Data Access

H-ATLAS Catalog Definitions


The Herschel Astrophysical Terahertz Large Area Survey (H-ATLAS) is a survey of 600 deg^2 in five photometric bands - 100, 160, 250, 350 and 500 microns - with the Photoconductor Array Camera and Spectrometer (PACS) and Spectral and Photometric Imaging Receiver (SPIRE) cameras. H-ATLAS DR1 includes the survey of three fields on the celestial equator, covering a total area of 161.6 deg^2 and previously observed in the Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA) spectroscopic survey.

The data release main catalogue (HATLAS_DR1_CATALOGUE.FITS) contains only the 'best' candidate ID to each SPIRE source (where available). Most users will find in this catalogue everything they will need for their science purposes. A second catalogue is also available (HATLAS_DR1_CATALOGUE_ALLIDS.FITS), which contains all possible counterparts within the search radius of each SPIRE source, and provides the full LR statistics so that these may be independently analysed as the user wishes. To select only sources which have reliable optical IDs, a cut of Reliability≥0.8 is recommended, although other cuts on Reliability or LR may be suitable for different purposes as discussed in Bourne et al. (2016).

For more details, see the documentation. If you use these catalogs, please cite Valiante et al. (2016) and Bourne et al. (2016).

Name Intype Units Description
IDNAME char H-ATLAS short name
ra double deg Right Ascension (J2000)
dec double deg Declination (J2000)
F250 double Jy 250 micron flux from matched filter
F350 double Jy 350 micron flux from matched filter
F500 double Jy 500 micron flux from matched filter
E250 double Jy 250um 1 sigma flux error assuming confusion noise variable with flux
E350 double Jy 350um 1 sigma flux error assuming confusion noise variable with flux
E500 double Jy 500um 1 sigma flux error assuming confusion noise variable with flux
F250BEST double Jy 250 micron best flux: the largest of the aperture or point source flux, taking into account the noise
E250BEST double Jy 250 micron best flux error
AP250 double arcsec 250 micron aperture radius
F350BEST double Jy 350 micron best flux: the largest of the aperture or point source flux, taking into account the noise
E350BEST double Jy 350 micron best flux error
AP350 double arcsec 350 micron aperture radius
F500BEST double Jy 500 micron best flux: the largest of the aperture or point source flux, taking into account the noise
E500BEST double Jy 500 micron best flux error
AP500 double arcsec 500 micron aperture radius
F100BEST double Jy 100 micron best flux from aperture photometry: the largest of the aperture or point source flux, taking into account the noise
E100BEST double Jy 100 micron best flux error
AP100 double arcsec 100 micron aperture radius
F160BEST double Jy 160 micron best flux from aperture photometry: the largest of the aperture or point source flux, taking into account the noise
E160BEST double Jy 160 micron best flux error
AP160 double arcsec 160 micron aperture radius
AP_RMIN double arcsec minor semi-axis of customised aperture
AP_PA double deg positional angle of customised aperture
OPTICALRA double deg RA position of the optical ID from either SDSS-II (DR7) or SDSS-III (DR9)
OPTICALDEC double deg Dec position of the optical ID from either SDSS-II (DR7) or SDSS-III (DR9)
SEPARATION_ARCSEC double arcsec SPIRE-optical separation
LIKELIHOOD double Likelihood ratio
RELIABILITY double Reliability
GSQ_FLAG double Galaxy-star-quasar flag:
0 = galaxy
1 = star
2 = quasar (point-like source with spec-z>0.001 or SDSS CLASS='QSO')
3 = candidate quasar (no spec-z)
ID_FLAG char flag from eyeballing:
R = Resolved SPIRE source where the counterpart was missed or appeared unreliable due to a large optical-SPIRE separation. The reliability was fixed manually after visual inspection (R_new=R_formula+1) to ensure the ID meets the reliability cut.
M = SPIRE source with merger ID(s), confirmed by z_spec, which caused the reliability to be underestimated. The reliability was fixed manually after visual inspection (R_new=R_formula+1) thus ensuring the ID meets the reliability cut. Note that in a small number of cases two 'reliable' IDs were given to a single SPIRE source where it was obvious that the emission was roughly equally shared between the two merging galaxies.
V = Visible galaxy in optical image but missing from all cats searched (SDSS DR7-9, NED, GAMA), for example because the galaxy falls under a bright star mask. No optical ID given in catalogue, but the flag indicates that it is visible in the optical.
EXTINCTION_R double extinction
ISOA_R_ARCSEC double arcsec r-band isophotal semimajor axis
DGB_PHOTOZBANDS_STRING char Bands used for photometric redshift
DGB_PHOTOZBANDS_INT int Bit code for bands used
DGB_PHOTOZBANDS_COUNT int Number of bands used for photometric redshift
DGB_ANNZ_PHOTOZ double Photometric redshift
DGB_ANNZ_PHOTOZERR double Photometric redshift error
Z_SPEC double Spectroscopic redshift
Z_QUAL int Redshift quality (see documentation)
Z_SOURCE int Redshift source:
1 = SDSS DR7
2 = 6dFGS
16 = GAMA HATLAS filler targets
32 = GAMA Main Survey
64 = 2dFGRS
128 = SDSS DR10
256 = Wigglez
512 = GAMA (but object not in current TilingCat of GAMA-II)
FUV_FLUX_GAMA double Jy Extinction corrected GALEX FUV flux
FUV_FLUXERR_GAMA double Jy Error in extinction corrected GALEX FUV flux
NUV_FLUX_GAMA double Jy Extinction corrected GALEX NUV flux
NUV_FLUXERR_GAMA double Jy Error in extinction corrected GALEX NUV flux
U_FLUX_GAMA double Jy Extinction corrected SDSS u band flux
U_FLUXERR_GAMA double Jy Error in extinction corrected SDSS u band flux
G_FLUX_GAMA double Jy Extinction corrected SDSS g band flux
G_FLUXERR_GAMA double Jy Error in extinction corrected SDSS g band flux
R_FLUX_GAMA double Jy Extinction corrected SDSS r band flux
R_FLUXERR_GAMA double Jy Error in extinction corrected SDSS r band flux
I_FLUX_GAMA double Jy Extinction corrected SDSS i band flux
I_FLUXERR_GAMA double Jy Error in extinction corrected SDSS i band flux
Z_FLUX_GAMA double Jy Extinction corrected SDSS z band flux
Z_FLUXERR_GAMA double Jy Error in extinction corrected SDSS z band flux
X_FLUX_GAMA double Jy Extinction correctd VISTA Z band flux
X_FLUXERR_GAMA double Jy Error in extinction corrected VISTA Z band flux
Y_FLUX_GAMA double Jy Extinction correctd VISTA Y band flux
Y_FLUXERR_GAMA double Jy Error in extinction corrected VISTA Y band flux
J_FLUX_GAMA double Jy Extinction correctd VISTA J band flux
J_FLUXERR_GAMA double Jy Error in extinction corrected VISTA J band flux
H_FLUX_GAMA double Jy Extinction correctd VISTA H band flux
H_FLUXERR_GAMA double Jy Error in extinction corrected VISTA H band flux
K_FLUX_GAMA double Jy Extinction correctd VISTA Ks band flux
K_FLUXERR_GAMA double Jy Error in extinction corrected VISTA Ks band flux
W1_FLUX_GAMA double Jy WISE band 1 flux
W1_FLUXERR_GAMA double Jy Error in WISE band 1 flux
W2_FLUX_GAMA double Jy WISE band 2 flux
W2_FLUXERR_GAMA double Jy Error in WISE band 2 flux
W3_FLUX_GAMA double Jy WISE band 3 flux
W3_FLUXERR_GAMA double Jy Error in WISE band 3 flux
W4_FLUX_GAMA double Jy WISE band 4 flux
W4_FLUXERR_GAMA double Jy Error in WISE band 4 flux