Data Access

GOALS: Summary Page Information

Most of the text below is taken directly from the GOALS delivery document; please use that document for a full understanding of the GOALS Enhanced Products data. The information below is a short summary of the naming conventions used in the GOALS Summary Pages.

IRAC | MIPS | IRS | Spatial Profiles


The image (FITS) IRAC data available for download for all GOALS galaxies, and are listed in order of the channel number of the observation [IRAC Channel 1 = ch1 (3.6µm); IRAC Channel 2 = ch2 (4.5µm); IRAC Channel 3 = ch3 (5.8µm); IRAC Channel 4 = ch4 (8.0µm)]. For each image a link to the FITS version is listed first, followed by a link to the JPEG preview (created by IRSA using the the Montage software tool suite.)

On the lefthand side, an IRAC 3-color image has been created for preview purposes by IRSA, also using Montage [ch1 (blue) + ch2 (green) + ch4 (red)]. This image can be seen in full resolution by clicking on the small thumbnail on the Summary page.

IRAC image mosaics at 3.6, 4.5, 5.6 and 8µm. All images are single extension FITS files. The pixel scale of the mosaics are 0.6 arcsec, and the flux (surface brightness) units are MJy/sr. The mosaics have standard orientation with North up and East to the left.


The image (FITS) MIPS data available for download for all GOALS galaxies, and are listed based on bands of the observation [MIPS24 = ch1, MIPS70 = ch2 and MIPS160 = ch3]. For each image a link to the FITS version is listed first, followed by a link to the JPEG preview (created by IRSA using the the Montage software tool suite.)

On the lefthand side, a grayscale image of the MIPS24 image has been created for preview purposes by IRSA, also using Montage. This image can be seen in full resolution by clicking on the small thumbnail on the Summary page.

MIPS image mosaics at 24, 70, and 160 microns. All images are single extension FITS files. The pixel scale of the mosaics are wavelength dependent: 1.8 arcsec at 24µm, 4.0 arcsec at 70µm, and 8.0 arcsec at 160µm. The flux (surface brightness) units in all cases are MJy/sr. The mosaics have standard orientation with North up and East to the left.

IRS Data

For all GOALS galaxies there are IRS nuclear spectra in the Short-Low, Long-Low, Short-High and Long-High modules (note: not all modules are available for all sources). IRS spectra are delivered in ASCII (*.tbl) format, similar to those produced by the Spitzer Science Center (SSC) IRS pipeline. The flux units are Jy.

The IRS ASCII spectra (*.tbl) data available for download are listed based on the IRS mode [Short-Low = ch0, Short-High = ch1, Long-Low = ch2 and Long-High = ch3]. For each spectrum a link to the ascii table version is listed first, followed by a link to the JPEG preview (created by IRSA using the the GNU unix "graph" tool.)

On the lefthand side, a grayscale plot of the Short-Low (ch0) spectrum has been created for preview purposes by IRSA, also using the GNU unix "graph" tool. This image can be seen in full resolution by clicking on the small thumbnail on the Summary page.

Spatial Profiles

Also delivered are spatial profiles for 100 GOALS galaxies. Spatial profiles were not included in the final delivery; see Diaz-Santos et al. (2010) for more up to date analysis of the spatial extent of GOALS sources as a function of wavelength.

Spatial profiles are provided at two positions along the IRS SL slit, in the 8.6µm PAH, 10µm continuum, and 12.8µm [NeII] fine-structure emission line. Profiles are provided in ASCII format, in units of e-/sec listed for each spatial pixel. Also included in each file are the profiles at the same three wavelengths for an unresolved standard star. The files are structured as follows:

       Col. 1: Spatial pixel  
       Col. 2: Median flux per pixel at 12.8 micron for SL 1st order, nod 1
       Col. 3: Same as col. 2, but for the calibration star  
       Col. 4: Median flux per pixel at 10 micron for SL 1st order, nod 1
       Col. 5: Same as col. 4, but for the calibration star
       Col. 6: Median flux per pixel at 8.6 micron for SL 1st order, nod 1
       Col. 7: Same as col. 6, but for the calibration star
       Col. 8-13: Identical to col. 2-7 but for SL 1st order, 2nd nod position

The spatial profiles ASCII (*.tbl) data available for download are listed based on the IRS SL slit [8.6µm PAH (SP_8_6m), 10µm continuum (SP_10m), and 12.8µm [NeII] (SP_12_8m)]. For each spectrum a link to the ascii table version is listed first, followed by a link to the GIF preview (created by IRSA using the the GNU unix "graph" tool.)

On the lefthand side, a grayscale plot of the 12.8µm [NeII] (SP_12_8m) spatial profile at Positions 1 & 2 for both the object and the start, has been created for preview purposes by IRSA, also using the unix "graph" tool. This image can be seen in full resolution by clicking on the small thumbnail on the Summary page.