Data Access

GPIPS DR4 Unique Star Catalog Definitions


The Galactic Plane Infrared Polarization Survey (GPIPS) covers 76 deg^2 of the first Galactic quadrant midplane, 18≤l≤56 deg and -1≤b≤+1 deg, in H-band (1.6 micron) linear polarimetry to reveal the plane-of-the-sky orientation of the magnetic field in diffuse and denser atomic and molecular clouds. The Survey consists of 3237 overlapping 10x10 arcmin fields observed using the Mimir instrument on the 1.8 m Perkins telescope.

The unique star data file (Clemens et al. 2020) collects all GPIPS photometry and polarimetry and all matching stellar data appropriate to each GPIPS star. The unique star file contains entries for 13,861,329 GPIPS stars.

GPIPS cross-matched to the VizieR versions (I/345/gaia2, II/246/out, II/328, and II/293/glimpse) of the Gaia DR2, 2MASS PSC, and AllWISE catalogs, and to VizieR's concatenation of the GLIMPSE I Catalog and GLIMPSE I Archive (along with GLIMPSE II and GLIMPSE 3D, neither of which have coverage overlapping with GPIPS). GPIPS uses the VizieR column names for the cross-matched columns.

If you use GPIPS data, please cite Clemens et al. (2020).

Name Intype Units Description
NUM long RA-ordered star serial number
DESIG_GPIPS char GPIPS designation
ra double deg Right Ascension (J2000)
dec double deg Declination (J2000)
GAL_L double deg Galactic longitude
GAL_B double deg Galactic latitude
GPSTAR char Array of FOV*1e5+stellar ID number for each observation
CAT_FLAG char Array of catalog information summary flags: see table
H_MAG double mag Mimir H-band photometric magnitude
SHMAG double mag Internal uncertainty in H-band magnitude
SPHOT double mag External H-mag uncertainty (see Clemens et al. 2012c)
H_VAR long Variability flag for overlapping FOVs: if any pair-wise photometric differences exceed 10 sigma, H_VAR was set to 1, otherwise it was set to zero.
P double % Debiased polarization percentage
SP double % Uncertainty in polarization percentage
PA_DEG double deg Polarization position angle E of N
GPA_DEG double deg Galactic position angle
SPA double deg Uncertainty in position angles
Q double % Stokes Q (%), normalized by Stokes I
SQ double % Uncertainty in Stokes Q
U double % Stokes U (%), normalized by Stokes I
SU double % Uncertainty in Stokes U
NHWP long Number of HWP images in which the star appears
UF long Usage flag: see Clemens et al. (2012) for details.
DESIG_GAIA char Gaia DR2 designation
DESIG_2MASS char 2MASS PSC designation
DESIG_GLIMPSE char GLIMPSE designation. VizieR version is a concatenation of the GLIMPSE I Catalog and GLIMPSE I Archive (along with GLIMPSE II and GLIMPSE 3D, neither of which have coverage overlapping with GPIPS).
DESIG_WISE char AllWISE designation
PAR double marcsec Gaia DR2 parallax
PARERR double marcsec Uncertainty in parallax
GMAG double mag Gaia DR2 g-band photometric magnitude
GMAGERR double mag Uncertainty in g-band magnitude (column added by VizieR)
PMRA double marcsec/yr Gaia DR2 proper motion along RA
PMRAERR double marcsec/yr Uncertainty in RA proper motion
PMDEC double marcsec/yr Gaia DR2 proper motion along Dec
PMDECERR double marcsec/yr Uncertainty in Dec proper motion
J_2MASS double mag 2MASS PSC J-band photometric magnitude
SJ2MASS double mag Uncertainty in J-band magnitude
H_2MASS double mag 2MASS PSC H-band photometric magnitude
SH2MASS double mag Uncertainty in H-band magnitude
K_2MASS double mag 2MASS PSC K-band photometric magnitude
SK2MASS double mag Uncertainty in K-band magnitude
B36MAG double mag GLIMPSE IRAC 3.6 micron photometric magnitude
E_B36MAG double mag Uncertainty in 3.6 micron magnitude
B45MAG double mag GLIMPSE IRAC 4.5 micron photometric magnitude
E_B45MAG double mag Uncertainty in 4.5 micron magnitude
B58MAG double mag GLIMPSE IRAC 5.8 micron photometric magnitude
E_B58MAG double mag Uncertainty in 5.8 micron magnitude
B80MAG double mag GLIMPSE IRAC 8 micron photometric magnitude
E_B80MAG double mag Uncertainty in 8 micron magnitude
W1MAG double mag AllWISE Band 1 3.4 micron photometric magnitude
E_W1MAG double mag Uncertainty in AllWISE Band 1 magnitude
W2MAG double mag AllWISE Band 2 4.6 micron photometric magnitude
E_W2MAG double mag Uncertainty in AllWISE Band 2 magnitude
W3MAG double mag AllWISE Band 3 12 micron photometric magnitude
E_W3MAG double mag Uncertainty in AllWISE Band 3 magnitude
W4MAG double mag AllWISE Band 4 22 micron photometric magnitude
E_W4MAG double mag Uncertainty in AllWISE Band 4 magnitude

Catalog Flag Table

Entry Number Additive Score Description
1 1 GPIPS POLCAT star was matched
2 1 Gaia DR2 star was matched
2 Gaia DR2 PARERR not upper limit
4 Gaia DR2 GMAGERR not upper limit
8 Gaia DR2 PMRAERR not upper limit
16 Gaia DR2 PMDECERR not upper limit
3 1 2MASS PSC star was matched
2 2MASS PSC SJ2MASS not upper limit
4 2MASS PSC SH2MASS not upper limit
8 2MASS PSC SK2MASS not upper limit
4 1 GLIMPSE star was matched. VizieR version is a concatenation of the GLIMPSE I Catalog and GLIMPSE I Archive (along with GLIMPSE II and GLIMPSE 3D, neither of which have coverage overlapping with GPIPS).
2 GLIMPSE E_B36MAG not upper limit
4 GLIMPSE E_B58MAG not upper limit
8 GLIMPSE E_B58MAG not upper limit
16 GLIMPSE E_B80MAG not upper limit
5 1 AllWISE star was matched
2 AllWISE E_W1MAG not upper limit
4 AllWISE E_W2MAG not upper limit
8 AllWISE E_W3MAG not upper limit
16 AllWISE E_W4MAG not upper limit