Data Access

PEP PACS Extraction with 24 micron Priors Catalog Definitions


The PACS Evolutionary Probe (PEP, Lutz et al. 2011) is a Herschel guaranteed time deep extragalactic survey (KPGT_dlutz_1) targeting six among the most popular "blank fields", ten lensing clusters of galaxies, and two z ~1 clusters at wavelengths of 100, and 160 microns. PEP includes SPIRE observations of the two z ~1 clusters at wavelengths of 250, 350, and 500 microns. SPIRE coverage of all other fields is available from the HerMES survey (Oliver et al. 2010). In addition, deep SPIRE GOODS-N data are provided by the GOODS-Herschel program (Elbaz et al. 2011).

In addition to the blind catalogs extracted with Starfinder, PEP also provides a catalog obtained using 24 micron position priors and PSF-fitting. The catalogs of priors used for each blank field are listed in Table 16 of the documentation, and are mostly based on an extraction driven by IRAC source positions. Priors extraction of PACS fluxes is obtained following the method described in Magnelli et al. (2009). Users should keep in mind that the error estimate does not take into account confusion noise. PEP recommends to use any flux below 0.6 mJy in the green band and below 2.0 mJy in the red band with care.

Name Intype Units Description
IAU_NAME char IAU Name
Field char PEP field
ID_MIPS_24 char MIPS 24 micron ID number
ra double deg Right Ascension (J2000)
dec double deg Declination (J2000)
FLUX_24 double uJy MIPS 24 micron flux
FLUXERR_24 double uJy Uncertainty in FLUX_24
FLUX_P_070 double mJy PACS 70 micron flux density
FLUXERR_P_070 double mJy Uncertainty in FLUX_070
COVERAGE_P_070 double s/pix Coverage on PACS 70 micron image
FLUX_P_100 double mJy PACS 100 micron flux density
FLUXERR_P_100 double mJy Uncertainty in FLUX_P_100
COVERAGE_P_100 double s/pix Coverage on PACS 100 micron image
FLUX_P_160 double mJy PACS 160 micron flux density
FLUXERR_P_160 double mJy Uncertainty in FLUX_P_160
COVERAGE_P_160 double s/pix Coverage on PACS 160 micron image
CLEAN_INDEX int Bright neighbor flag
FLAG_P_PGH_DETECTION_100 int Flag for detection in the PGH GOODS-S PACS100 maps
FLAG_P_PGH_DETECTION_160 int Flag for detection in the PGH GOODS-S PACS160 maps
FLAG_P_PGH_AREA int Flag for coverage in the PGH GOODS-S maps