Data Access

Initial investigation of H-only sources

A database selected to contain H-band only sources (rd_flg = 010 or 020 or 030) from the v3_pscat contains 4.5 million objects.

H-only statistics
prox > 8. 1.5M
ph_qual like '_A_' (all UAU)757K
ph_qual like '_A_' and prox > 8.168K584 are 010's
abs(glat)>20. and ph_qual like '_A_'58K
abs(glat)>20. and ph_qual like '_A_' and prox>8.48K53 are 010's

Most telling is the all-sky distribution of these sources. The plot below shows all prox>8. sources with ph_qual like 'UAU'. The plot is a cartesian projection from +90 to -90 dec and RA begins at 0 in the center of the plot and increases to the right. There is clearly an excess in the South. In addition, the confusion effects near the plane have a strange declination dependence within each declination band.