COSMOS XMM Data                                                 Version 3.0

The Cosmic Evolution Survey (COSMOS) is an HST Treasury Project to survey
a 2 square degree equatorial field, centered on RA=10:00:28.6 and
DEC=+02:12:21.0, using the ACS camera. The project also incorporates major
commitments from other observatories around the world, including the VLA
radio telescope, ESO's VLT in Chile, ESA's XMM X-ray satellite, and the
Japanese 8-meter Subaru telescope in Hawaii.

XMM-Newton  observed the COSMOS field for a total of 1.55 Ms
(to an homogeneous X-ray flux limit of ~5e-16 cgs in the 0.5-2 keV band).
The data present in the archive refer to the mosaic constructed with
all  the XMM observations (AO3+AO4+AO6, 55 "good" XMM pointings, 
~1.55 Ms in total).

The key characteristics of these data:

       Instrument:             XMM European Photon Imaging Camera (EPIC)
       Dates of observations:  AO3+AO4+AO6 (Dec 2003 - Jun 2007)
       Observing time:         ~30 ksec / pointing
       Energy range:           0.5 - 10.0 keV
       Area:                   ~2 sq deg
       Resolution:             4"/pixel

The data products available here include:

  (1) Three vignetted exposure maps, created from the original
      X-ray photon event files, filtered by photon energy:

       xmm_C0520-vigyes-w.exp  0.5 keV < e <  2.0 keV
       xmm_C2080-vigyes-w.exp  2.0 keV < e <  8.0 keV
       xmm_C4510-vigyes-w.exp  4.5 keV < e < 10.0 keV

  (2) Three background maps, created as described in Cappelluti et al. 2006:

       xmm_C0520.bg    0.5 keV < e <  2.0 keV
       xmm_C2080.bg      2.0 keV < e <  8.0 keV
       xmm_C4510.bg    4.5 keV < e < 10.0 keV

  (3) Three images, created from the X-ray photon event files, 
      filtered by photon energy:

       xmm_C0520.img       0.5 keV < e <  2.0 keV
       xmm_C2080.img       2.0 keV < e <  8.0 keV
       xmm_C4510.img       4.5 keV < e < 10.0 keV

  (4) Six sensitivity maps created from the X-ray photon event files
      and exposure map, filtered by photon energy. 
      These are divided in two sub-classes:

	-Units of the maps counts/s assuming a likelihood threshold, 
	xmm_C_0520-10.sens   0.5 keV < e <  2.0 keV
	xmm_C_2080-10.sens   2.0 keV < e <  8.0 keV
	xmm_C_4510-10.sens   4.5 keV < e < 10.0 keV

	-Units of the maps erg cm^-2 s^-1 assuming a likelihood threshold, 
	xmm_C_0520-10_fl.sens   0.5 keV < e <  2.0 keV
	xmm_C_2045-10_fl.sens   2.0 keV < e < 10.0 keV
	xmm_C_4510-10_fl.sens   5.0 keV < e < 10.0 keV

Further information may be obtained from the XMM-COSMOS web page:

or the main COSMOS web page:


The COSMOS Team, Patrick Shopbell (Archive Lead), and Nico Cappelluti
pls@astro.caltech.edu, cappelluti@xray.mpe.mpg.de

June, 2008