COSMOS NEWFIRM Medium Band Survey                               Version 1.0

July 15, 2011

The Cosmic Evolution Survey (COSMOS) is a Multi-Wavelength Project to survey
a 2 square degree equatorial field, centered on RA=10:00:28.6 and

These data represent imaging from the NEWFIRM Medium Band Survey 
(PI P.G. vanDokkum). http://www.astro.yale.edu/nmbs/Overview.html

Please cite Whitaker et al. 2011, ApJ, 735, 86 if you make use of
these data.  The filter system is defined in:
van Dokkum et al. 2009, PASP, 121, 1

These data were taken from the NOAO archvie http://archive.noao.edu/nsa/ 
and modified to the COSMOS standard format for internal COSMOS use.

Telescope:                      Mayall 4m
Instrument:                     NEWFIRM
Integration time:		24.9	J1
				19.6	J2
				24.8	J3
				14.7	H1
				17.0	H2
				11.8	Ks

Effective Wavelength:		1.047um	J1
				1.195um	J2
				1.279um	J3
				1.560um	H1
				1.708um	H2
				2.2um	Ks

Filter Width:			0.151	J1
				0.148	J2
				0.141	J3
				0.167	H1
				0.175	H2
				0.325	Ks

Flux unit:                      nJy/pixel
Area:                           0.25 sq degrees

Seeing:				1.19	J1
				1.17	J2
				1.12	J3
				1.03	H1
				1.24	H2
				1.08	Ks