=========================================================================== COSMOS Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) g' Data Version 2.0 =========================================================================== The filter transmission profile follows. This profile includes the filter, telescope, camera optics, and 1.3 amasses of atmosphere. The wavelength is in units of Angstroms, the transmission is in units of photons (QE). #lambda Transmission 3630 0 3655 0.0003 3680 0.0008 3705 0.0013 3730 0.0019 3755 0.0024 3780 0.0034 3805 0.0055 3830 0.0103 3855 0.0194 3880 0.0326 3905 0.0492 3930 0.0686 3955 0.09 3980 0.1123 4005 0.1342 4030 0.1545 4055 0.1722 4080 0.1873 4105 0.2003 4130 0.2116 4155 0.2214 4180 0.2301 4205 0.2378 4230 0.2448 4255 0.2513 4280 0.2574 4305 0.2633 4330 0.2691 4355 0.2747 4380 0.2801 4405 0.2852 4430 0.2899 4455 0.294 4480 0.2979 4505 0.3016 4530 0.3055 4555 0.3097 4580 0.3141 4605 0.3184 4630 0.3224 4655 0.3257 4680 0.3284 4705 0.3307 4730 0.3327 4755 0.3346 4780 0.3364 4805 0.3383 4830 0.3403 4855 0.3425 4880 0.3448 4905 0.3472 4930 0.3495 4955 0.3519 4980 0.3541 5005 0.3562 5030 0.3581 5055 0.3597 5080 0.3609 5105 0.3613 5130 0.3609 5155 0.3595 5180 0.3581 5205 0.3558 5230 0.3452 5255 0.3194 5280 0.2807 5305 0.2339 5330 0.1839 5355 0.1352 5380 0.0911 5405 0.0548 5430 0.0295 5455 0.0166 5480 0.0112 5505 0.0077 5530 0.005 5555 0.0032 5580 0.0021 5605 0.0015 5630 0.0012 5655 0.001 5680 0.0009 5705 0.0008 5730 0.0006 5755 0.0005 5780 0.0003 5805 0.0001 5830 0