SIGMAS = np.array([-5. , -4.8, -4.6, -4.4, -4.2, -4. , -3.8, -3.6, -3.4, -3.2, -3. ,
       -2.8, -2.6, -2.4, -2.2, -2. , -1.8, -1.6, -1.4, -1.2, -1. , -0.8,
       -0.6, -0.4, -0.2,  0. ,  0.2,  0.4,  0.6,  0.8,  1. ,  1.2,  1.4,
        1.6,  1.8,  2. ,  2.2,  2.4,  2.6,  2.8,  3. ,  3.2,  3.4,  3.6,
        3.8,  4. ,  4.2,  4.4,  4.6,  4.8,  5. ])

def zcdf_to_pdf(zcdf, sigmas=SIGMAS):
    Convert compressed redshift CDF to PDF
    zcdf : array-like
        Redshifts where ``cdf(z)`` for ``normal_cdf(mu=0, sigmas)``
    sigmas : array-like
        Values where ``normal_cdf`` is evaluated
    pdf : array-like
        Converted ``p(z)``
    import scipy.stats
    # Evaluate normal distribution at these values to get PDF(x)
    pdf_y = scipy.stats.norm.pdf(sigmas)
    return pdf_y / np.trapz(pdf_y, zcdf)