HerMES XID 24                  (version Apr-11)


  This readme file accompanies the release of the HerMES SPIRE photometry for
  objects whose  positions are taken from catalogues extracted from Spitzer
  MIPS 24 micron maps (or in one case from a radio catalogues).  The positional
  prior based methodology is described in Roseboom et al. 2010
  2010MNRAS.409...48R with modifications described by Roseboom et al. 2012


  Use of these data should cite Roseboom et al. 2010 2010MNRAS.409...48R,
  Roseboom et al. 2012 2012MNRAS.419.2758R, for the methodology and the HerMES
  project Oliver et al. 2012 2012MNRAS.424.1614O. Individual data files may
  require additional citations (see below)

The following acknowledgements should also be included.

  This research has made use of data from HerMES project
  ( HerMES is a Herschel Key Programme utilising
  Guaranteed Time from the SPIRE instrument team, ESAC scientists and a mission

  The HerMES data was accessed through the Herschel Database in Marseille
  (HeDaM - operated by CeSAM and hosted by the Laboratoire
  d'Astrophysique de Marseille.

  HerMES DR3 was made possible through support of the Herschel Extragalactic
  Legacy Project, HELP (, HELP is a European
  Commission Research Executive Agency funded project under the
  SP1-Cooperation, Collaborative project, Small or medium-scale focused
  research project, FP7-SPACE-2013-1 scheme.


  Photometry is from Herschel observatory using the SPIRE instrument. Prior
  positional catalogues come from the Spitzer space telescope using the MIPS


  SPIRE PSW (250 micron), SPIRE PMW (350 micron), SPIRE PLW (500 micron)


  ELAIS-S1-SWIRE, FLS, GOODS-North, GOODS-South, Groth-Strip,
  Lockman-East-ROSAT, Lockman-North, Lockman-SWIRE, XMM-LSS-SWIRE

  Note on the coverage: The xID24 catalogues where extracted on SPIRE maps from
  a previous version of the SMAP pipeline compared to the current HerMES maps.
  There are thus some depth and coverage differences; the list of Herschel
  observation IDs (obsids) are in the header of the maps and of the catalogues.
  In particular, on ECDFS, there is an extraction on the deep GOODS-South field
  (AOR set #13 in Oliver et al., 2012) and another on the shallower ECDFS field
  (set #15).

General Notes:

  In many fields there are sources at the edge of the maps where the total
  error (ET) values have been set to zero.  These fluxes should be treated with

  There are a handful of cases where fluxes are recorded as negative. These
  negative fluxes should be treated as non detections.


File summary:

 Each data product is composed of three maps, one for each SPIRE filter (250,
 350 and 500 µm), names XXX_SMAP-v2.0.fits and of a catalogue provided in fits
 and VO-Table formats, XXX_xid24.[fits|xml].


Column descriptions for the catalogues:

  | Column        |   Unit   | Description                                    |
  | xID24_ID      |          | HerMES xID24 source identifier                 |
  | RA            |   deg    | Right Ascension (J2000)                        |
  | DEC           |   deg    | Declination (J2000)                            |
  | F24           |   µJy    | Flux density at 24 micron                      |
  | e_F24         |   µJy    | Error (inst.) in flux density at 24 micron     |
  | F250          |   mJy    | Flux density at 250 micron                     |
  | e_F250        |   mJy    | Error (inst.) in flux density at 250 micron    |
  | et_F250       |   mJy    | Total error (inst.+conf.) in flux density at   |
  |               |          | 250 micron                                     |
  | chi250        |          | Local reduced chi2 statistic of photometry fit |
  |               |          | in 11x11 pixel window                          |
  | F350          |   mJy    | Flux density at 350 micron                     |
  | e_F350        |   mJy    | Error (inst.) in flux density at 350 micron    |
  | et_F350       |   mJy    | Total error (inst.+conf.) in flux density at   |
  |               |          | 350 micron                                     |
  | chi350        |          | Local reduced chi2 statistic of photometry fit |
  |               |          | in 11x11 pixel window                          |
  | F500          |   mJy    | Flux density at 500 micron                     |
  | e_F500        |   mJy    | Error (inst.) in flux density at 500 micron    |
  | et_F500       |   mJy    | Total error (inst.+conf.) in flux density at   |
  |               |          | 500 micron                                     |
  | chi500        |          | Local reduced chi2 statistic of photometry fit |
  |               |          | in 11x11 pixel window                          |
  | gID           |          | ID of the segment  where the source is         |
  | gSize         |          | Number of sources in the segment gid           |
  | bkg250        | mJy/beam | Background subtracted from 250 micron map      |
  | bkg350        | mJy/beam | Background subtracted from 350 micron map      |
  | bkg500        | mJy/beam | Background subtracted from 500 micron map      |
  | index_spitzer |          | Identifier in the prior catalogue              |


MIPS24 prior catalogues references:

  | Field              | Prior catalogue                                   |
  | ADFS               | Scott, et al. 2010, 2010ApJS..191..212S           |
  | XMM-LSS            | SWIRE Lonsdale et al. 2003, 2003PASP..115..897L,  |
  |                    | DR5 Surace et al. 2005 DRAFT August 31, 2005 [1]  |
  |                    | Vaccari, M. et al. 2010, 2010A&A...518L..20V [2]  |
  | COSMOS             | Magnelli et al. 2011, 2011A&A...528A..35M         |
  | GOODS-North        | Magnelli et al. 2011, 2011A&A...528A..35M         |
  | GOODS-South        | Magnelli et al. 2011, 2011A&A...528A..35M         |
  | ECDFS              | Magnelli et al. (following methods in Magnelli et |
  |                    | al. 2011 2011A&A...528A..35M)                     |
  | Lockman-North      | Owen et al. 2008, 2008AJ....136.1889O             |
  |                    | SWIRE Lonsdale et al. 2003, 2003PASP..115..897L,  |
  |                    | DR5 Surace et al. 2005 DRAFT August 31, 2005 [1]  |
  |                    | Vaccari, M. et al. 2010, 2010A&A...518L..20V [2]  |
  | Lockman-East-ROSAT | Fotopoulou, S et al. 2012, 2012ApJS..198....1F    |
  | Groth-Strip        | Barro, G. et al. 2011, ApjS, 193, 13              |
  | Lockman-SWIRE      | SWIRE Lonsdale et al. 2003, 2003PASP..115..897L,  |
  |                    | DR5 Surace et al. 2005 DRAFT August 31, 2005 [1]  |
  |                    | Vaccari M. et al. 2010, 2010A&A...518L..20V  [2]  |
  | FLS                | Vaccari, M. et al. 2010, 2010A&A...518L..20V [2]  |
  | ELAIS-N1-HerMES    | SWIRE Lonsdale et al. 2003, 2003PASP..115..897L,  |
  |                    | DR5 Surace et al. 2005 DRAFT August 31, 2005 [1]  |
  |                    | Vaccari, M. et al. 2010, 2010A&A...518L..20V [2]  |
  | ELAIS-S1-SWIRE     | SWIRE Lonsdale et al. 2003, 2003PASP..115..897L,  |
  |                    | DR5 Surace et al. 2005 DRAFT August 31, 2005 [1]  |
  |                    | Vaccari, M. et al. 2010, 2010A&A...518L..20V [2]  |
  | CDFS-SWIRE         | SWIRE Lonsdale et al. 2003, 2003PASP..115..897L,  |
  |                    | DR5 Surace et al. 2005 DRAFT August 31, 2005 [1]  |
  |                    | Vaccari, M. et al. 2010, 2010A&A...518L..20V [2]  |
  | Bootes-HerMES      | Vaccari, M. et al. 2010, 2010A&A...518L..20V [2]  |



Notes on some catalogues:

  | Field              | Notes                                                 |
  | ADFS               | 270 objects near edges of map have total errors       |
  |                    | set to zero and fluxes are not reliable.              |
  | XMM-LSS-SWIRE      | Slightly updated XID algorithm                        |
  | COSMOS             | Slightly updated XID algorithm                        |
  | Lockman-North      | A radio catalogue has been used for the prior, the    |
  |                    | 24 micron fluxes we quote are those that come from a  |
  |                    | cross-identification of the radio catalogues to the   |
  |                    | MIPS 24 micron catalogues of Lockman hole.  4 objects |
  |                    | negative fluxes at either 250 or 350 micron (2 in     |
  |                    | each).  This maybe due to a non-standard running      |
  |                    | of the pipeline as the prior catalogue did not        |
  |                    | have 24 micron fluxes.   23 objects near edges of     |
  |                    | map have total errors set to zero and fluxes are      |
  |                    | not reliable.                                         |
  | Lockman-East-ROSAT | 33 objects have negative fluxes.  This maybe due to a |
  |                    | non-standard running of the pipeline as the prior     |
  |                    | catalogue had non standard format.  232 objects       |
  |                    | near edges of map have total errors set to zero       |
  |                    | and fluxes are not reliable.                          |
  | Groth-Strip        | 8 objects have negative fluxes at  250.  This maybe   |
  |                    | due to a non-standard running of the pipeline as the  |
  |                    | prior catalogue had non standard format.  964         |
  |                    | objects near edges of map have total errors set to    |
  |                    | zero and fluxes are not reliable.                     |
  | Lockman-SWIRE      | 950 objects near edges of map or on a N/S aligned     |
  |                    | rectangle have total errors set to zero and fluxes    |
  |                    | are not reliable.                                     |
  | FLS                | 10 objects have negative fluxes at  250.  This maybe  |
  |                    | due to a non-standard running of the pipeline.        |
  | ELAIS-N1-HerMES    | 50 objects near edges of map have total errors set    |
  |                    | to zero and fluxes are not reliable.                  |
  | ELAIS-S1-SWIRE     | 273 objects near edges of map have total errors       |
  |                    | set to zero and fluxes are not reliable.              |
  | CDFS-SWIRE         | 770 objects near edges of map have total errors       |
  |                    | set to zero and fluxes are not reliable.              |
  | Bootes-HerMES      | 438 objects near edges of map have total errors       |
  |                    | set to zero and fluxes are not reliable.              |


Content description for the SMAP v2.0 maps:

        | Extension | Description                                     |
        |     1     | signal map [Jy/beam]                            |
        |     2     | error map, based on propagation of time-stream  |
        |           | weights [Jy/beam]                               |
        |     3     | exposure map                                    |
        |     4     | flag (mask map)                                 |

  The possible values for the mask map flag are:
    0: no mask (good data)
    1: no data
    2: no cross-linking

  For GOODS-South and CDFS-SWIRE, the maps were not produced by the SMAP
  pipeline but by the standard HIPE map making tool. They only contain the
  signal map extension.



  Oliver et al. 2012 2012MNRAS.424.1614O
  Roseboom et al. 2010 2010MNRAS.409...48R
  Roseboom et al. 2012 2012MNRAS.419.2758
  Levenson et al. 2010 2010MNRAS.409...83L (SMAP maps)
  Smith et al. 2012 2012MNRAS.419..377S (HIPE maps)



  July 2015: Third HerMES data release (DR3)

Herschel Multi-tiered Extragalactic Survey (HerMES)                    July 2015