AKARI Far-infrared All-Sky Survey Maps (ISAS/JAXA, 2014)
The AKARI Far-infrared All-Sky Survey Maps
  Public Release Version 1
    Doi, Y., Takita, S., Ootsubo, T., et al.
   <Publ. Astron. Soc. Jap., 67, 50 (2015)>
Mission_Name: AKARI
Key words: atlases - Galaxy: general - infrared: galaxies - ISM: general -

The Data:
    The image data in this release are produced based on the AKARI All-Sky
  Survey with 4 far-infrared bands at N60 (65 um), WIDE-S (90 um), WIDE-L
  (140 um), and N160 (160 um).  An individual image file is prepared in FITS
  format, which covers a sky region of 6.0 deg x 6.0 deg in ecliptic coordinates
  centres of adjuscent maps are spaced at 5.0 deg both in ecliptic longitudinal
  and latitudinal directions.  The image data are consist of four files as
    image map [MJy sr-1]  sky-brightness image
    sigma map [MJy sr-1]  standard deviation of the image data at each pixel
    Nscan map [count]     spatial scan numbers of the observations
    Nsamp map             number of data samples at each pixel position,
                          weighted by a Gaussian function

    The data format of the North and the South ecliptic pole regions is
  different from the above: images are in equatorial coordinates and centred at
  the both ecliptic poles.

    The file name is formatted as follows:
      Region ID, which describe the centre position of the image in
      (lambda, beta) or (RA, Dec).

      {band}: N60, WideS (=WIDE-S), WideL (=WIDE-L), and N160
      {type}: fixstripe (=image), sigma, nscan, and nsamp

Known Issues:
    The following issues are not dealt with the current version.  Please read
  the reference document for more details.

(1) Zodiacal emission
    Only the smooth component of the Zodiacal emission is subtracted from the
  image data.  The dust band and the Earth-resonant dust ring components remain
  in the image.

(2) Moving bodies
    Planets and asteroids in our solar system are not masked during the image
  processing.  So the images near the ecliptic plane may contain the solar
  system objects.

(3) Earth shine
    Contamination of the stray light from the Earth shine near the north
  ecliptic pole is conspicuous especially in the shorter wavebands (N60 and


  * 05-Jun-2015:
    Journal information was updated
  * 13-Jan-2015:
    Minor update (credit)
  * 19-Dec-2014:
    Documentation prepared by S. Takita for the FIS map making team

(End)  FIS map making team [Univ of Tokyo, ISAS/JAXA, Tohoku Univ, Tsukuba Univ,
                              The Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, The Open Univ]