Data Access
Balloon-borne Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope (BLAST) Data Access
BLAST Overview BLAST Data Access
You can get a close-up map of a region by clicking on any area in red on the above image, or by using the 'Quick Search' links or by typing a coordinate below.
Quick Search for 4 large BLAST fields

About using Quick Search
Vela South Ecliptic Pole GOODS-S Vulpecula
Target Selection Single Object
(Name or Coords)
Table Upload
(Multi Object) Instructions
Size (deg):
[maximum 7.1]
Images must cover coordinate
Coordinate Examples:
  • 233.737985 23.503187 eq
  • 15h34m57.58s 23d30m04.5s Equ J2000
  • 36.627128 53.028930 ga
  • Arp 220
Default: Equatorial J2000
Please read the delivery documentation to understand how to interpret the different data products such as 'reduced', 'noise', 'hits', 'decon', and 'decon_noise'. Filter transmission profiles for each observing campaign are available: 2005, 2006.
Click here for more information and instructions on using Atlas Instructions
Also available is a Program Interface to Atlas.