0.16      0.43   0.18
     2       0.40   0.23      0.49   0.18      0.42   0.24
     3       0.37   0.20      0.50   0.20      0.45   0.23

The biases show the expected behavior in that they become more severe in the presence of blends whose components have comparable magnitudes and substantial separation.

In order to show more clearly the effect of pri-sec magnitude difference and source separation on the single-source magnitude bias, scatter plots have been made of (Msingle - Mblend) v. (pri-sec magnitude difference) and (Msingle - Mblend) v. separation, for a magnitude range Mblend <= 13. The results are as follows:

(a) Flux bias v. pri-sec magnitude difference:
Figure 1a (J band)
Figure 2a (H band)
Figure 3a (K band).

(b) Flux bias v. source separation:
Figure 1b (J band)
Figure 2b (H band)
Figure 3b (K band).

The trend of increasing bias with decreasing pri-sec magnitude difference is quite clear. For H and K bands in particular, the flux bias is approximately 0.5 mag when the components are of comparable magnitude.

BOTTOM LINE: If we don't deblend, then the "single-source" photometry can easily be off by a few tenths of a magnitude.


J, H, and K plots of the RMS magnitude as a function of mean magnitude derived from the repeatability tests are shown in Figure 4. Values for the primary and secondary components are plotted with "+" and "." symbols, respectively. Data corrresponding to component separations of less than 1.5 arcsec were excluded from the plot.


The position repeatabiliity of active deblending was investigated using a set of partially overlapping survey scans. The scans used for this purpose were from 980319s, in the overlap regions of the scan pairs as follows:

     22  &  23
     24  &  25
     25  &  26
     26  &  27
     35  &  36
     37  &  38
     38  &  39
     41  &  42
There was a total of 203 active deblends in the overlap regions. In each case, an attempted match was made between the source lists for the scan pair, and the position residuals were calculated for the successful matches. The RMS value of the position residuals were calculated, expressed in both arcsec and sigmas, where sigma is the theoretical position error. These RMS values were binned as a function of magnitude, delta-magnitude (i.e., the magnitude difference between primary and secondary), and component separation. The results were as follows:
                               J Magnitude
               10.000  11.000  12.000  13.000  14.000  15.000
Pri[arcsec] |    ...     ...    0.086   0.102   0.186   0.230
Sec[arcsec] |    ...     ...    0.106   0.124   0.158   0.188
Pri[sigmas] |    ...     ...    0.607   0.704   1.052   1.317
Sec[sigmas] |    ...     ...    0.599   0.880   1.078   1.240

                            J Delta-magnitude
                0.000   0.500   1.000   1.500   2.000   2.500
Pri[arcsec] |   0.143   0.151   0.166   0.184   0.339   0.155
Sec[arcsec] |   0.216   0.170   0.166   0.139   0.229   0.097
Pri[sigmas] |   0.916   1.004   1.043   1.151   1.489   1.046
Sec[sigmas] |   1.450   1.124   1.142   0.893   1.484   0.641

                            Separation [arcsec]
                1.500   2.000   2.500   3.000   3.500   4.000
Pri[arcsec] |    ...    0.159   0.192   0.181   0.226   0.068
Sec[arcsec] |    ...    0.183   0.171   0.167   0.170   0.134
Pri[sigmas] |    ...    0.959   1.052   1.123   1.266   0.536
Sec[sigmas] |    ...    1.244   1.146   1.040   1.196   0.884

Overall RMS position error [sigmas] = 1.25
It is apparent that the RMS position errors are completely consistent with the error bars quoted in the PROPHOT output source files.