Data Access

BRAVA Catalog Definitions


The Bulge Radial Velocity Assay (BRAVA) consists of spectra of approximately 8500 red giants in the Galactic bulge. The canonical paper for this data set is Kunder et al. (2012).

Name Intype Units Description
l double degree Galactic latitude
b double degree Galactic longitude
ra double degree Right Ascension (J2000)
dec double degree Declination (J2000)
J double mag J magnitude
H double mag H magnitude
K double mag K magnitude
Vhc double km_s Heliocentric radial velocity
E double mag E(B-V)
J0 double mag Dereddened J magnitude
H0 double mag Dereddened H magnitude
K0 double mag Dereddened K magnitude
TiO double mag TiO band strength
n_obs int Number of observations
fits_spectra_1 char Link to fits spectrum
aper int Aperture number if multispec
fits_spectra_2 char Link to fits spectrum
TMASS_ID char 2MASS designation