GO2+GO3a+GO3b Delivery
Version 1 Products (August 2008)
H.Aussel + E.Le Floc'h + S-COSMOS team

Telescope:             Spitzer
Campaigns:             MIPS006300 = GO2  (2006 Jan)
                       MIPS010800 = GO3a (2007 Jan)
                       MIPS011900 = GO3b (2007 May)
ReqModeName:           MipsScan
PI:                    David B. Sanders
Program Title:         SCOSMOS
Program IDs:           20070+30143
MIPS Bands:            24mic


README                          (this file)
scosmos_mips_24_GO3_200810.tbl                    photometry catalog
mips_24_GO3_sci_10.fits    24mic image
mips_24_GO3_unc_10.fits    24mic uncertainty map

The 24 microns images were produced by subtracting a constant
background convolved with the residual pattern from the scan mirror
from the BCDs, and taking the median at all sky positions. Given that
data was obatined at three differents epochs, this ensures that the
asteroids are filtered out. An average image was also computed at the
time (not delivered), and its corresponding uncertainty is delivered
as well, as an indication of the uncertainty at each position. Both
images units are MJy/sr. The astrometric solution uses pixels of 1.2"
that are aligned to within 0.1% with the pixels of the optical COSMOS
datasets, with 1 MIPS 24 pixel corresponding to 6 optical grid pixels.  

Photometry catalog - column description:

(1) Source-ID
(2) RA(J2000)
(3) Dec(J2000)
(4) Total 24mic flux density in mJy
(5) Flux uncertainty

Covered area: 2 square degrees

Astrometry: 2MASS

Fluxes are total MIPS 24mic flux densities assuming a 10000K
   black body as the underlying spectrum

Sent questions to both herve.aussel@cea.fr & elefloch@ifa.hawaii.edu

Catalog description at http://ifa.hawaii.edu/~elefloch/CosA24/index.html
   (login: cosA24  passwd: cosA24mips)