Data Access

HerMES DR4 Band-merged Catalog (250 micron positions) Definitions


The HerMES - Herschel Multi-tiered Extragalactic Survey has a hierarchal structure containing 7 levels with increasing area but shallower coverage from very deep observations of clusters (Level CD/CS) through levels 1-6 with the shallowest surveys at Level 6 covering around 10 square degrees.

Name Intype Units Description
hermes_id char IAU name
xid int Internal identifier
ra double deg Right Ascension (J2000)
dec double deg Declination (J2000)
f250 double mJy Flux density at 250 micron
e250 double mJy Instrumental error in flux density at 250 micron
et250 double mJy Total error in flux density at 250 micron
bkg250 double mJy/beam Background subtracted from 250 micron map
chi250 double Chi-squared at 250 micron
f350 double mJy Flux density at 350 micron
e350 double mJy Instrumental error in flux density at 350 micron
et350 double mJy Total error in flux density at 350 micron
bkg350 double mJy/beam Background subtracted from 350 micron map
chi350 double Chi-squared at 350 micron
f500 double mJy Flux density at 500 micron
e500 double mJy Instrumental error in flux density at 500 micron
et500 double mJy Total error in flux density at 500 micron
bkg500 double mJy/beam Background subtracted from 500 micron map
chi500 double Chi-squared at 500 micron
gid int ID of the segment where the source is
gsize int Number of sources in the segment gid