Data Access

Chandra-COSMOS Legacy Survey Multiwavelength Catalog Definitions


The Chandra COSMOS-Legacy Survey is a 4.6 Ms Chandra program on the 2.2 deg^2 of the COSMOS field, combining 56 new overlapping observations obtained in Cycle 14 with the previous C-COSMOS survey. The i, K, and 3.6 micron identifications of the 2273 X-ray point sources detected in the new Cycle 14 observations are combined with the 1743 sources detected in C-COSMOS. The likelihood ratio technique was used to derive the association of optical/infrared (IR) counterparts for 97% of the X-ray sources. The final catalog contains 4016 X-ray sources, 97% of which have an optical/IR counterpart and a photometric redshift, while 54% of the sources have a spectroscopic redshift.

Please cite Marchesi et al. (2016) if you use this catalog.

Name Intype Units Description
id_x char Source ID
ra double deg Right Ascension (J2000)
dec double deg Declination (J2000)
DET_ML_F double Maximum likelihood detection value in 0.5-7 keV band
DET_ML_S double Maximum likelihood detection value in 0.5-2 keV band
DET_ML_H double Maximum likelihood detection value in 2-7 keV band
flux_F double erg/s/cm2 0.5-10 keV flux
flux_S double erg/s/cm2 0.5-2 keV flux
flux_H double erg/s/cm2 2-10 keV flux
HR double Hardness Ratio, (H-S)/(H+S)
HR_lo_lim double Hardness Ratio 90% lower limit
HR_up_lim double Hardness Ratio 90% upper limit
id_i int Ilbert optical catalog ID
ra_i double deg Optical Right Ascension (J2000)
dec_i double deg Optical Declination (J2000)
i_mag double mag i-band AB magnitude
i_mag_err double mag i-band AB magnitude error
flag_i_mag int i-band flag:
1 = Subaru
2 = CFHT
3 = SDSS
5 = manual photometry
id_k_uv int Ultravista ID
ra_k_uv double deg K-band Ultravista Right Ascension (J2000)
dec_k_uv double deg K-band Ultravista Right Declination (J2000)
k_uv_mag double mag K-band Ultravista AB magnitude
k_uv_mag_err double mag K-band Ultravista AB magnitude error
id_k_cfht int K-Band CFHT ID
ra_k_cfht double deg K-band CFHT Right Ascension (J2000)
dec_k_cfht double deg K-band CFHT Declination (J2000)
k_cfht_mag double mag K-band CFHT AB magnitude
k_cfht_mag_err double mag K-band CFHT AB magnitude error
ra_irac double deg IRAC Sanders Right Ascension (J2000)
dec_irac double deg IRAC Sanders Declination (J2000)
irac_mag double mag Sanders 3.6 micron AB magnitude
irac_mag_err double mag Sanders 3.6 micron AB magnitude error
ra_splash double deg Splash Right Ascension (J2000)
dec_splash double deg Splash Declination (J2000)
splash_mag double mag Splash 3.6 micron AB magnitude
splash_mag_err double mag Splash 3.6 micron AB magnitude error
final_id_flag long Final ID flag:
1 = secure
10 = ambiguous
100 = subthreshold
-99 = unidentified
star_flag int Star flag:
1 = spectroscopically confirmed star
10 = photometric star
100 = visually identified star
z_best double Best redshift
z_spec double Spectroscopic redshift
Instr char Instrument used to obtain the spectrum
Qg double Spectroscopic redshift quality:
2 = secure redshift, spectroscopic reliability > 99.5%
1.5 = reliable redshift, spectroscopic reliability <99.5% but there is a photometric redshift such that delta_z/(1+z) < 0.1
1 = not reliable redshift, spectroscopic reliability <99.5% and photo-z such that delta_z/(1+z) > 0.1
spec_type int Spectral type:
2 = non-BLAGN
0 = star
z_phot double Photometric redshift from Salvato et al. (in prep.)
phot_type int Best fit SED template:
1 = unobscured
2 = obscured
3 = galaxy
5 = star
id_xmm int ID from XMM-COSMOS
dist_lum double Mpc Luminosity distance
Lx_0510 double ergs/s 0.5-10 keV rest frame luminosity
Lx_052 double ergs/s 0.5-2 keV rest frame luminosity
Lx_210 double ergs/s 2-10 keV rest frame luminosity
NH double cm^-2 1E22 Intrinsic NH computed using HR and z
abs_corr_0510 double 0.5-10 keV luminosity absorption correction assuming NH
abs_corr_052 double 0.5-2 keV luminosity absorption correction assuming NH
abs_corr_210 double 2-10 keV luminosity absorption correction assuming NH
NH_lo double cm^-2 1E22 Intrinsic NH computed using HR lower limit and z
abs_corr_0510_lo double 0.5-10 keV luminosity absorption correction assuming NH_lo
abs_corr_052_lo double 0.5-2 keV luminosity absorption correction assuming NH_lo
abs_corr_210_lo double 2-10 keV luminosity absorption correction assuming NH_lo
NH_up double cm^-2 1E22 Intrinsic NH computed using HR upper limit and z
abs_corr_0510_up double 0.5-10 keV luminosity absorption correction assuming NH_up
abs_corr_052_up double 0.5-2 keV luminosity absorption correction assuming NH_up
abs_corr_210_up double 2-10 keV luminosity absorption correction assuming NH_up