Herschel GOODS Catalog Column Descriptions


GOODS-Herschel (Elbaz et al, 2011) is in ESA open time key project consisting of the deepest Herschel observations of the two *Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey* (GOODS) fields in the Northern and Southern hemispheres. For more details, see the documentation.

Name Intype Units Description
IAU_name char GOODS IAU coded object identifier
id long Sequential id (specific to the catalogue)
ra double deg Right Ascension
dec double deg Declination
f3p6 double uJy IRAC 3.6 um flux density
err3p6 double uJy Error on IRAC 3.6 um flux density
flag3p6 long IRAC 3.6 um source extraction flag:
0 = > 50% of the modal exposure time
1 = < 50% of the modal exposure time
2 = < 20% of the modal exposure time
16 = Region with significant residual muxbleed
64 = No data
f4p5 double uJy IRAC 4.5 um flux density
err4p5 double uJy Error on IRAC 4.5 um flux density
flag4p5 long IRAC 4.5 um source extraction flag:
0 = > 50% of the modal exposure time
1 = < 50% of the modal exposure time
2 = < 20% of the modal exposure time
16 = Region with significant residual muxbleed
64 = No data
f5p8 double uJy IRAC 5.8 um flux density
err5p8 double uJy Error on IRAC 5.8 um flux density
flag5p8 long IRAC 5.8 um source extraction flag:
0 = > 50% of the modal exposure time
1 = < 50% of the modal exposure time
2 = < 20% of the modal exposure time
16 = Region with significant residual muxbleed
64 = No data
f8p0 double uJy IRAC 8.0 um flux density
err8p0 double uJy Error on IRAC 8 um flux density
flag8p0 long IRAC 8.0 um source extraction flag:
0 = > 50% of the modal exposure time
1 = < 50% of the modal exposure time
2 = < 20% of the modal exposure time
16 = Region with significant residual muxbleed
64 = No data
f24 double uJy MIPS 24 um flux density
err24_ima double uJy MIPS 24 um flux error on residual map
err24_sim double uJy MIPS 24 um flux error on Monte-Carlo simulations
cov24 double MIPS 24 um coverage map value (equal to sec/pixel)
f70 double uJy MIPS 70 um flux density
err70_ima double uJy MIPS 24 um flux error on residual map
err70_sim double uJy MIPS 70 um flux error on Monte-Carlo simulations
cov70 double MIPS 70 um coverage map value (equal to sec/pixel)
f100 double uJy PACS 100 um flux density
err100_ima double uJy PACS 100 um flux error on residual map
err100_sim double uJy PACS 100 um flux error on Monte-Carlo simulations
cov100 double PACS 100 um coverage map value (proportional to sec/pixel)
f160 double uJy PACS 160 um flux density
err160_ima double uJy PACS 160 um flux error on residual map
err160_sim double uJy PACS 160 um flux error on Monte-Carlo simulations
cov160 double PACS 160 um coverage map value (proportional to sec/pixel)
f250 double uJy SPIRE 250 um flux density
err250_ima double uJy SPIRE 250 um flux error on residual map
err250_sim double uJy SPIRE 250 um flux error on Monte-Carlo simulations
cov250 double SPIRE 250 um coverage map value (proportional to sec/pixel)
f350 double uJy SPIRE 350 um flux density
err350_ima double uJy SPIRE 350 um flux error on residual map
err350_sim double uJy SPIRE 350 um flux error on Monte-Carlo simulations
cov350 double SPIRE 350 um coverage map value (proportional to sec/pixel)
f500 double uJy SPIRE 500 um flux density
err500_ima double uJy SPIRE 350 um flux error on residual map
err500_sim double uJy SPIRE 500 um flux error on Monte-Carlo simulations
cov500 double SPIRE 500 um coverage map value (proportional to sec/pixel)
clean_index long Index measuring flux contamination from nearby sources:
clean_index = Neib24 + 10*Neib100 + 100*Neib160 + 1000*Neib250 + 10000*Neib350 + 100000*Neib500
where NeibXXX is the number of bright neighbors in band XXX.