Read-me file for the SC4K of 3,908 Lyman-alpha emitters in COSMOS

Lyman-alpha emitters selected with 16 different narrow- and medium-band filters
covering z=2.2 to z=5.8 in 16 different redshift slices

SC4K: Slicing COSMOS with 4K Lyman-alpha emitters

Catalogue reference: Sobral et al. 2018, MNRAS (https://arxiv.org/abs/1712.04451, http://adsabs.harvard.edu/doi/10.1093/mnras/sty378)
"Slicing COSMOS with SC4K: the evolution of typical Lya emitters and the Lya escape fraction from z~2 to z~6"

Further information on the catalogue:

The full SC4K catalogue of candidate LAEs is provided as released in Sobral et al. (2018). The SC4K catalogue contains the samples obtained with 12 COSMOS medium-bands, together with 4 narrow-band samples from Santos et al. (2016), Sobral et al. (2017b), Matthee et al. (2017b) and Perez et al.

Please contact David Sobral (d.sobral@lancaster.ac.uk) for queries regarding the catalogue or the SC4K survey.

# Errors

Errors on EW_0, Flux and Lya_Lum are computed by independently perturbing the MB (or NB) and BB magnitudes along their Gaussian uncertainties 10,000 times per source and computing the 16th and 84th percentiles of each computed quantity. Note that for faint sources EWs are affected by large uncertainties; see e.g. IA427-141.

# Flags

The AGN boolean flag in the catalogue provides information on the matches with public X-ray (including coverage) and radio catalogues.

The full catalogue is available in electronic format (fits table).

Further description of the contents:

Col1:  ID_SC4K                      # ID SC4K survey in COSMOS (Sobral+18)
Col2:  RA                           # R.A. (J2000), deg
Col3:  DEC                          # Dec. (J2000), deg
Col4:  MB_mag                       # MB or NB (see ID), AB
Col5:  MB_mag_err                   # MB or NB (see ID), AB, 1 sigma
Col6:  BB_mag                       # BB (see Table 3), AB
Col7:  BB_mag_err                   # BB (see Table 3), AB, 1 sigma
Col8:  Flux                         # Flux in erg/s/cm^2
Col9:  Flux_err_up                  # Error on Flux (erg/s/cm^2), 84th percentile
Col10: Flux_err_down                # Error on Flux (erg/s/cm^2), 16th percentile
Col11: EW_0                         # Rest-frame EW (A) assuming line is Lya (see z range in Table 3 of Sobral et al. 2018)
Col12: EW_0_err_up                  # Error on rest-frame EW, 84th percentile, A
Col13: EW_0_err_down                # Error on rest-frame EW, 16th percentile, A
Col14: Lya_Lum                      # Log10 Luminosity assuming Lya (L/[erg/s])
Col15: Lya_lum_err_up               # Error on log10 L, 84th percentile
Col16: Lya_lum_err_down             # Error on log10 L, 16th percentile
Col17: LAE_Redshift                 # (Lambda_central-1216)/1216 (Lambda_central from MB or NB)
Col18: C_COSMOS_LEGACY_COVERAGE     # Flag for Coverage by Chandra/C-COSMOS (Civano+2016) - Boolean (Yes/No)
Col19: XRAY_DETECTED                # Flag for X-ray source in Civano+2016 - Boolean (Yes/No)
Col20: RADIO_DETECTED               # Flag for Radio source in 1.4GHz (Schinnerer+2010) or 3GHz (Smolcic+2017) - Boolean (Yes/No)