Data Access

COSMOS2020 Farmer Catalog Column Descriptions


In these catalogues, source detection and multi-wavelength photometry is performed for 1.7 million sources in the 2 square degree COSMOS field. Approximately 966,000 of these sources are measured with all available broad-band data using both traditional aperture photometry and a new profile-fitting photometric tool, The Farmer, developed by the COSMOS team. Photometric redshifts are computed for all sources in each catalogue using two independent photometric redshift codes, LePhare and EAZY. At i < 21, sources have sub-percent photometric redshift precision and even the faintest sources at 25 < i < 27 reach a photometric redshift accuracy of 5%.

For more information, see the documentation.

If you use this catalogue, please cite Weaver et al. (2022). You must also include the following standard acknowledgement: "Based on observations collected at the European Southern Observatory under ESO programme ID 179.A-2005 and on data products produced by CALET and the Cambridge Astronomy Survey Unit on behalf of the UltraVISTA consortium." You are additionally encouraged to cite the papers describing the data sets included in the catalogue (such as McCracken et al. 2012 for UltraVISTA).

Name Intype Units Description
cntr integer null null
CFHT_ustar_VALID int null CFHT_ustar flag=False if FLUX/MAG or its error is not trustworthy
HSC_g_CHISQ double null HSC_g reduced Chi2 goodness of fit stat for source prof model
HSC_r_FLUXERR double uJy HSC_r flux density error
HSC_r_CHISQ double null HSC_r reduced Chi2 goodness of fit stat for source prof model
HSC_i_FLUXERR double uJy HSC_i flux density error
HSC_i_DRIFT double arcsec HSC_i distance travelled from RA,Dec model centroid
HSC_z_FLUXERR double uJy HSC_z flux density error
HSC_z_DRIFT double arcsec HSC_z distance travelled from RA,Dec model centroid
HSC_y_FLUXERR double uJy HSC_y flux density error
HSC_y_DRIFT double arcsec HSC_y distance travelled from RA,Dec model centroid
UVISTA_Y_FLUXERR double uJy UVISTA_Y flux density error
UVISTA_Y_DRIFT double arcsec UVISTA_Y distance travelled from RA,Dec model centroid
UVISTA_J_FLUXERR double uJy UVISTA_J flux density error
UVISTA_J_DRIFT double arcsec UVISTA_J distance travelled from RA,Dec model centroid
UVISTA_H_MAG double mag UVISTA_H AB magnitude
UVISTA_H_DRIFT double arcsec UVISTA_H distance travelled from RA,Dec model centroid
UVISTA_Ks_FLUXERR double uJy UVISTA_Ks flux density error
UVISTA_Ks_DRIFT double arcsec UVISTA_Ks distance travelled from RA,Dec model centroid
UVISTA_NB118_FLUXERR double uJy UVISTA_NB118 flux density error
UVISTA_NB118_DRIFT double arcsec UVISTA_NB118 distance travelled from RA,Dec model centroid
SC_IB427_MAG double mag SC_IB427 AB magnitude
SC_IB427_DRIFT double arcsec SC_IB427 distance travelled from RA,Dec model centroid
SC_IB464_MAG double mag SC_IB464 AB magnitude
SC_IB464_DRIFT double arcsec SC_IB464 distance travelled from RA,Dec model centroid
SC_IA484_FLUXERR double uJy SC_IA484 flux density error
SC_IA484_DRIFT double arcsec SC_IA484 distance travelled from RA,Dec model centroid
SC_IB505_MAG double mag SC_IB505 AB magnitude
SC_IB505_DRIFT double arcsec SC_IB505 distance travelled from RA,Dec model centroid
SC_IA527_FLUXERR double uJy SC_IA527 flux density error
SC_IA527_DRIFT double arcsec SC_IA527 distance travelled from RA,Dec model centroid
SC_IB574_MAG double mag SC_IB574 AB magnitude
SC_IB574_DRIFT double arcsec SC_IB574 distance travelled from RA,Dec model centroid
SC_NB711_FLUXERR double uJy SC_NB711 flux density error
SC_NB711_DRIFT double arcsec SC_NB711 distance travelled from RA,Dec model centroid
SC_NB816_MAG double mag SC_NB816 AB magnitude
SC_NB816_DRIFT double arcsec SC_NB816 distance travelled from RA,Dec model centroid
IRAC_CH1_MAG double mag IRAC_CH1 AB magnitude
IRAC_CH1_DRIFT double arcsec IRAC_CH1 distance travelled from RA,Dec model centroid
IRAC_CH2_FLUXERR double uJy IRAC_CH2 flux density error
IRAC_CH2_DRIFT double arcsec IRAC_CH2 distance travelled from RA,Dec model centroid
IRAC_CH3_MAG double mag IRAC_CH3 AB magnitude
IRAC_CH3_DRIFT double arcsec IRAC_CH3 distance travelled from RA,Dec model centroid
IRAC_CH4_FLUXERR double uJy IRAC_CH4 flux density error
IRAC_CH4_DRIFT double arcsec IRAC_CH4 distance travelled from RA,Dec model centroid
ID_GALEX long null ID in GALEX cat. (Zamojski+2007, Capak+2007), crossm. with 0.6" rad.
GALEX_FUV_FLUXERR double uJy GALEX_FUV flux density error
ID_COSMOS2015 long null ID in COSMOS2015 cat. (Laigle+2016), crossmatched with 0.6" radius
SPLASH_CH2_FLUXERR float uJy SPLASH_CH2 flux density error
SPLASH_CH3_MAGERR float mag SPLASH_CH3 AB magnitude error
ID_ACS long null ID in HST ACS F814W cat. (Leauthaud+2007), crossm. with 0.6" radius
ACS_F814W_FLUX double uJy ACS_F814W flux density
ACS_THETA_WORLD float deg ACS F814W angle; to get PA measured from N through E, add/subtr. 90
ACS_MU_CLASS int null ACS F814W star/galaxy classifier: 1=galaxy, 2=star, 3=fake detection
ID_CLASSIC long null ID in the Classic catalogue, crossmatched with 0.6" radius
lp_type long null LePhare type (0: galaxy, 1: star, 2: Xray sour., -9: failure in fit)
lp_zPDF_l68 double null LePhare photo-z lower limit, 68% confidence level (galaxy templates)
lp_chi2_best double null LePhare reduced chi2 for lp_zMinChi2 (NaN if less than 3 filters)
lp_chi2_2 double null LePhare reduced chi2 for the second photo-z solution
lp_chiq double null LePhare reduced chi2 for photo-z for the AGN library
lp_chis double null LePhare reduced chi2 for the best fit with the star library
lp_model long null LePhare BC03 best fit template number
lp_dust double null LePhare BC03 colour excess E(B-V) of best fit template at zPDF
ez_z160 float null EAZY 16.0% percentile of photo-z
ez_z975 float null EAZY 97.5% percentile of photo-z
ez_lc_min double Angstrom EAZY minimum effective wavelength of valid filters
ez_star_min_chi2 float null EAZY chi2 best stellar template fit (BT-SETTL models) as, 8% sys unc
ez_restB float uJy EAZY rest-frame B-band flux density
ez_restV_err float uJy EAZY rest-frame V-band flux density uncertainty
ez_dL double Mpc EAZY luminosity distance at ez_z_phot
ez_energy_abs double solLum EAZY implied absorbed energy associated with Av
ez_L1400 double solLum EAZY luminosity in tophat filter at 1400 A (200 A wide) rest-frame
ez_LOIII double solLum EAZY [OIII] 4959+5007 line luminosity (reddened)
ez_MLv double solMass/solLum EAZY mass-to-light ratio in V band
ez_mass_p025 double log(solMass) EAZY 2.5% percentile of log stellar mass
ez_mass_p975 double log(solMass) EAZY 97.5% percentile of log stellar mass
ez_sfr_p840 double log(solMass/yr) EAZY 84.0% percentile of log SFR
ez_Lv_p160 double log(solLum) EAZY 16.0% percentile of log V-band luminosity
ez_Lv_p975 double log(solLum) EAZY 97.5% percentile of log V-band luminosity
ez_LIR_p500 double solLum EAZY 50.0% percentile of total 8-1000 um luminosity
ez_energy_abs_p025 double solLum EAZY 2.5% percentile of implied absorbed energy associated with Av
ez_energy_abs_p500 double solLum EAZY 50.0% percentile of implied absorbed energy associated with Av
ez_Lu_p025 double solLum EAZY 2.5% percentile of luminosity in rest-frame U band
ez_Lu_p840 double solLum EAZY 84.0% percentile of luminosity in rest-frame U band
ez_Lj_p025 double solLum EAZY 2.5% percentile of luminosity in rest-frame J band
ez_Lj_p840 double solLum EAZY 84.0% percentile of luminosity in rest-frame J band
ez_L1400_p025 double solLum EAZY 2.5% percentile of lum tophat filter at 1400 A (200 A wide) rf
ez_L1400_p840 double solLum EAZY 84.0% percentile of lum tophat filter at 1400 A (200 A wide) rf
ez_L2800_p025 double solLum EAZY 2.5% percentile of lum tophat filter at 2800 A (200 A wide) rf
ez_L2800_p840 double solLum EAZY 84.0% percentile of lum tophat filter at 2800 A (200 A wide) rf
ez_LHa_p025 double solLum EAZY 2.5% percentile of Halpha line luminosity (reddened)
ez_LHa_p840 double solLum EAZY 84.0% percentile of Halpha line luminosity (reddened)
ez_LOIII_p025 double solLum EAZY 2.5% percentile of [OIII] 4959+5007 line luminosity (reddened)
ez_LOIII_p840 double solLum EAZY 84.0% percentile of [OIII] 4959+5007 line luminosity (reddened)
ez_LHb_p025 double solLum EAZY 2.5% percentile of Hbeta line luminosity (reddened)
ez_LHb_p840 double solLum EAZY 84.0% percentile of Hbeta line luminosity (reddened)
ez_LOII_p025 double solLum EAZY 2.5% percentile of [OII] 3726+3729 line luminosity (reddened)
ez_LOII_p840 double solLum EAZY 84.0% percentile of [OII] 3726+3729 line luminosity (reddened)
ez_ssfr_p160 double log(yr**(-1)) EAZY 16.0% percentile of log sSFR
ez_Av_p025 double mag EAZY 2.5% percentile of extinction in V band
ez_Av_p840 double mag EAZY 84.0% percentile of extinction in V band
IRAC_CH2_MAGERR double mag IRAC_CH2 AB magnitude error
GALEX_NUV_FLUXERR double uJy GALEX_NUV flux density error
SPLASH_CH1_MAGERR float mag SPLASH_CH1 AB magnitude error
SPLASH_CH3_FLUXERR float uJy SPLASH_CH3 flux density error
ACS_F814W_FLUXERR double uJy ACS_F814W flux density error
ID_CHANDRA char null ID in Chandra cat. (Civano+2016, Marchesi+2016), crossm. w. 0.6" rad
lp_mods double null LePhare best fit template number in the star library
lp_MG double mag LePhare BC03 absolute rest-frame AB mag in Subaru/HSC g band at zPDF
lp_mass_med_max68 double log(solMass) LePhare BC03 log stellar mass at zPDF, upper limit, 68% conf. level
ez_min_risk float null EAZY risk parameter at ez_z_min_risk, R(ez_z_min_risk)
ez_star_teff long K EAZY effective temperature of the stellar template
ez_restJ float uJy EAZY rest-frame J-band flux density
ez_Lu double solLum EAZY luminosity in rest-frame U band
ez_LOII double solLum EAZY [OII] 3726+3729 line luminosity (reddened)
ez_sfr_p500 double log(solMass/yr) EAZY 50.0% percentile of log SFR
ez_LIR_p160 double solLum EAZY 16.0% percentile of total 8-1000 um luminosity
ez_Lu_p160 double solLum EAZY 16.0% percentile of luminosity in rest-frame U band
ez_L1400_p160 double solLum EAZY 16.0% percentile of lum tophat filter at 1400 A (200 A wide) rf
ez_L2800_p975 double solLum EAZY 97.5% percentile of lum tophat filter at 2800 A (200 A wide) rf
FLAG_COMBINED long null Comb. FLAG_UVISTA, FLAG_HSC, FLAG_SUPCAM (0:clean and inside UVISTA)
ez_LOIII_p500 double solLum EAZY 50.0% percentile of [OIII] 4959+5007 line luminosity (reddened)
ez_LOII_p160 double solLum EAZY 16.0% percentile of [OII] 3726+3729 line luminosity (reddened)
ez_Av_p500 double mag EAZY 50.0% percentile of extinction in V band
ID long null ID (specifically ID_FARMER, as this is the Farmer catalogue)
ra double deg Right ascension (J2000) of model, or of SEP when model is not avail.
dec double deg Declination (J2000) of model, or of SEP when model is not available
X_MODEL double pix Object model position along X, with the scale being 0.15"/px
Y_MODEL double pix Object model position along Y, with the scale being 0.15"/px
ERRX_MODEL double pix Uncertainty on object model position along X
ERRY_MODEL double pix Uncertainty on object model position along Y
ALPHA_DETECTION double deg Right ascension (J2000) of object as determined by SEP at detection
DELTA_DETECTION double deg Declination (J2000) of object as determined by SEP at detection
FARMER_ID char null Farmer internal source identifier ({brick}_{source})
GROUP_ID long null Farmer group identifier; unique within a brick
N_GROUP long null Farmer group occupation number
MODEL_FLAG int null Flag (0: OK, 1: failed to converge, 2: drifted >0.6" from detection)
SOLUTION_MODEL char null The Tractor model type selected by The Farmer
FLAG_HSC int null Flag indicating quality of HSC imaging (0:clean, 1:masked)
FLAG_SUPCAM int null Flag indicating quality of Suprime-Cam imaging (0:clean, 1:masked)
FLAG_UDEEP int null Flag for the UltraVISTA ultra-deep regions (0:ultra-deep, 1:deep)
FLAG_UVISTA int null Flag for the UltraVISTA region (0:inside, 1:outside)
EBV_MW double null Galactic reddening E(B-V) (Schlegel+1998, Schlafly&Finkbeiner 2011)
CFHT_u_FLUX double uJy CFHT_u flux density
CFHT_u_FLUXERR double uJy CFHT_u flux density error
CFHT_u_MAG double mag CFHT_u AB magnitude
CFHT_u_MAGERR double mag CFHT_u AB magnitude error
CFHT_u_CHISQ double null CFHT_u reduced Chi2 goodness of fit stat for source prof model
CFHT_u_DRIFT double arcsec CFHT_u distance travelled from RA,Dec model centroid
CFHT_u_VALID int null CFHT_u flag=False if FLUX/MAG or its error is not trustworthy
CFHT_ustar_FLUX double uJy CFHT_ustar flux density
CFHT_ustar_FLUXERR double uJy CFHT_ustar flux density error
CFHT_ustar_MAG double mag CFHT_ustar AB magnitude
CFHT_ustar_MAGERR double mag CFHT_ustar AB magnitude error
CFHT_ustar_CHISQ double null CFHT_ustar reduced Chi2 goodness of fit stat for source prof model
CFHT_ustar_DRIFT double arcsec CFHT_ustar distance travelled from RA,Dec model centroid
HSC_g_FLUX double uJy HSC_g flux density
HSC_g_FLUXERR double uJy HSC_g flux density error
HSC_g_MAG double mag HSC_g AB magnitude
HSC_g_MAGERR double mag HSC_g AB magnitude error
HSC_g_DRIFT double arcsec HSC_g distance travelled from RA,Dec model centroid
HSC_g_VALID int null HSC_g flag=False if FLUX/MAG or its error is not trustworthy
HSC_r_FLUX double uJy HSC_r flux density
HSC_r_MAG double mag HSC_r AB magnitude
HSC_r_MAGERR double mag HSC_r AB magnitude error
HSC_r_DRIFT double arcsec HSC_r distance travelled from RA,Dec model centroid
HSC_r_VALID int null HSC_r flag=False if FLUX/MAG or its error is not trustworthy
HSC_i_FLUX double uJy HSC_i flux density
HSC_i_MAG double mag HSC_i AB magnitude
HSC_i_MAGERR double mag HSC_i AB magnitude error
HSC_i_CHISQ double null HSC_i reduced Chi2 goodness of fit stat for source prof model
HSC_i_VALID int null HSC_i flag=False if FLUX/MAG or its error is not trustworthy
HSC_z_FLUX double uJy HSC_z flux density
HSC_z_MAG double mag HSC_z AB magnitude
HSC_z_MAGERR double mag HSC_z AB magnitude error
HSC_z_CHISQ double null HSC_z reduced Chi2 goodness of fit stat for source prof model
HSC_z_VALID int null HSC_z flag=False if FLUX/MAG or its error is not trustworthy
HSC_y_FLUX double uJy HSC_y flux density
HSC_y_MAG double mag HSC_y AB magnitude
HSC_y_MAGERR double mag HSC_y AB magnitude error
HSC_y_CHISQ double null HSC_y reduced Chi2 goodness of fit stat for source prof model
HSC_y_VALID int null HSC_y flag=False if FLUX/MAG or its error is not trustworthy
UVISTA_Y_FLUX double uJy UVISTA_Y flux density
UVISTA_Y_MAG double mag UVISTA_Y AB magnitude
UVISTA_Y_MAGERR double mag UVISTA_Y AB magnitude error
UVISTA_Y_CHISQ double null UVISTA_Y reduced Chi2 goodness of fit stat for source prof model
UVISTA_Y_VALID int null UVISTA_Y flag=False if FLUX/MAG or its error is not trustworthy
UVISTA_J_FLUX double uJy UVISTA_J flux density
UVISTA_J_MAG double mag UVISTA_J AB magnitude
UVISTA_J_MAGERR double mag UVISTA_J AB magnitude error
UVISTA_J_CHISQ double null UVISTA_J reduced Chi2 goodness of fit stat for source prof model
UVISTA_J_VALID int null UVISTA_J flag=False if FLUX/MAG or its error is not trustworthy
UVISTA_H_FLUX double uJy UVISTA_H flux density
UVISTA_H_FLUXERR double uJy UVISTA_H flux density error
UVISTA_H_MAGERR double mag UVISTA_H AB magnitude error
UVISTA_H_CHISQ double null UVISTA_H reduced Chi2 goodness of fit stat for source prof model
UVISTA_H_VALID int null UVISTA_H flag=False if FLUX/MAG or its error is not trustworthy
UVISTA_Ks_FLUX double uJy UVISTA_Ks flux density
UVISTA_Ks_MAG double mag UVISTA_Ks AB magnitude
UVISTA_Ks_MAGERR double mag UVISTA_Ks AB magnitude error
UVISTA_Ks_CHISQ double null UVISTA_Ks reduced Chi2 goodness of fit stat for source prof model
UVISTA_Ks_VALID int null UVISTA_Ks flag=False if FLUX/MAG or its error is not trustworthy
UVISTA_NB118_FLUX double uJy UVISTA_NB118 flux density
UVISTA_NB118_MAG double mag UVISTA_NB118 AB magnitude
UVISTA_NB118_MAGERR double mag UVISTA_NB118 AB magnitude error
UVISTA_NB118_CHISQ double null UVISTA_NB118 reduced Chi2 goodness of fit stat for source prof model
UVISTA_NB118_VALID int null UVISTA_NB118 flag=False if FLUX/MAG or its error is not trustworthy
SC_IB427_FLUX double uJy SC_IB427 flux density
SC_IB427_FLUXERR double uJy SC_IB427 flux density error
SC_IB427_MAGERR double mag SC_IB427 AB magnitude error
SC_IB427_CHISQ double null SC_IB427 reduced Chi2 goodness of fit stat for source prof model
SC_IB427_VALID int null SC_IB427 flag=False if FLUX/MAG or its error is not trustworthy
SC_IB464_FLUX double uJy SC_IB464 flux density
SC_IB464_FLUXERR double uJy SC_IB464 flux density error
SC_IB464_MAGERR double mag SC_IB464 AB magnitude error
SC_IB464_CHISQ double null SC_IB464 reduced Chi2 goodness of fit stat for source prof model
SC_IB464_VALID int null SC_IB464 flag=False if FLUX/MAG or its error is not trustworthy
SC_IA484_FLUX double uJy SC_IA484 flux density
SC_IA484_MAG double mag SC_IA484 AB magnitude
SC_IA484_MAGERR double mag SC_IA484 AB magnitude error
SC_IA484_CHISQ double null SC_IA484 reduced Chi2 goodness of fit stat for source prof model
SC_IA484_VALID int null SC_IA484 flag=False if FLUX/MAG or its error is not trustworthy
SC_IB505_FLUX double uJy SC_IB505 flux density
SC_IB505_FLUXERR double uJy SC_IB505 flux density error
SC_IB505_MAGERR double mag SC_IB505 AB magnitude error
SC_IB505_CHISQ double null SC_IB505 reduced Chi2 goodness of fit stat for source prof model
SC_IB505_VALID int null SC_IB505 flag=False if FLUX/MAG or its error is not trustworthy
SC_IA527_FLUX double uJy SC_IA527 flux density
SC_IA527_MAG double mag SC_IA527 AB magnitude
SC_IA527_MAGERR double mag SC_IA527 AB magnitude error
SC_IA527_CHISQ double null SC_IA527 reduced Chi2 goodness of fit stat for source prof model
SC_IA527_VALID int null SC_IA527 flag=False if FLUX/MAG or its error is not trustworthy
SC_IB574_FLUX double uJy SC_IB574 flux density
SC_IB574_FLUXERR double uJy SC_IB574 flux density error
SC_IB574_MAGERR double mag SC_IB574 AB magnitude error
SC_IB574_CHISQ double null SC_IB574 reduced Chi2 goodness of fit stat for source prof model
SC_IB574_VALID int null SC_IB574 flag=False if FLUX/MAG or its error is not trustworthy
SC_IA624_FLUX double uJy SC_IA624 flux density
SC_IA624_FLUXERR double uJy SC_IA624 flux density error
SC_IA624_MAG double mag SC_IA624 AB magnitude
SC_IA624_MAGERR double mag SC_IA624 AB magnitude error
SC_IA624_CHISQ double null SC_IA624 reduced Chi2 goodness of fit stat for source prof model
SC_IA624_DRIFT double arcsec SC_IA624 distance travelled from RA,Dec model centroid
SC_IA624_VALID int null SC_IA624 flag=False if FLUX/MAG or its error is not trustworthy
SC_IA679_FLUX double uJy SC_IA679 flux density
SC_IA679_FLUXERR double uJy SC_IA679 flux density error
SC_IA679_MAG double mag SC_IA679 AB magnitude
SC_IA679_MAGERR double mag SC_IA679 AB magnitude error
SC_IA679_CHISQ double null SC_IA679 reduced Chi2 goodness of fit stat for source prof model
SC_IA679_DRIFT double arcsec SC_IA679 distance travelled from RA,Dec model centroid
SC_IA679_VALID int null SC_IA679 flag=False if FLUX/MAG or its error is not trustworthy
SC_IB709_FLUX double uJy SC_IB709 flux density
SC_IB709_FLUXERR double uJy SC_IB709 flux density error
SC_IB709_MAG double mag SC_IB709 AB magnitude
SC_IB709_MAGERR double mag SC_IB709 AB magnitude error
SC_IB709_CHISQ double null SC_IB709 reduced Chi2 goodness of fit stat for source prof model
SC_IB709_DRIFT double arcsec SC_IB709 distance travelled from RA,Dec model centroid
SC_IB709_VALID int null SC_IB709 flag=False if FLUX/MAG or its error is not trustworthy
SC_IA738_FLUX double uJy SC_IA738 flux density
SC_IA738_FLUXERR double uJy SC_IA738 flux density error
SC_IA738_MAG double mag SC_IA738 AB magnitude
SC_IA738_MAGERR double mag SC_IA738 AB magnitude error
SC_IA738_CHISQ double null SC_IA738 reduced Chi2 goodness of fit stat for source prof model
SC_IA738_DRIFT double arcsec SC_IA738 distance travelled from RA,Dec model centroid
SC_IA738_VALID int null SC_IA738 flag=False if FLUX/MAG or its error is not trustworthy
SC_IA767_FLUX double uJy SC_IA767 flux density
SC_IA767_FLUXERR double uJy SC_IA767 flux density error
SC_IA767_MAG double mag SC_IA767 AB magnitude
SC_IA767_MAGERR double mag SC_IA767 AB magnitude error
SC_IA767_CHISQ double null SC_IA767 reduced Chi2 goodness of fit stat for source prof model
SC_IA767_DRIFT double arcsec SC_IA767 distance travelled from RA,Dec model centroid
SC_IA767_VALID int null SC_IA767 flag=False if FLUX/MAG or its error is not trustworthy
SC_IB827_FLUX double uJy SC_IB827 flux density
SC_IB827_FLUXERR double uJy SC_IB827 flux density error
SC_IB827_MAG double mag SC_IB827 AB magnitude
SC_IB827_MAGERR double mag SC_IB827 AB magnitude error
SC_IB827_CHISQ double null SC_IB827 reduced Chi2 goodness of fit stat for source prof model
SC_IB827_DRIFT double arcsec SC_IB827 distance travelled from RA,Dec model centroid
SC_IB827_VALID int null SC_IB827 flag=False if FLUX/MAG or its error is not trustworthy
SC_NB711_FLUX double uJy SC_NB711 flux density
SC_NB711_MAG double mag SC_NB711 AB magnitude
SC_NB711_MAGERR double mag SC_NB711 AB magnitude error
SC_NB711_CHISQ double null SC_NB711 reduced Chi2 goodness of fit stat for source prof model
SC_NB711_VALID int null SC_NB711 flag=False if FLUX/MAG or its error is not trustworthy
SC_NB816_FLUX double uJy SC_NB816 flux density
SC_NB816_FLUXERR double uJy SC_NB816 flux density error
SC_NB816_MAGERR double mag SC_NB816 AB magnitude error
SC_NB816_CHISQ double null SC_NB816 reduced Chi2 goodness of fit stat for source prof model
SC_NB816_VALID int null SC_NB816 flag=False if FLUX/MAG or its error is not trustworthy
IRAC_CH1_FLUX double uJy IRAC_CH1 flux density
IRAC_CH1_FLUXERR double uJy IRAC_CH1 flux density error
IRAC_CH1_MAGERR double mag IRAC_CH1 AB magnitude error
IRAC_CH1_CHISQ double null IRAC_CH1 reduced Chi2 goodness of fit stat for source prof model
IRAC_CH1_VALID int null IRAC_CH1 flag=False if FLUX/MAG or its error is not trustworthy
IRAC_CH2_FLUX double uJy IRAC_CH2 flux density
IRAC_CH2_MAG double mag IRAC_CH2 AB magnitude
IRAC_CH2_CHISQ double null IRAC_CH2 reduced Chi2 goodness of fit stat for source prof model
IRAC_CH2_VALID int null IRAC_CH2 flag=False if FLUX/MAG or its error is not trustworthy
IRAC_CH3_FLUX double uJy IRAC_CH3 flux density
IRAC_CH3_FLUXERR double uJy IRAC_CH3 flux density error
IRAC_CH3_MAGERR double mag IRAC_CH3 AB magnitude error
IRAC_CH3_CHISQ double null IRAC_CH3 reduced Chi2 goodness of fit stat for source prof model
IRAC_CH3_VALID int null IRAC_CH3 flag=False if FLUX/MAG or its error is not trustworthy
IRAC_CH4_FLUX double uJy IRAC_CH4 flux density
IRAC_CH4_MAG double mag IRAC_CH4 AB magnitude
IRAC_CH4_MAGERR double mag IRAC_CH4 AB magnitude error
IRAC_CH4_CHISQ double null IRAC_CH4 reduced Chi2 goodness of fit stat for source prof model
IRAC_CH4_VALID int null IRAC_CH4 flag=False if FLUX/MAG or its error is not trustworthy
GALEX_NUV_FLUX double uJy GALEX_NUV flux density
GALEX_NUV_MAG double mag GALEX_NUV AB magnitude
GALEX_NUV_MAGERR double mag GALEX_NUV AB magnitude error
GALEX_FUV_FLUX double uJy GALEX_FUV flux density
GALEX_FUV_MAG double mag GALEX_FUV AB magnitude
GALEX_FUV_MAGERR double mag GALEX_FUV AB magnitude error
SPLASH_CH1_FLUX float uJy SPLASH_CH1 flux density
SPLASH_CH1_FLUXERR float uJy SPLASH_CH1 flux density error
SPLASH_CH1_MAG float mag SPLASH_CH1 AB magnitude
SPLASH_CH2_FLUX float uJy SPLASH_CH2 flux density
SPLASH_CH2_MAG float mag SPLASH_CH2 AB magnitude
SPLASH_CH2_MAGERR float mag SPLASH_CH2 AB magnitude error
SPLASH_CH3_FLUX float uJy SPLASH_CH3 flux density
SPLASH_CH3_MAG float mag SPLASH_CH3 AB magnitude
SPLASH_CH4_FLUX float uJy SPLASH_CH4 flux density
SPLASH_CH4_FLUXERR float uJy SPLASH_CH4 flux density error
SPLASH_CH4_MAG float mag SPLASH_CH4 AB magnitude
SPLASH_CH4_MAGERR float mag SPLASH_CH4 AB magnitude error
ACS_F814W_MAG float mag ACS_F814W AB magnitude
ACS_F814W_MAGERR float mag ACS_F814W AB magnitude error
ACS_A_WORLD float deg ACS F814W semi-major axis length
ACS_B_WORLD float deg ACS F814W semi-minor axis length
ACS_FWHM_WORLD float deg ACS F814W FWHM assuming a gaussian core
ACS_MU_MAX float null ACS F814W peak surface brightness above background
lp_zBEST double null LePhare photo-z (=lp_zPDF if galaxy, NaN if X-ray source or masked)
lp_zPDF double null LePhare photo-z using the galaxy templ., median of likelihood distr.
lp_zPDF_u68 double null LePhare photo-z upper limit, 68% confidence level (galaxy templates)
lp_zMinChi2 double null LePhare photo-z using the galaxy templates, minimum chi2
lp_zp_2 double null LePhare 2nd photo-z solution if a 2nd peak detected w. P>5% in PDF
lp_NbFilt long null LePhare number of filters used in the fit
lp_zq double null LePhare photo-z for the AGN library
lp_modq double null LePhare best fit template number in the AGN library
lp_mask double null LePhare mask flag (0: in UVISTA and in clean part of HSC and SUPCAM)
lp_age double yr LePhare BC03 age of best fit template at zPDF
lp_Attenuation long null LePhare BC03 best-fit dust law number at zPDF
lp_MFUV double mag LePhare BC03 absolute rest-frame AB mag in GALEX FUV band at zPDF
lp_MNUV double mag LePhare BC03 absolute rest-frame AB mag in GALEX NUV band at zPDF
lp_MU double mag LePhare BC03 absolute rest-frame AB mag in CFHT u* band at zPDF
lp_MR double mag LePhare BC03 absolute rest-frame AB mag in Subaru/HSC r band at zPDF
lp_MI double mag LePhare BC03 absolute rest-frame AB mag in Subaru/HSC i band at zPDF
lp_MZ double mag LePhare BC03 absolute rest-frame AB mag in Subaru/HSC z band at zPDF
lp_MY double mag LePhare BC03 absolute rest-frame AB mag in VISTA Y band at zPDF
lp_MJ double mag LePhare BC03 absolute rest-frame AB mag in VISTA J band at zPDF
lp_MH double mag LePhare BC03 absolute rest-frame AB mag in VISTA H band at zPDF
lp_MK double mag LePhare BC03 absolute rest-frame AB mag in VISTA Ks band at zPDF
lp_mass_med double log(solMass) LePhare BC03 log stellar mass at zPDF
lp_mass_med_min68 double log(solMass) LePhare BC03 log stellar mass at zPDF, lower limit, 68% conf. level
lp_mass_best double log(solMass) LePhare BC03 log stellar mass at zMinChi2
lp_SFR_med double log(solMass/yr) LePhare BC03 log SFR at zPDF
lp_SFR_med_min68 double log(solMass/yr) LePhare BC03 log SFR at zPDF, lower limit, 68% confidence level
lp_SFR_med_max68 double log(solMass/yr) LePhare BC03 log SFR at zPDF, upper limit, 68% confidence level
lp_SFR_best double log(solMass/yr) LePhare BC03 log SFR at zMinChi2
lp_sSFR_med double log(yr**(-1)) LePhare BC03 log sSFR at zPDF
lp_sSFR_med_min68 double log(yr**(-1)) LePhare BC03 log sSFR at zPDF, lower limit, 68% confidence level
lp_sSFR_med_max68 double log(yr**(-1)) LePhare BC03 log sSFR at zPDF, upper limit, 68% confidence level
lp_sSFR_best double log(yr**(-1)) LePhare BC03 log sSFR at zMinChi2
ez_z_phot float null EAZY maximum a-posteriori photo-z
ez_z_phot_chi2 float null EAZY chi2 at ez_z_phot, with z-prior
ez_z_phot_risk float null EAZY risk parameter (Tanaka+2018) at ez_z_phot, R(ez_z_phot)
ez_z_min_risk float null EAZY photo-z where risk parameter R(z) is minimised
ez_z_raw_chi2 float null EAZY photo-z where chi2 is minimised, without priors
ez_raw_chi2 float null EAZY chi2 at ez_z_raw_chi2
ez_z025 float null EAZY 2.5% percentile of photo-z
ez_z500 float null EAZY 50.0% percentile of photo-z
ez_z840 float null EAZY 84.0% percentile of photo-z
ez_nusefilt long null EAZY no. of filters used for photo-z (only filters w/o missing data)
ez_lc_max double Angstrom EAZY minimum effective wavelength of valid filters
ez_restU float uJy EAZY rest-frame U-band flux density
ez_restU_err float uJy EAZY rest-frame U-band flux density uncertainty
ez_restB_err float uJy EAZY rest-frame B-band flux density uncertainty
ez_restV float uJy EAZY rest-frame V-band flux density
ez_restJ_err float uJy EAZY rest-frame J-band flux density uncertainty
ez_mass double log(solMass) EAZY log stellar mass
ez_sfr double log(solMass/yr) EAZY log SFR
ez_ssfr double log(yr**(-1)) EAZY log sSFR
ez_Lv double log(solLum) EAZY log V-band luminosity
ez_LIR double solLum EAZY total 8-1000 um luminosity
ez_Lj double solLum EAZY luminosity in rest-frame J band
ez_L2800 double solLum EAZY luminosity in tophat filter at 2800 A (200 A wide) rest-frame
ez_LHa double solLum EAZY Halpha line luminosity (reddened)
ez_LHb double solLum EAZY Hbeta line luminosity (reddened)
ez_Av double mag EAZY extinction in V band
ez_lwAgeV double Gyr EAZY light-weighted age in the V band
ez_mass_p160 double log(solMass) EAZY 16.0% percentile of log stellar mass
ez_mass_p500 double log(solMass) EAZY 50.0% percentile of log stellar mass
ez_mass_p840 double log(solMass) EAZY 84.0% percentile of log stellar mass
ez_sfr_p025 double log(solMass/yr) EAZY 2.5% percentile of log SFR
ez_sfr_p160 double log(solMass/yr) EAZY 16.0% percentile of log SFR
ez_sfr_p975 double log(solMass/yr) EAZY 97.5% percentile of log SFR
ez_Lv_p025 double log(solLum) EAZY 2.5% percentile of log V-band luminosity
ez_Lv_p500 double log(solLum) EAZY 50.0% percentile of log V-band luminosity
ez_Lv_p840 double log(solLum) EAZY 84.0% percentile of log V-band luminosity
ez_LIR_p025 double solLum EAZY 2.5% percentile of total 8-1000 um luminosity
ez_LIR_p840 double solLum EAZY 84.0% percentile of total 8-1000 um luminosity
ez_LIR_p975 double solLum EAZY 97.5% percentile of total 8-1000 um luminosity
ez_energy_abs_p160 double solLum EAZY 16.0% percentile of implied absorbed energy associated with Av
ez_energy_abs_p840 double solLum EAZY 84.0% percentile of implied absorbed energy associated with Av
ez_energy_abs_p975 double solLum EAZY 97.5% percentile of implied absorbed energy associated with Av
ez_Lu_p500 double solLum EAZY 50.0% percentile of luminosity in rest-frame U band
ez_Lu_p975 double solLum EAZY 97.5% percentile of luminosity in rest-frame U band
ez_Lj_p160 double solLum EAZY 16.0% percentile of luminosity in rest-frame J band
ez_Lj_p500 double solLum EAZY 50.0% percentile of luminosity in rest-frame J band
ez_Lj_p975 double solLum EAZY 97.5% percentile of luminosity in rest-frame J band
ez_L1400_p500 double solLum EAZY 50.0% percentile of lum tophat filter at 1400 A (200 A wide) rf
ez_L1400_p975 double solLum EAZY 97.5% percentile of lum tophat filter at 1400 A (200 A wide) rf
ez_L2800_p160 double solLum EAZY 16.0% percentile of lum tophat filter at 2800 A (200 A wide) rf
ez_L2800_p500 double solLum EAZY 50.0% percentile of lum tophat filter at 2800 A (200 A wide) rf
ez_LHa_p160 double solLum EAZY 16.0% percentile of Halpha line luminosity (reddened)
ez_LHa_p500 double solLum EAZY 50.0% percentile of Halpha line luminosity (reddened)
ez_LHa_p975 double solLum EAZY 97.5% percentile of Halpha line luminosity (reddened)
ez_LOIII_p160 double solLum EAZY 16.0% percentile of [OIII] 4959+5007 line luminosity (reddened)
ez_LOIII_p975 double solLum EAZY 97.5% percentile of [OIII] 4959+5007 line luminosity (reddened)
ez_LHb_p160 double solLum EAZY 16.0% percentile of Hbeta line luminosity (reddened)
ez_LHb_p500 double solLum EAZY 50.0% percentile of Hbeta line luminosity (reddened)
ez_LHb_p975 double solLum EAZY 97.5% percentile of Hbeta line luminosity (reddened)
ez_LOII_p500 double solLum EAZY 50.0% percentile of [OII] 3726+3729 line luminosity (reddened)
ez_LOII_p975 double solLum EAZY 97.5% percentile of [OII] 3726+3729 line luminosity (reddened)
ez_ssfr_p025 double log(yr**(-1)) EAZY 2.5% percentile of log sSFR
ez_ssfr_p500 double log(yr**(-1)) EAZY 50.0% percentile of log sSFR
ez_ssfr_p840 double log(yr**(-1)) EAZY 84.0% percentile of log sSFR
ez_ssfr_p975 double log(yr**(-1)) EAZY 97.5% percentile of log sSFR
ez_Av_p160 double mag EAZY 16.0% percentile of extinction in V band
ez_Av_p975 double mag EAZY 97.5% percentile of extinction in V band
x double null null
y double null null
z double null null
spt_ind integer null null
htm20 integer null null