Data Access

Hi-GAL 360 degree Catalogue of Clump Physical Properties Definitions


Hi-GAL compact sources detected between 70 and 500 microns are presented in this catalog, covering the full 360 degrees of Galactic longitude.

If you use this catalog, please cite Elia et al. (2021).

Name Intype Units Description
ID int Running ID number
DESIGNATION char Designation
GLON double deg Galactic longitude
GLAT double deg Galactic latitude
ra double deg Right ascension
dec double deg Declination
DESIGNATION_70 char Designation of PACS 70 micron counterpart
F70 float Jy Flux density of PACS 70 micron counterpart
DF70 float Jy Uncertainty of F70
F70_TOT float Jy PACS 70 micron total flux density (see documentation)
DF70_TOT float Jy Uncertainty of F70_TOT
F70_ADD_TOT float Jy PACS 70 micron total flux density, additional (see documentation)
DF70_ADD_TOT float Jy Uncertainty of F70_ADD_TOT
ULIM_70 float Jy 5-sigma upper limit in PACS 70
DESIGNATION_160 char Designation of PACS 160 micron counterpart
F160 float Jy Flux density of PACS 160 micron counterpart
DF160 float Jy Uncertainty of F160
F160_ADD float Jy Flux density of additional PACS 160 counterpart (see documentation)
DF160_ADD float Jy Uncertainty of F160_ADD
ULIM_160 float Jy 5-sigma upper limit in PACS 160
DESIGNATION_250 char Designation of SPIRE 250 micron counterpart
F250 float Jy Flux density of SPIRE 250 micron counterpart
DF250 float Jy Uncertainty of F250
DESIGNATION_350 char Designation of SPIRE 350 micron counterpart
F350 float Jy Flux density of SPIRE 350 micron counterpart
DF350 float Jy Uncertainty of F350
FSC350 float Jy Scaled SPIRE 350 micron flux density (see documentation)
DFSC350 float Jy Uncertainty of FSC350
DESIGNATION_500 char Designation of SPIRE 500 micron counterpart
F500 float Jy Flux density of SPIRE 500 micron counterpart
DF500 float Jy Uncertainty of F500
FSC500 float Jy Scaled SPIRE 500 micron flux density (see documentation)
DFSC500 float Jy Uncertainty of FSC500
DESIGNATION_21 char Designation of MSX 21 micron counterpart
F21 float Jy Flux of closest MSX 21 micron counterpart
DF21 float Jy Uncertainty of F21
F21_TOT float Jy MSX 21 micron total flux (see documentation)
DF21_TOT float Jy Uncertainty of F21_TOT
DESIGNATION_22 char Designation of WISE 22 micron counterpart
F22 float Jy Flux of closest WISE 22 micron counterpart
DF22 float Jy Uncertainty of F22
F22_TOT float Jy WISE 22 micron total flux (see documentation)
DF22_TOT float Jy Uncertainty of F22_TOT
DESIGNATION_24 char Designation of MIPSGAL 24 micron counterpart
F24 float Jy Flux of closest MIPS 24 micron counterpart
DF24 float Jy Uncertainty of F24
F24_TOT float Jy MIPS 24 micron total flux (see documentation)
DF24_TOT float Jy Uncertainty of F24_TOT
DESIGNATION_870 char Designation of ATLASGAL 870 micron counterpart
F870 float Jy Flux of closest ATLASGAL 870 micron counterpart
DF870 float Jy Uncertainty of F870
DESIGNATION_1100 char Designation of BGPS 1100 micron counterpart
F1100 double Jy Flux of closest Bolocam 1100 micron counterpart
DF1100 double Jy Uncertainty of F1100
DFWHM250 float arcsec Circularized beam-convolved FWHM of 250 micron source
DIST float kpc Heliocentric distance of source
VLSR double km/s V_LSR
D_FLAG char Distance flag (see documentation)
R_GAL float kpc Galactocentric radius of source
DIAM float pc Source linear diameter
M_LARS float Msun Larson's mass
FIT_TYPE char Fit type flag (see documentation)
EVOL_FLAG int Evolutionary classification flag (see documentation)
MASS float Msun Clump total mass
DMASS float Msun Uncertainty of MASS
TEMP float K Dust temperature of clump
DTEMP float K Uncertainty of TEMP
LAM_0_TK float micron Lambda_0 derived from MBB fit
L_BOL float Lsun Bolometric luminosity
LRATIO float Luminosity ratio: L_BOL/L(>350 microns)
T_BOL float K Bolometric temperature
SURF_DENS float g cm^-2 Surface density