== Overview == The accompanying FITS data products contain Herschel SPIRE FTS spectra of fourteen protoplanetary disk objects. A paper has been published (see below) studying the spectral line signal present in the spectra. We expect that the highly processed data products delivered here will be of interest for the dust continuum emission, which is also detected with great accuracy. The highly processed products are corrected, where necessary, for anomalies in the spectral shape of the long-wavelength band (SLW). In addition, contributions to the signal from diffuse dust and gas have been subtracted, leaving the user with signal purely attributable to the compact objects, i.e., the circumstellar disks (and/or jets and stars). A quick-look image showing all spectra included in this data set is included in the pdf image: allspectra_updpsources.pdf . == Download location == http://research.uleth.ca/spire/files/HerschelScienceArchiveUpdp/ == Related papers == Van der Wiel, Naylor, Kamp, et al. (2014, MNRAS 444, 3911–3925) http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stu1462 == Programs and targets == Program GT1_golofs01_4, twelve targets. # target name Herschel obs.id. HD 100546 1342202273 TW Hya 1342210862 HD 142527 1342214821 HD 144432 1342214830 RY Tau 1342214857 HD 104237 1342216876 HD 97048 1342216877 HD 36112 1342216886 AB Aur 1342216887 HD 169142 1342216904 HD 163296 1342216906 HD 100453 1342224748 Program GT2_jbouwman_3, two targets: HD 179218 1342243607 HD 50138 1342245118 == Description of data == Details of the data processing are described and illustrated the MNRAS paper by Van der Wiel et al. (2014), Section 2 and Table 2. Note that this 'user-processed-data-products' release only includes data from the Guaranteed Time programs described in the above paper, and does not include data from the Open Time program OT1_kponto01_1. The data products provided here are identical to those shown in the paper, with the exception of three observations that require a correction for effects of low cryocooler temperature. These three observations (HD104237, HD97048, HD100453) were processed with a preliminary version of the HIPE v13 pipeline (early June 2014), which for the first time includes a systematic correction for the anomalies in the spectral shape of SLW data due to low cryocooler evaporator temperatures at the time of observation. To obtain the spectra presented in the paper, a different post-hoc correction was applied to the HIPE v11 processed data. For the analysis of spectral lines in the published paper, there is no discernible difference between HIPE v11 and v13 products. Since we expect that the products provided here will be used for its dust continuum information, the decision was made to provide products from an unreleased v13 pipeline for the three observations that require a correction for the effects described above. In summary, the following processing steps were applied to the data: 1. Run the default point-source pipeline in HIPE v11, including off-center detectors. * Exception: HD104237, HD97048 and HD100453; preliminary HIPE v13 pipeline (June 2014). * Note, the frequency range of HIPE v13 products is slightly wider than that of HIPE v11 products, but we have truncated the v13 spectra to have spectral coverage consistent with the v11 spectra. 2. Subtract background due to diffuse surrounding medium, using adapted version of the background subtraction script provided in HIPE 11. Spectral smoothing of the representative average background subtraction is *not* applied, with the aim of subtracting not just the diffuse dust continuum emission, but also spatially extended contributions to spectral line emission (e.g., atomic carbon fine structure lines). For HD169142 and HD100453, no significant background is detected by SPIRE's off-center spectra, and the background subtraction was therefore not applied (see Table 2 in the paper). 3. The observation of HD 97048, which was mispointed by ~3.6", has been corrected for the flux lost due to the loss in coupling resulting from the pointing offset. For this purpose, we have used the semiExtendedCorrector task in HIPE 11 with 0.5" source size (truly pointlike, since we do not wish to 'correct' for spatial extent) and a pointing offset of 3.6". The correction affects primarily the short-wavelength (SSW) spectrum, which is scaled by 1.08-1.13. For SLW, the flux lost due to the mispointing is very small (<1%), due to its larger beam size. The accompanying FITS files are named: <obsid>_<sourcename>_<hipe-version>_<bgsub>_<pointcorr>.fits Here, the <bgsub> ('OffSub') and <pointcorr> ('pointCorr') tags are only included for observations where these corrections have been applied. Each file contains the following data. * Spectra for the central detectors in the SPIRE arrays, "SLWC3" and "SSWD4", background-subtracted and, where necessary, corrected as described in steps (1) and (3) above. * Spectra for other detectors, included for completeness. These are the spectra from which the representative background was determined. * Relevant columns in each spectrum dataset are: * "wave", the frequency in GHz; * "flux", flux density in Jy; * "error", 1-sigma uncertainty on flux density, in Jy; an additional absolute calibration uncertainty of 6% should be taken into account (Swinyard et al., 2014, MNRAS, 440, 3658) Because the spectra are unapodized to retain the best possible spectral resolution, any spectral line feature, at R~1000 spectrally unresolved for these targets, is well represented by a Sinc lineshape expected for an FTS.