* Proposal:  KPOT_mjuvela_1

* Download link:

  SPIRE data 
  PACS data

* References:

Juvela M., Ristorcelli I., Pagani, L., et al. (2012), A&A 541, A12
Juvela M., Ristorcelli I., Pelkonen V.-M., et al. (2011), A&A 527, A111
Juvela M., Ristorcelli I., Montier L. A., et al. (2010), A&A 518, L93

* Description of data

The SPIRE observations were reduced with the Herschel Interactive
Processing Environment HIPE v.10.0.0. using the official pipeline with
extended emission calibration and the iterative destriper enabled. The
PACS data are reduced with the same HIPE version but the final maps
were produced with Scanamorphos v. 20.0 (Roussel H. 2013, PASP;
arXiv:1205.2576) with the galactic option.

Each PACS file contains a 3d data cube with four planes: signal map,
error map, total drifts map, and weight map (see Roussel 2013). The
signal is in units of Jansky per pixel. The PACS data consists of 115
fields observed at 100um and 160um.

The SPIRE files contain in separate header units the surface
brightness map, the error map, and the coverage map. The surface
brightness data are in units of Jansky per beam. SPIRE data includes
the 250um, 350um, and 500um maps of 116 fields.

The files are named based on the Galactic coordinates of the field and
the wavelength of the measurement. In the original observations (for
example, the raw data in the HSA archive), part of the fields were
named differently and these have been renamed using the centre
coordinates of the SPIRE fields (see below). For the other fields, the
original naming has been preserved where the coordinates in the file
name may differ from the actual centre of the field but are still
within the mapped area.

    Original name     New naming
        G0.02+18.02   G000.02+18.02
      G0.49+11.38-1   G000.49+11.38
       G1.94+6.07-1   G001.94+06.07
        G2.83+21.91   G002.83+21.91
       G3.08+9.38-1   G003.08+09.38
      G3.72+21.02-1   G003.72+21.02
        G4.18+35.79   G004.18+35.79
           v31_0037   G006.04+36.73
      G9.45+18.85-1   G009.45+18.85
        G10.20+2.39   G010.20+02.39
        G20.72+7.07   G020.72+07.07
       G21.26+12.11   G021.26+12.11
      G24.40+4.68-1   G024.40+04.68
        G25.86+6.22   G025.86+06.22
        G26.34+8.65   G026.34+08.65
        G37.49+3.03   G037.49+03.03
        G37.91+2.18   G037.91+02.18
      G39.65+1.75-1   G039.65+01.75
        G62.16-2.92   G062.16-02.92
      G69.57-1.74-1   G069.57-01.74
      G70.10-1.69-1   G070.10-01.69
       G71.27-11.32   G071.27-11.32
      G82.65-2.00-1   G082.65-02.00
      G86.97-4.06-1   G086.97-04.06
      G89.65-7.02-1   G089.65-07.02
       G91.09-39.46   G091.09-39.46
        G92.04+3.93   G092.04+03.93
     G92.63-10.43-1   G092.63-10.43
        G93.21+9.55   G093.21+09.55
      G94.15+6.50-1   G094.15+06.50
      G95.76+8.17-1   G095.76+08.17
      G98.00+8.75-1   G098.00+08.75
    G105.57+10.39-1   G105.57+10.39
             PCC249   G107.04+05.59
      G108.28+16.68   G108.28+16.68
      G109.18-37.59   G109.18-37.59
             PCC288   G109.79+02.69
    G110.62-12.49-1   G110.62-12.49
    G110.80+14.16-1   G110.80+14.16
     G110.89-2.78-1   G110.89-02.78
     G111.41-2.95-1   G111.41-02.95
       G115.93+9.47   G115.93+09.47
     G116.08-2.40-1   G116.08-02.40
       G126.24-5.52   G126.24-05.52
           v31_0097   G126.64+24.55
           v31_2953   G127.79+02.66
    G128.78-69.46-1   G128.78-69.46
      G130.37+11.26   G130.37+11.26
      G130.42-47.07   G130.42-47.07
           v31_1119   G131.65+09.77
     G132.12+8.95-1   G132.12+08.95
     G139.60-3.06-1   G139.60-03.06
      G141.25+34.37   G141.25+34.37
     G149.67+3.56-1   G149.67+03.56
     G150.47+3.93-1   G150.47+03.93
           v31_2453   G151.45+03.95
       G154.08+5.23   G154.08+05.23
    G155.80-14.24-1   G155.80-14.24
           v31_7488   G157.08-08.69
     G157.92-2.28-1   G157.92-02.28
      G159.12-14.30   G159.12-14.30
    G159.23-34.51-1   G159.23-34.51
    G159.34+11.21-1   G159.34+11.21
           v31_7583   G161.55-09.30
           v31_7420   G163.91-08.29
     G164.71-5.64-1   G164.71-05.64
     G167.20-8.69-1   G167.20-08.69
    G168.85-10.19-1   G168.85-10.19
      G171.35-38.28   G171.35-38.28
     G173.43-5.44-1   G173.43-05.44
       G174.22+2.58   G174.22+02.58
           v31_5735   G176.27-02.09
           v31_8665   G181.84-18.46
    G188.24-12.97-1   G188.24-12.97
    G189.51-10.41-1   G189.51-10.41
       G195.74-2.29   G195.74-02.29
       G198.58-9.10   G198.58-09.10
     G202.02+2.85-1   G202.02+02.85
     G202.23-3.38-1   G202.23-03.38
     G203.42-8.29-1   G203.42-08.29
     G205.06-6.04-1   G205.06-06.04
    G206.33-25.94-1   G206.33-25.94
    G210.90-36.55-1   G210.90-36.55
    G212.07-15.21-1   G212.07-15.21
       G215.37-3.04   G215.37-03.04
           v31_8439   G215.44-16.38
     G216.76-2.58-1   G216.76-02.58
       G218.06+2.12   G218.06+02.12
     G219.29-9.25-1   G219.29-09.25
     G219.36-9.71-1   G219.36-09.71
     G227.95-2.98-1   G227.95-02.98
    G247.55-12.27-1   G247.55-12.27
       G253.71+1.93   G253.71+01.93
       G255.33-4.88   G255.33-04.88
       G258.90-4.10   G258.90-04.10
     G265.04+6.08-1   G265.04+06.08
       G265.60-5.82   G265.60-05.82
     G268.21+2.02-1   G268.21+02.02
     G271.06+4.84-1   G271.06+04.84
     G271.51+5.14-1   G271.51+05.14
    v31_3364_shift-1  G276.61+01.75
      G298.31-13.05   G298.31-13.05
       G299.57+5.61   G299.57+05.61
     G300.61-3.13-1   G300.61-03.13
             PCC550   G300.87-09.00
      G315.88-21.44   G315.88-21.44
       G320.84+5.09   G320.84+05.09
       G325.54+5.82   G325.54+05.82
     G332.70+6.77-1   G332.70+06.77
     G334.65+2.67-1   G334.65+02.67
       G339.22-6.02   G339.22-06.02
       G341.18+6.51   G341.18+06.51
     G343.64-2.31-1   G343.64-02.31
       G344.77+7.58   G344.77+07.58
     G345.39-3.97-1   G345.39-03.97
           v31_0035   G358.96+36.75