COSMOS X-ray Group Catalog - Gozaliasl (2019) Catalog Definitions


This is the revised catalogue of 247 X-ray groups of galaxies in the 2 square degree COSMOS field with M200c = 8x10^12 - 3x10^14 M_sun at redshift range of 0.08 ≤ z < 1.53. The main revisions are on the group X-ray centre using the combined data of the XMM-Newton and Chandra and the redshift based on the COSMOS2015 photometric redshifts catalogue (Laigle et al. 2016) and the COSMOS spectroscopic redshifts catalogue (Hasinger et al. 2018).

If you use this catalog, please cite Gozaliasl et al. (2019).

Name Intype Units Description
ra double deg Right Ascension (J2000)
dec double deg Declination (J2000)
redshift float redshift
flag int group identification flag:
1 = secure X-ray emission from IGM, defined X-ray center, spectroscopic redshift
2 = foreground/background contamination
3 = no spectroscopic redshift
4 = multiple optical counterparts
M200c double solMass halo mass M_200
M200c_er double solMass uncertainty in M_200
Lx double erg/s X-ray luminosity
Lx_er double erg/s uncertainty in L_X
R200_deg float deg Radius R_200
kt float keV IGM temperature kT
kt_er float keV uncertainty in kT
flux double erg/cm**2/s X-ray flux 0.5-2 keV within r_500
flux_er double erg/cm**2/s uncertainty in X-ray flux
signif_flux double significance of X-ray flux estimate: flux/flux_er