Here is a piece of python code to extract the Classic photometry, correct for the aperture-to-total offset and the Milky Way extinction. #################################################### import numpy as np from import fits filename = [INCLUDE YOUR CATALOG PATH HERE] with as f: data = f[1].data filtnames = ['CFHT_ustar', 'CFHT_u', 'HSC_g', 'HSC_r', 'HSC_i', 'HSC_z', 'HSC_y', 'UVISTA_Y', 'UVISTA_J', 'UVISTA_H', 'UVISTA_Ks', 'SC_IB427', 'SC_IB464', 'SC_IA484', 'SC_IB505', 'SC_IA527', 'SC_IB574', 'SC_IA624', 'SC_IA679', 'SC_IB709', 'SC_IA738', 'SC_IA767', 'SC_IB827', 'SC_NB711', 'SC_NB816', 'UVISTA_NB118', 'SC_B', 'SC_V', 'SC_rp', 'SC_ip', 'SC_zpp', 'IRAC_CH1', 'IRAC_CH2', 'GALEX_FUV', 'GALEX_NUV'] AlambdaDivEBV = [4.674, 4.807, 3.69, 2.715, 2.0, 1.515, 1.298, 1.213, 0.874, 0.565, 0.365, 4.261, 3.844, 3.622, 3.425, 3.265, 2.938, 2.694, 2.431, 2.29, 2.151, 1.997, 1.748, 2.268, 1.787, 0.946, 4.041, 3.128, 2.673, 2.003, 1.466, 0.163, 0.112, 8.31, 8.742] aperture = 2 # ["] offset = data['total_off'+str(aperture)] ebv = data['EBV'] names_noaper = ['IRAC_CH1', 'IRAC_CH2', 'GALEX_FUV', 'GALEX_NUV'] for i,name in enumerate(filtnames): if name not in names_noaper: str_flux = name+'_FLUX_APER' +str(aperture) str_flux_err = name+'_FLUXERR_APER'+str(aperture) str_mag = name+'_MAG_APER' +str(aperture) str_mag_err = name+'_MAGERR_APER' +str(aperture) else: str_flux = name+'_FLUX' str_flux_err = name+'_FLUXERR' str_mag = name+'_MAG' str_mag_err = name+'_MAGERR' flux = data[str_flux] flux_err = data[str_flux_err] mag = data[str_mag] mag_err = data[str_mag_err] # apply aperture-to-total offset if name not in names_noaper: idx = (flux>0) flux[idx] *= 10**(-0.4*offset[idx]) flux_err[idx] *= 10**(-0.4*offset[idx]) mag[idx] += offset[idx] # correct for Milky Way attenuation idx = (flux>0) atten = 10**(0.4*AlambdaDivEBV[i]*ebv[idx]) flux[idx] *= atten flux_err[idx] *= atten mag[idx] += -2.5*np.log10(atten) data[str_flux] = flux data[str_flux_err] = flux_err data[str_mag] = mag data[str_mag_err] = mag_err