Version 3 Products (2009 January)
D. T. Frayer 

I. Basic Information

Telescope:             Spitzer
Campaigns:             MIPS006300 = GO2  (2006 Jan)
                       MIPS010800 = GO3a (2007 Jan)
                       MIPS011900 = GO3b (2007 May)
                       MIPS013500 = GO3c (2008 Jan)
ReqModeName:           MipsScan
PI:                    David B. Sanders
Program IDs:           20070+30143
MIPS Bands:            70 and 160um

II. Processing Details:

o Raw Data processed with GeRT, version 20060415                         
o RAW->BCDs: do(70/160)aor_cosmos_gert+caler+refilt.tsch                       
o BCDs coadd with MOPEX, version 16.3.7                                  
o Catalogs based on PRF fitting from APEX tools within MOPEX
o MIPS calibration and color corrections from Gordon et al. 2007, PASP
  and Stansberry et al. 2007, PASP.
o Images and uncertainty images are in MJy/sr assuming a nu-Fnu =
  constant spectral-energy-distribution.  Catalog flux densities are
  in mJy assuming same calibration and include a factor of 1.15 for
  emission outside of the measured PRF.
o Data Paper Reference: Frayer et al. 2009, AJ              

III. Version 3 Product Listing:

scosmos_mips_70_sci_v3.fits      70um science image
scosmos_mips_70_unc_v3.fits      70um uncertainty image
scosmos_mips_70_cov_v3.fits      70um coverage map
scosmos_mips_70_cat_v3.tbl      70um SNR>5 source catalog
scosmos_mips_160_sci_v3.fits     160um science image
scosmos_mips_160_unc_v3.fits     160um uncertainty image
scosmos_mips_160_cov_v3.fits     160um coverage map
scosmos_mips_160_cat_v3.tbl     160um SNR>5 source catalog

Additional information can be found in the headers of each product and
in the data paper (Frayer et al. 2009).  This is the last planned
delivery of MIPS-Ge S-Cosmos data. 

16Jan2009, frayer@ipac.caltech.edu