Data Access

COSMOS ACS Catalog Definitions

COSMOS Overview

The COSMOS Archive serves data taken for the Cosmic Evolution Survey (COSMOS) project. COSMOS is an astronomical survey designed to probe the formation and evolution of galaxies as a function of cosmic time (redshift) and large scale structural environment. The survey covers a 2 square degree equatorial field with imaging by most of the major space-based telescopes (Hubble, Spitzer, GALEX, XMM, Chandra) and a number of large ground based telescopes (Subaru, VLA, ESO-VLT, UKIRT, NOAO, CFHT, and others).

IRSA serves the COSMOS archive using the following search methods:

COSMOS ACS catalog

This is the ACS catalog for the COSMOS survey that has been constructed from 575 ACS pointings. Please see Leauthaud et al. 2006, ApJ, for project and data details.

Detection was performed on the images subsampled at 0.03 arcseconds. For this reason, the noise is correlated within the images which can affect the detection at the very faint magnitudes. Because of the correlated noise, the error estimates produced by SExtractor are offset. The error estimates in the catalog have been corrected for the correlated noise, for more details on the derivation, see Leauthaud et al 2006.

This catalog has been produced using photometry detection software, SExtractor (version 2.4.3). SExtractor was run on the ACS FW814 Cycle 12 and Cycle 13 images. In order to correctly detect and deblend a wide range of objects, Sextractor has been run twice, once with a configuration optimized for the detection of only the brightest objects, once with a configuration optimized for the faint objects. The two samples are then merged together to form the master catalog.

The following cleaning tasks have been performed on the final catalog:

We furthermore recommend that users remove objects with mu_class equal to 3 (see mu_type_small.eps. This cut will remove many faint spurious detections from the catalog.

The mu_class flag is a Star/Galaxy classifier that we recommend over the class_star flag from SExtractor. This flag is defined by the locus of objects within a mag_auto/mu_max plane (see mu_type.ps).

The classification flag mu_class is defined as:

See also:

COSMOS ACS Catalog Column Definitions

Gator serves the COSMOS September 2006 ACS Catalog (60 columns [55 delivered + 5 IRSA-created], 1,117,274 data rows). The column descriptions can be found below.

Column Name Data Type Units Description
number int   Running object number from SExtractor; do not use this number as a unique identification number
mag_iso float mag Isophotal magnitude
magerr_iso float mag RMS error for isophotal magnitude
mag_isocor float mag Corrected isophotal magnitude
magerr_isocor float mag RMS error for corrected isophotal magnitude
mag_petro float mag Petrosian magnitude. Kron_fact = 2.5
magerr_petro float mag RMS error for petrosian magnitude.
petro_radius float pixel Petrosian radius. Pixel size is 0.03 arcseconds.
mag_aper float mag Fixed aperture magnitude. Aperture = 0.6 arcseconds.
magerr_aper float mag RMS error for fixed aperture mag. Aperture = 0.6 arcseconds.
mag_auto float mag Kron-like elliptical aperture magnitude
magerr_auto float mag RMS error for AUTO magnitude
mag_best float mag Best of MAG_AUTO and MAG_ISOCOR
magerr_best float mag RMS error for MAG_BEST
flux_auto float count Flux within a Kron-like elliptical aperture
fluxerr_auto float count RMS error for AUTO flux
kron_radius float pixel Kron radius for AUTO magnitude. Pixel size is 0.03 arcseconds.
background float counts Background at centroid position
threshhold float counts Detection threshold above background
flux_max float counts Peak flux above backgound
flux_radius float pixel Half-light radius
isoarea_image int pixel2 Isophotal area
x_image float pixel Object position along x. Pixel size is 0.03 arcseconds.
y_image float pixel Object position along y. Pixel size is 0.03 arcseconds.
xmin_image int pixel Minimum x-coordinate among detected pixels. Pixel size is 0.03 arcseconds.
ymin_image int pixel Minimum y-coordinate among detected pixels. Pixel size is 0.03 arcseconds.
xmax_image int pixel Maximum x-coordinate among detected pixels. Pixel size is 0.03 arcseconds.
ymax_image int pixel Maximum y-coordinate among detected pixels. Pixel size is 0.03 arcseconds.
xpeak_image int pixel x-coordinate of the brightest pixel
ypeak_image int pixel y-coordinate of the brightest pixel
alphapeak_j2000 float deg Right ascension of the brightest pixel (J2000)
deltapeak_j2000 float deg Declination of the brightest pixel (J2000)
a_image float pixel Profile RMS along major axis. Pixel size is 0.03 arcseconds.
b_image float pixel Profile RMS along minor axis. Pixel size is 0.03 arcseconds.
ra float deg Right ascension of the barycenter (J2000)
dec float deg Declination of the barycenter (J2000)
theta_image float deg Position angle (CCW/x). Defined counterclockwise.
mu_threshhold float max*arcsec-2 Detection threshold above background
mu_max float max*arcsec-2 Peak surface brightness abouve background
isoarea_world float deg2 Isophotal area above analysis threshold
x_world float deg Object position along world x axis
y_world float deg Object position along world y axis
a_world float deg Profile RMS along major axis (world units)
b_world float deg Profile RMS along minor axis (world units)
theta_world float deg Position angle (CCW/world-x)
flags int   SExtractor quality flag
fwhm_image float pixel FWHM assuming a gaussian core. Pixel size is 0.03 arcseconds.
fwhm_world float deg FWHM assuming a gaussian core
cxx_image float pixel-2 Cxx object ellipse parameter
cyy_image float pixel-2 Cyy object ellipse parameter
cxy_image float pixel-2 Cxy object ellipse parameter
elongation float   A_IMAGE/B_IMAGE
class_star float   SExtractor star/galaxy classifier. Prefer the MU_CLASS classifier.
field char   Name of ACS pointing in which object is detected
mu_class int   Star/galaxy classifier. Type 1=galaxy, type 2=star, type 3=fake detection. Use this classifier rather than CLASS_STAR.