Data Access

AKARI-HSC Band-Merged Catalog in the North Ecliptic Pole Wide Field Definitions


The North Ecliptic Pole field is a natural deep-field location for many satellite observations. It has been targeted many times since it was surveyed by the AKARI space telescope with its unique wavelength coverage from the near- to mid-infrared (mid-IR). Many follow-up observations have been carried out, making this field one of the most frequently observed areas with a variety of facilities, accumulating abundant panchromatic data from the X-ray to the radio wavelength range. Recently, a deep optical survey with the Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) at the Subaru telescope covered the NEP-Wide (NEPW) field, which enabled Kim et al. (2021) to identify faint sources in the near- and mid-IR bands, and to improve the photometric redshift (photo-z) estimation. The AKARI-HSC Band-Merged Catalog in the NEPW Field contains multiband photometry for 91,861 AKARI sources observed over the NEPW field. It combines various photometric data from the GALEX UV to submillimetre (sub-mm) bands (e.g. Herschel/SPIRE, JCMT/SCUBA-2). About 20 000 AKARI sources are newly matched to the HSC data, most of which seem to be faint galaxies in the near- to mid-infrared AKARI bands.

For more details about the catalog, see the README. If you use the catalog, please cite Kim et al. (2021).

Name Intype Units Description
Trt_Ptch char Tract-patch number
HSC_ID long HSC-ID number
ra double deg RA from the forced catalog by the HSC pipeline
dec double deg Dec from the forced catalog by the HSC pipeline
GCm double mag HSC G-band mag
GCme double mag HSC G-band mag error
RCm double mag HSC R-band mag
RCme double mag HSC R-band mag error
ICm double mag HSC I-band mag
ICme double mag HSC I-band mag error
ZCm double mag HSC Z-band mag
ZCme double mag HSC Z-band mag error
YCm double mag HSC Y-band mag
YCme double mag HSC Y-band mag error
Rxd long Extendedness measured at R-band
AKR_ID long ID number from the New_AKARI_catalog
raAS double deg RA from the shortest IRC band
decAS double deg Dec from the shortest IRC band
raAL double deg RA from the longest IRC band
decAL double deg Dec from the longest IRC band
N2m double mag N2 band magnitude (AB)
N2me double mag N2 band magnitude error
N2f long N2 band SExtractor flag
N3m double mag N3 band magnitude (AB)
N3me double mag N3 band magnitude error
N3f long N3 band SExtractor flag
N4m double mag N4 band magnitude (AB)
N4me double mag N4 band magnitude error
N4f long N4 band SExtractor flag
S7m double mag S7 band magnitude (AB)
S7me double mag S7 band magnitude error
S7f long S7 band SExtractor flag
S9m double mag S9 band magnitude (AB)
S9me double mag S9 band magnitude error
S9f long S9 band SExtractor flag
S11m double mag S11 band magnitude (AB)
S11me double mag S11 band magnitude error
S11f long S11 band SExtractor flag
L15m double mag L15 band magnitude (AB)
L15me double mag L15 band magnitude error
L15f long L15 band SExtractor flag
L18m double mag L18 band magnitude (AB)
L18me double mag L18 band magnitude error
L18f long L18 band SExtractor flag
L24m double mag L24 band magnitude (AB)
L24me double mag L24 band magnitude error
L24f long L24 band SExtractor flag
Nfl long Caution about the near-IR info, 2:for N2, 3:for N3, 4:for N4
sep double arcsec Separation between HSC and AKARI coordinates
nmHSC int Number of HSC sources within a searching radius of the AKARI position
k12id long ID number from Kim et al. (2012)
Bm2 double mag Maidanak B-band mag
Bme2 double mag Maidanak B-band mag error
Rm2 double mag Maidanak R-band mag
Rme2 double mag Maidanak R-band mag error
Im2 double mag Maidanak I-band mag
Ime2 double mag Maidanak I-band mag error
Mflg long Maidanak R-band photometry flag
um double mag CFHT MegaCam u-band mag
ume double mag CFHT MegaCam u-band mag error
gm double mag CFHT MegaCam g-band mag
gme double mag CFHT MegaCam g-band mag error
rm double mag CFHT MegaCam r-band mag
rme double mag CFHT MegaCam r-band mag error
im double mag CFHT MegaCam i-band mag
ime double mag CFHT MegaCam i-band mag error
zm double mag CFHT MegaCam z-band mag
zme double mag CFHT MegaCam z-band mag error
Cflg long CFHT MegaCam u- and r-band flag
stl double Star/galaxy classifier
nmOp int Number of optical sources within the matching radius
dr_op double Distance to the closest neighbor
Jm double mag KPNO/FLAMINGOS J band mag
Jme double mag KPNO/FLAMINGOS J band mag error
Jflg long KPNO/FLAMINGOS J band flag
Hm double mag KPNO/FLAMINGOS H band mag
Hme double mag KPNO/FLAMINGOS H band mag error
Hflg long KPNO/FLAMINGOS H band flag
wY double mag CFHT/WIRCAM Y band mag
wYe double mag CFHT/WIRCAM Y band mag error
wYf long CFHT/WIRCAM Y band flag
wJ double mag CFHT/WIRCAM J band mag
wJe double mag CFHT/WIRCAM J band mag error
wJf long CFHT/WIRCAM J band flag
wKs double mag CFHT/WIRCAM Ks band mag
wKse double mag CFHT/WIRCAM Ks band mag error
wKsf long CFHT/WIRCAM Ks band flag
O14id long ID number from Oi et al. (2014)
uprm double mag CFHT Megaprime u-band mag
uprme double mag CFHT Megaprime u-band mag error
id_spz char ID name of the spectroscopic source
RA_spz double deg RA from the spec-observation
Dec_spz double deg Dec from the spec-observation
specz double Spectroscopic redshift
m char Convention by Marios
q long Quality flag
clss char Classification
SpecRef char Reference to the spectroscopic data
IDws char WISE ID
w1m double mag WISE1 band mag
w1me double mag WISE1 band mag error
w2m double mag WISE2 band mag
w2me double mag WISE2 band mag error
w3m double mag WISE3 band mag
w3me double mag WISE3 band mag error
w4m double mag WISE4 band mag
w4me double mag WISE4 band mag error
IDspt char Spitzer ID
ir1 double mag Spitzer IRAC1 3.6 micron mag
ir1e double mag Spitzer IRAC1 3.6 micron mag error
ir2 double mag Spitzer IRAC2 4.5 micron mag
ir2e double mag Spitzer IRAC2 4.5 micron mag error
ir3 double mag Spitzer IRAC1 5.8 micron mag
ir3e double mag Spitzer IRAC1 5.8 micron mag error
ir4 double mag Spitzer IRAC1 8.0 micron mag
ir4e double mag Spitzer IRAC1 8.0 micron mag error
mp1 double mag Spitzer MIPS 24 micron mag
mp1e double mag Spitzer MIPS 24 micron mag error
m100 double mag Herschel/PACS 100 micron mag
m100e double mag Herschel/PACS 100 micron mag error
m160 double mag Herschel/PACS 160 micron mag
m160e double mag Herschel/PACS 160 micron mag error
m250 double mag Herschel/SPIRE 250 micron mag
m250e double mag Herschel/SPIRE 250 micron mag error
m350 double mag Herschel/SPIRE 350 micron mag
m350e double mag Herschel/SPIRE 350 micron mag error
m500 double mag Herschel/SPIRE 500 micron mag
m500e double mag Herschel/SPIRE 500 micron mag error
sc2id char NEPSC2 ID
sc2flx double mag 850 micron flux (deboosted) in AB mag
sc2err double mag 850 micron flux total error
flg long SCUBA2 flag
nuv double mag GALEX NUV mag
nuve double mag GALEX NUV mag error
fuv double mag GALEX FUV mag
fuve double mag GALEX FUV mag error
photz double Photometric redshift
l68 double 1-sigma lower bound of the maximum-likelihood distribution
h68 double 1-sigma higher bound of the maximum-likelihood distribution
f1 int Star/Galaxy Classification flag
f2 int Flag for excluding HSC bands
chi_gal double Minimum chi square value when the sources is fitted with galaxy templates
chi_star double Minimum chi square value when the sources is fitted with stellar templates
chi_QSO double Minimum chi square value when the sources is fitted with quasar templates
Mbest double log(solMass) galaxy stellar mass based on Bruzual & Charlot (2003)
SFRbst double log(solMass/yr) star formation rate based on Bruzual & Charlot (2003)