Data Access

Cross-Scan Distributions of Single-Band Sources in the PSC

Figures 4-9 show the distribution of cross-scan positions (x_scan) for the single-band sources in the high latitude PSC. For each band, each hemisphere is plotted separately, and for each hemisphere, the distributions for all sources and sources with ph_qual='AUU' are shown.

Figure 4a - J-only North Figure 4b - J-only North ph_qual='AUU' Figure 5a - J-only South Figure 5b - J-only South ph_qual='AUU'
Figure 6a - H-only North Figure 6b - H-only North ph_qual='UAU' Figure 7a - H-only South Figure 7b - H-only South ph_qual='UAU'
Figure 8a - Ks-only North Figure 8b - Ks-only North ph_qual='UUA' Figure 9a - Ks-only South Figure 9b - Ks-only South ph_qual='UUA'

[Last Updated: 2002 November 19; by R. Cutri]