This directory contains Euclid ERO data for one of the following fields: Abell2390, Abell2764, Barnard30, Dorado, HolmbergII, Horsehead, IC10, IC342, Messier78, NGC2403, NGC6254, NGC6397, NGC6744, NGC6822, Perseus, Taurus The complete set of Euclid ERO data for a given field is packaged within 4 tar files. For convenience, we also provide a subdirectory that expands the tar files' image content. In the tar file descriptions that follow, [FIELD] refers to one of the field names above, and [FILTER] can be one of Y, J, or H. 1. Euclid-NISP-Catalog-ERO-[FIELD].DR3.tar.gz ------------------------------------------ Summary: Source catalogs that have been generated from NISP images using SourceExtractor and PSFex (see Cuillandre et al 2024, section 8). Please refer to the relevant software documentation for definition of the catalog files. Files in subdirectory: These files have not been expanded into the subdirectory. 2. Euclid-NISP-Stack-ERO-[FIELD].DR3.tar ------------------------------------- Summary: The collection of image stacks from the NISP instrument. Files in subdirectory: Extended emission stack for each of Y, J, H Euclid-NISP-[FILTER]-ERO-[FIELD]-LSB.DR3.fits.gz Extended emission stack mask Euclid-NISP-Mask-ERO-[FIELD]-LSB.DR3.fits.gz Compact source stack for each of Y, J, H Euclid-NISP-[FILTER]-ERO-[FIELD]-Flattened.DR3.fits.gz Compact source stack weight map for each of Y, J, H Euclid-NISP-[FILTER]-ERO-[FIELD]-Flattened.DR3.weight.fits.gz Compact source stack detection image Euclid-NISP-Chi2-ERO-[FIELD]-Flattened.DR3.fits.gz 3. Euclid-VIS-Catalog-ERO-[FIELD].DR3.tar.gz ----------------------------------------- Summary: Source catalogs that have been generated from VIS images using SourceExtractor and PSFex (see Cuillandre et al 2024, section 8). Please refer to the relevant software documentation for definition of the catalog files. Files in subdirectory: These files have not been expanded into the subdirectory. 4. Euclid-VIS-Stack-ERO-[FIELD].DR3.tar ------------------------------------ Summary: The collection of image stacks from the VIS instrument. Files in subdirectory: Extended emission stack Euclid-VIS-ERO-[FIELD]-LSB.DR3.fits.gz Extended emission stack mask Euclid-VIS-Mask-ERO-[FIELD]-LSB.DR3.fits.gz Compact source stack Euclid-VIS-ERO-[FIELD]-Flattened.DR3.fits.gz Compact source stack weight map Euclid-VIS-ERO-[FIELD]-Flattened.DR3.weight.fits.gz