Data Access

ACMC Catalog Definitions


The Auriga-California molecular cloud is a large region of relatively modest star formation that is part of the Gould Belt. The "Auriga-California Molecular Cloud" (ACMC) Herschel program observed a 14.5 square degree area in five far-infrared bands.

The ACMC catalog provides photometry for the 60 point-like and very compact sources in each band: PACS 70 and 160 microns, SPIRE 250, 350, and 500 microns.

If you use this catalog, please cite Harvey et al. (2013).

Name Intype Units Description
SRC char Source number
YSO char YSO candidate
ra double Right Ascension (J2000)
dec double Declination (J2000)
MIR char first mid-IR detection:
WISE or Spitzer Gould Belt (SpGB)
ALPHA float spectral slope
CLASS char YSO class
L_BOL float L_sun Bolometric luminosity
T_BOL long K Bolometric temperature
F_NU1 float mJy Flux density at 22 or 24 microns
F_NU1ERROR float mJy Uncertainty in F_NU1
F_NU70PSF float mJy Flux density at 70 microns, PSF fitting photometry
F_NU70PSFERROR float mJy Uncertainty in F_NU70PSF
F_NU70APER float mJy Flux density at 70 microns, aperture photometry
F_NU70APERERROR float mJy Uncertainty in F_NU70APER
F_NU160PSF float mJy Flux density at 160 microns, PSF fitting photometry
F_NU160PSFERROR float mJy Uncertainty in F_NU160PSF
F_NU160APER float mJy Flux density at 160 microns, aperture photometry
F_NU160MUMAPERERROR float mJy Uncertainty in F_NU160APER