Photometric Bias
Profile-fit versus Aperture Photometric Biases
I. Profile-Fit Photometry Normalization
We assume that aperture photometry of isolated, relatively bright (SNR>20)
sources provides a "truth" reference for 2MASS point source brightness
estimation. Profile-fit photometry is the default point source
brightness estimator, though, because it provides better measurements
for the more numerous fainter sources, does a better job of measuring
sources in crowded environments, and avoids inducing biases due
to lost pixels in undersampled 2MASS data.
Profile-fit photometry from PROPHOT is tied to the true photometric
scale in 2MAPPS by normalization to curve-of-growth
corrected aperture photometry. This normalization occurs in
two places during scan processing:
Profile-fit photometry is normalized to aperture photometry in MAPCOR
band-by-band by measuring the mean offset between the two for
sources in the brightness range 8 < mag < 12 in J, H and
Ks. The mean offset is then
added to the profile-fit magnitudes for all sources so that the mean
offset for the sources in the 8-12 mag brightness range should be
zero. This is done separately for all sources in each scan
having the same seeing-shape value, so there can be up to several
normalizations per band per scan.
Shortly after the start of southern operations, it was found that
there was an apparent bias between profile-fit and aperture
photometry that was a function of source cross-scan position.
This bias arises because of the variation of PSF shape across
the focal plane. PROPHOT employs PSF's that are constructed
from ensembles of sources from all focal plane positions, so
towards the edges of the arrays, where the distortion is largest,
there can be a mismatch between the PROPHOT PSF and actual image profile.
subsystem was designed to compensate for this
by deriving a second-order PSF-fit/aperture photometric normalization
that is a function of cross-scan position.
DMAGCOR computes the mean offset between PSF-fit and aperture
magnitudes in ten position bins across the focal plane
using sources in brightness ranges 9 < J < 14.5, 8.5 < H < 14.0,
8 < Ks < 13.5. The mean offsets are then applied
to the profile-fit magnitudes of sources according to their
cross-scan position. The statistical accuracy of
the measurement is improved by using a wider magnitude range
and by computing the correction for blocks of scans.
The DMAGCOR correction was run on all southern data during
preliminary data processing, but only on northern data
taken after 980605n.
The objective of these two corrections is for there to be
as little possible bias between profile-fit and aperture photometry
for relatively high signal-to-noise sources in the survey.
Neither of these adjustments can compensate for any magnitude-dependent
bias between the photometric measurements, though.
II. PSF-fit vs. Aperture Photometry in the RTB Night Data
The following plots show the measured differences between
profile-fit and aperture photometry in recent 2MAPPS v3.0 RTB night
runs. All sources with |b| > 20o in each
night were used in the evaluations. The rows labelled "v2.x"
in the Proc_date column contain the results from
preliminary processing (2MAPPS v2.x).
- Figures 1-7a,f,k show the photometric offsets as a function of
the profile-fit magnitude. The small black points are individual
stars and the larger red points are the trimmed average offsets
in bins of 0.1 magnitude. The horizontal green lines
are drawn at -0.01, 0.0 and +0.01 mag for reference.
- Figures 1-7b,g,l show the mean photometric offsets in the 0.1 magnitude
bins for each night with the black lines showing the means of all
sources, the green points are the mean offsets of sources within
50" of the east edge of the focal plane, and the red points are
the mean offsets of sources within 50" of the west edge of
the arrays.
- Figures 1-7c,h,m show the mean photometric offsets of sources
as a function of cross-scan position, in 5.1" cross-scan bins.
The blue points show the mean offsets for sources with
J < 13 mag, H < 12.5 mag and Ks < 12.0 mag,
and the red points show the mean offsets for sources
fainter than those limits.
- Figures 1-7d,i,n show the reduced chi-squared as a function of the
profile-fit magnitude. The small black points are individual
stars and the larger red points are the trimmed average chi-squared
in bins of 0.1 magnitude. The horizontal green line
is drawn at chi-sqared = 1.0 for reference.
- Figures 1-7e,j,o show the mean chi-squared values of sources
as a function of cross-scan position, in 5.1" cross-scan bins.
The blue points show the mean offsets for sources with
J < 13 mag, H < 12.5 mag and Ks < 12.0 mag,
and the red points show the mean offsets for sources
fainter than those limits.
Table 1 - Mean PSF-fit versus Aperture Photometry Differences for RTB nights
III. Observations
- The v2.x processed data show relatively little magnitude-dependent
offsets between psf-fit and aperture photometry, with the glaring exception
of 990523n. For 990523s, the offsets are near zero for bright stars, but
increase systemmatically towards fainter magnitudes. The effect is
most pronounced in the Ks band.
- The cross-scan distortion bias is apparent in the J-band for
the two early northern nights for which DMAGCOR was not run (971116n
and 980403n). For the other nights, the cross-scan dependence
on the bias is small and roughly constant, again with the exception of
990523n. For this night, there is a relatively large (0.01-0.02 mag),
approximately constant offset between the profile-fit/aperture
residuals between the bright and faint stars.
- With the exception of the two early northern nights, rhere is no
apparent profile-fit/aperture photometry offset
as a function of cross-scan position for bright stars in both the
original v2.x and v3 processing. This is expected because the
MAPCOR and DMAGCOR correction are derived from the high signal-to-noise
- The scatter in the profile-fit/aperture photometry residuals
for brighter stars is smaller in the v3 test runs.
- The v3 data show different and slightly worsemagnitude dependent
biases than v2.x data on several nights. See in particular the
J-band for 971116n, Ks band on 980319s, all bands on
980403n and 990923s.
- Because there are some relatively strong magnitude-dependent biases between
the profile-fit and aperture photometry in the v3 data (and 990523n v2.x),
there are resulting systemmatic cross-scan position-dependent differences
of up to 2% between bright and faint sources.
Last Update - 14 May 2001
R. Cutri - IPAC